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1.Which commands can be used to specify the number of histogram steps in systatistics?

A. create index B. optdiag C. update statistics D. reorg E. sp_modifystats

----explain create index可以通过with statistics using num_steps values来指定步长(梯级数),update statistics可以通过using step values来指定步长(梯级数)

2.What are the partition strategies that allow you to addpartitions using alter table? (Choose 2)

A.hash B.list C.range D.roundobin

--explan 仅有范围(range)和列表(list)分区可以增加分区

3.Cursors can now be declared as which of the following?

A. Scrollable B. forward_only C. Backward_only D. non-scrollable E. Insensitive F. semi-sensitive

--explain 声明游标可以通过insensitive和semi_sensitive来指定敏感性(即基础表的更改在游标的使用过程中影响不影响结果集) 可以通过scroll和 no scroll来指定游标是否滚动, 默认为不滚动。不滚动则一行一行顺序获取结果集,滚动则可以通过在 fetch 语句中指定选项 first、last、absolute、next、prior 或 relative,将游标位置设置到游标结果集中的任何位置

4.Which alter table clause will change an APL table to allow row level locking?

A. Lockdatarows B. lock datapages C. lock allpages D. withfillfactor = 1

--explain ASE锁类型 APL(allpage lock)全页锁、 DPL(datapage lock) 页锁和DOL(data only lock)行锁

5.Which of the following are true about using the load databasecommand?(Choose 3)

A. the database must be at least as large as the size of the database dump

B. the database must have been created with the for load option

C. the database must be exactly the same size as the database dump

D. the database must not be in use

E. the database need not exist because load database will create the database

F. The database must not be marked as suspect

--explain:load database 命令会让数据库状态变为脱机,在完成后发出online命令之前,所有人不能使用。load可以在for load数据库进行,也可以在正常数据库进行。经常由于非正常关机等导致数据库成为suspect状态,此时数据库不能被打开,需用dbcc dbrepair或其他方式修复后才能应用

6.Given that thefollowing set of commands are executed in a 2k server:

sp_cacheconfig mycache, 100M, go

sp_poolconfig mycache, 50M, 4K


sp_poolconfig mycache, 10M, 16K, 4K


Which of thefollowing are TRUE? (Choose 2)

A. mycache is 40M

B. 4K buffer pool is 50M

C. 4k buffer pool is 40M

D. 2K buffer pool is 50M

E. no 2K buffer pool

explain:1.先配置100M缓存,默认为2k;2.取出50M来配置4k内存池 ;3从4K内存池中取出10M来配置16K内存池;所以最好2K缓存为50M,4K为40M

7.Which system database is used to store distributedtransaction management data?

A. sybsystemprocs B. model C. Sybsystemdb D. Sybsecurity


8.Which of the following databases is used to store JobScheduler information?

A. sybmigratedb B. sybmgmtdb C. sybsecurity D. sybsystemdb

explain:应用 JobScheduler,需要创建sybmgmtdb 数据库,详见http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c6a61300101eu1n.html

9.Which of the following system databases will be built duringan ASE installation? (Choose 4)

A. master B. model C. sybsyntax D. sybsecurity E. sybsystemdb F. sybsystemprocs

10.Which of the following utility programs are capable of reverse engineering table definitions? (Choose 2)

A. bcp B. ddlgen C. optdiag D. srvbuild E. Sybase Central

11.During the installation, which of the following databases are created on the master device? (Choose 2)

A. dbccdb B. Model C. sybsecurity D. sybsystemprocs E. tempdb

12.Which system database controls the behavior of distributed transactions?

A. master B. sybsecurity C. sybsystemdb D. sybsystemprocs E. tempdb

13.Given that the following commands are successfully executed:

use mydb go

select * into #myusers from sysusers go

In which database does #myusers exist?

A. master B. model C. mydb D. tempdbX

14.Which of the following databases are required for an AdaptiveServer installation? (Choose 2)

A. sybsyntax B. sybsystemdb C. sybmgmtdb D. sybsecurity E. sybsytemprocs F. dbccdb

15.When sizing additional network memory, how many packets does each connection require

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

--explain: 当调整 additional network memory的值的时候,确定调整值的方式参照如下(来源:系统管理员指南)step1 估计同时请求较大的包的用户数目和他们的应用程序请求的大小;step2 将该总和乘以 3,因为每个连接需要 3 个缓冲区;step3 为服务器增加用于开销的内存:32 位服务器增加 2%, 64 位服务器增加 4% ;step4 将该值取整到 2048 的最近倍数

16.Which of the following statements are true regarding procedure cache size? (Choose 3)

A. Procedure cache size is specified as percentage of the available memory.

B. Procedure cache size is specified as absolute value of the available memory.

C. Procedure cache size is a static parameter.

D. Procedure cache size is a dynamic parameter.

E. Procedure cache size is specified in units of logical pages (2, 4, 8, or 16K).

F. Procedure cache size is specified in units of 2k pages

17.Which command can be used with "static options" tolist all the static server configurationoptions?

A. sp_configure B. sp_helpconfig C. sp_monitorconfig D. sp_poolconfig E. sp_dboption

18.To determine if aconfiguration parameter is static or dynamic run __specifying theparameter namE. (Choose 2)

A. sp_help B. sp_configure C. sp_helpconfig D. sp_monitorconfig E. sp_monitor

19.If a transaction places an update lock on a data page, what type of lock will a second

transaction get if it attempts to read the data using a SELECT statement?

A. Another UPDATE lock B. SHARED lock C. EXCLUSIVE lock D. No lock is placed as process will be blocked

20.To allow dirty reads, which of the following should be executed?

21.What is the system stored procedure used to display metadatacache usage statistics?
A. sp_configure B. sp_helpconfig C. sp_cacheconfig D. sp_monitorconfig

22.Which of thefollowing configuration parameters affect the amount of memory required peruser connection? (Choose 2)
A. user log cache size B. heap memory per user C. number of open objects D. max network packet size E. default network packet size

23.Which of the following statements can be run against anallpages table?
A. reorg reclaim_space B. reorg forwarded_rows C. reorg compact D. reorg rebuild

--explain 运行 reorg rebuild 的前提条件 1.将数据库选项 select into/bulkcopy/pllsort 设置为 true。2.确定表使用的是数据页锁定还是数据行锁定方案。3.确保可得到与表及其索引的大小相等的额外磁盘空间。

24.Which of the following commands allow you to specify thepartition? (Choose 3)
A. bcp in B. Insert C. reorg rebuild tablename D. truncate table E. update statistics

--explain ASE15.0增加了BCP对表分区的支持,15.0.2新增了update statistics和truncate table 对表分区的支持。语法分别如下
update statistics table_name
[[partition data_partition_name] [(column_list)] |
index_name [partition index_partition_name]]
[using step values]
[with consumers = consumers][, sampling=N percent]

truncate table [[database.]owner.]table_name
[partition partition_name]

bcp [[database_name.]owner.]table_name [: partition_id | slice_number
[partition partition_name] {in | out} [datafile]
[-a display_charset]

25.___ represents the average amount of repeated data in acolumn

A. Cluster ratio B. Total density C. Histogram weight D. Rangeselectivity
explain optdiag statistics 报告会输出 Total density的信息,用来报告整个列中重复值的平均数,优化器他把用做评估一次连接中表扫描有多少返回行

26.Given the followingpartial histogram from optdiag, what percentage of the rows for thiscolumn havea value of 500.00?

Step Weight Value
1 0.00000000 <0.00
2 0.36899999 = 0.00
3 0.00000000 <1000.00
4 0.07100000 =1000.00
5 0.00000000 <2000.00
6 0.06580000 =2000.00
A. 0.0% B. 36.9% C. 7.1% D. 6.6%


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