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How to make big and good

2013-12-09 18:34 302 查看
People are bad at looking at seeds and guessing what size tree will grow out of them. The way you'll get big ideas in, say, health care is by starting out with small ideas.
If you try to do some big thing, you don't just need it to be big; you need it to be good. And it's really hard to do big and good simultaneously. So, what that means is you can either do something small and good and then gradually make it bigger, or do something
big and bad and gradually make it better. And you know what? Empirically, starting big just does not work. That's the way the government does things. They do something really big that's really bad, and they think, Well, we'll make it better, and then it never
gets better. -- Paul Graham, Building
Fast Companies for Growth, Inc. September 2013


-- 保罗·格雷汉姆, Building
Fast Companies for Growth, Inc. September 2013




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