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!!!Chapter 3 The Data Link Layer

2013-12-12 02:33 363 查看

3.1 Data Link Layer Design Issues

Providing a well-defined service interface to the network layer.
Dealing with transmission errors.
Regulating the flow of data so that slow receivers are not swamped by fast senders.
The data link layer takes the packets it gets from the network layer and encapsulate them intoframes for transmission.

A frame contains a frame header, a payload field and a frame trailer.

3.1.1 Services Provided to the Network Layer


(1) 无确认的无连接服务 Unacknowledged connectionless service:


(2)有确认的无连接服务 Acknowledged connectionless service:

(3)有确认的面向连接的服务 Acknowledged connection-oriented service:

3.1.2 Framing

Byte count
Flag bytes with byte stuffing
Flag bits with bit stuffing
Physical layer coding violation

3.1.3 Error Control


3.1.4 Flow Control


3.2 Error Detection and Correction

Error-correcting codes: include enough redundant information to enable the receiver to deduce what the transmitted data must have been.
Error-detecting codes: include enough only enough redundancy to allow the receiver to deduce that an error has occurred and have it request a retransmission.

3.3 Elementary Data Link Protocols

The physical layer process and some of the data link layer process run on dedicate hardware called aNIC (Network Interface Card) 网卡

The rest of the link layer process and the network layer process run on the main CPU as part of the operating system, with the software for the link layer process often taking the form of a device driver.  驱动程序



               to_physical_layer();               //用于发送帧

               from_physical_layer();             //用于接收帧


               wait_for_event(&event);          //等待事件发生(如帧的到来),event返回发生事情。


               from_network_layer();             //接收从网络层来的分组

               to_network_layer();                 //将分组返回给网络层


             #define MAX_PKT 1024                                                //分组最大长度

             typedef unsigned int seq_nr;                                        //给帧编号

             typedef enum {false,true} boolean;

             typedef struct {unsigned char data[MAX_PKT];}packet;//分组数据结构

             typedef enum{data,ack,nak}frame_kind;                       //帧类型

             typedef struct{

                 frame_kind kind;

                 seq_nr seq;

                 seq_nr ack;

                 packet info;

             }frame;                                                                         //帧的数据结构

Utopian simplex protocol
simplex stop-and-wait protocol for an error-free channel

3.4 Sliding Window Protocols

piggybacking(捎带): The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing acknowledgements so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame.



滑动窗口(sliding window)协议:每一个要发出的帧都包含一个序号,范围从0到某个最大值(通常是

window)之内。接收过程也维持一个接收窗口(receiving window),对应一组允许接收的帧。
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