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2013-12-04 21:25 411 查看

然而,现实是你的软件如果是受到了内存限制,需要做的是花钱优化它而不是尝试获取更好的硬件(原文:in the real world your software will once reach a point where it makes sense to spend money in its optimization rather than trying to obtain an even better hardware)(目前你可以获取到的最好的商业服务器是64G内存),此时你不得不分析你的应用程序来找出是哪个数据结构消耗了大部份的内存。对于这种分析任务,最好的工具就是一个好的性能分析工具,但是你可以在刚开始的时候,使用分析你代码中的对象这种用廉价的方式。这篇文章描述了使用基于Oracle



//获取字节对象中非静态方法的偏移量(get offset of a non-static field in the object in bytes
public native long objectFieldOffset(java.lang.reflect.Field field);
//获取数组中第一个元素的偏移量(get offset of a first element in the array)
public native int arrayBaseOffset(java.lang.Class aClass);
//获取数组中一个元素的大小(get size of an element in the array)
public native int arrayIndexScale(java.lang.Class aClass);
//获取JVM中的地址值(get address size for your JVM)
public native int addressSize();



Field.getModifiers() & Modifiers.STATIC

,数组的整个shallow大小将会是 当前数组的偏移量+每个数组的大小*数组的长度(
原文是:offset + scale * Array.getLength(array)


reference size is quite a virtual value),它可能是4个字节或者是8个字节,这个取决于你的JVM设置以及给了多少内存给JVM,针对32G以上的堆,它就总是8个字节,但是针对小一点的堆就是4个字节除非你在JVM设置里关掉设置
 Object[].class )


A small implementation note on 4 byte references on under 32G heaps. A normal 4 byte pointer could addressany byte in 4G address space. If we will assume that all allocated objects will be aligned by 8 bytes boundary, we won’t
need 3 lowest bits in our 32 bit pointers anymore (these bits will always be equal to zeroes). This means that we can store 35 bit addresses in 32 bit value:)

32_bit_reference = ( int ) ( actual_64_bit_pointer >> 3 )
35位允许寻址 32位*8=4G*8=32G地址空间。



2、你必须要小心 - 内省方法(introspection method)只接受对象作为字段值,因此你最终可能处在无限循环中:整型打包成整数,以便传递到内省的方法。里面你会发现一个Integer.value字段,并尝试再次内省了 - 瞧,你又回到了开始的地方!

3、要内省(introspect)对象数组中所有非空的值 - 这仅仅是间接的对象图中的外部level(原文:this is just an extra level of indirection in the object graph)

)方法,它会返回一个ObjectInfo对象,这个对象与你的“根‘对象有关,这个对象将指向它的所有子项,我想这可能是足够的打印其toString方法的结果和/或调用ObjectInfo.getDeepSize方法(原文:I think it may be sufficient to print its
method result and/or to call







import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
 * This class could be used for any object contents/memory layout printing.
public class ClassIntrospector
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException {
        final ClassIntrospector ci = new ClassIntrospector();
        final Map<String, BigDecimal> map = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>( 10);
        map.put( "one", BigDecimal.ONE );
        map.put( "zero", BigDecimal.ZERO );
        map.put( "ten", BigDecimal.TEN );
        final ObjectInfo res;
        res = ci.introspect( "0123456789012345678901234567" );
        //res = ci.introspect( new TestObjChild() );
        //res = ci.introspect(map);
        //res = ci.introspect( new String[] { "str1", "str2" } );
        //res = ci.introspect(ObjectInfo.class);
        //res = ci.introspect( new TestObj() );
        System.out.println( res.getDeepSize() );
        System.out.println( res );
    /** First test object - testing various arrays and complex objects */
    private static class TestObj
        protected final String[] strings = { "str1", "str2" };
        protected final int[] ints = { 14, 16 };
        private final Integer i = 28;
        protected final BigDecimal bigDecimal = BigDecimal.ONE;
        public String toString() {
            return "TestObj{" +
                    "strings=" + (strings == null ? null : Arrays.asList(strings)) +
                    ", ints=" + Arrays.toString( ints ) +
                    ", i=" + i +
                    ", bigDecimal=" + bigDecimal +
    /** Test class 2 - testing inheritance */
    private static class TestObjChild extends TestObj
        private final boolean[] flags = { true, true, false };
        private final boolean flag = false;
        public String toString() {
            return "TestObjChild{" +
                    "flags=" + Arrays.toString( flags ) +
                    ", flag=" + flag +
    private static final Unsafe unsafe;
    /** Size of any Object reference */
    private static final int objectRefSize;
            Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
            unsafe = (Unsafe)field.get(null);
            objectRefSize = unsafe.arrayIndexScale( Object[].class );
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
    /** Sizes of all primitive values */
    private static final Map<Class, Integer> primitiveSizes;
        primitiveSizes = new HashMap<Class, Integer>( 10 );
        primitiveSizes.put( byte.class, 1 );
        primitiveSizes.put( char.class, 2 );
        primitiveSizes.put( int.class, 4 );
        primitiveSizes.put( long.class, 8 );
        primitiveSizes.put( float.class, 4 );
        primitiveSizes.put( double.class, 8 );
        primitiveSizes.put( boolean.class, 1 );
     * Get object information for any Java object. Do not pass primitives to this method because they
     * will boxed and the information you will get will be related to a boxed version of your value.
     * @param obj Object to introspect
     * @return Object info
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public ObjectInfo introspect( final Object obj ) throws IllegalAccessException
            return introspect( obj, null );
        finally { //clean visited cache before returning in order to make this object reusable
    //we need to keep track of already visited objects in order to support cycles in the object graphs
    private IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean> m_visited = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean>( 100 );
    private ObjectInfo introspect( final Object obj, final Field fld ) throws IllegalAccessException
        //use Field type only if the field contains null. In this case we will at least know what's expected to be
        //stored in this field. Otherwise, if a field has interface type, we won't see what's really stored in it.
        //Besides, we should be careful about primitives, because they are passed as boxed values in this method
        //(first arg is object) - for them we should still rely on the field type.
        boolean isPrimitive = fld != null && fld.getType().isPrimitive();
        boolean isRecursive = false; //will be set to true if we have already seen this object
        if ( !isPrimitive )
            if ( m_visited.containsKey( obj ) )
                isRecursive = true;
            m_visited.put( obj, true );
        final Class type = ( fld == null || ( obj != null && !isPrimitive) ) ?
                obj.getClass() : fld.getType();
        int arraySize = 0;
        int baseOffset = 0;
        int indexScale = 0;
        if ( type.isArray() && obj != null )
            baseOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset( type );
            indexScale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale( type );
            arraySize = baseOffset + indexScale * Array.getLength( obj );
        final ObjectInfo root;
        if ( fld == null )
            root = new ObjectInfo( "", type.getCanonicalName(), getContents( obj, type ), 0, getShallowSize( type ),
                    arraySize, baseOffset, indexScale );
            final int offset = ( int ) unsafe.objectFieldOffset( fld );
            root = new ObjectInfo( fld.getName(), type.getCanonicalName(), getContents( obj, type ), offset,
                    getShallowSize( type ), arraySize, baseOffset, indexScale );
        if ( !isRecursive && obj != null )
            if ( isObjectArray( type ) )
                //introspect object arrays
                final Object[] ar = ( Object[] ) obj;
                for ( final Object item : ar )
                    if ( item != null )
                        root.addChild( introspect( item, null ) );
                for ( final Field field : getAllFields( type ) )
                    if ( ( field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC ) != 0 )
                    field.setAccessible( true );
                    root.addChild( introspect( field.get( obj ), field ) );
        root.sort(); //sort by offset
        return root;
    //get all fields for this class, including all superclasses fields
    private static List<Field> getAllFields( final Class type )
        if ( type.isPrimitive() )
            return Collections.emptyList();
        Class cur = type;
        final List<Field> res = new ArrayList<Field>( 10 );
        while ( true )
            Collections.addAll( res, cur.getDeclaredFields() );
            if ( cur == Object.class )
            cur = cur.getSuperclass();
        return res;
    //check if it is an array of objects. I suspect there must be a more API-friendly way to make this check.
    private static boolean isObjectArray( final Class type )
        if ( !type.isArray() )
            return false;
        if ( type == byte[].class || type == boolean[].class || type == char[].class || type == short[].class ||
            type == int[].class || type == long[].class || type == float[].class || type == double[].class )
            return false;
        return true;
    //advanced toString logic
    private static String getContents( final Object val, final Class type )
        if ( val == null )
            return "null";
        if ( type.isArray() )
            if ( type == byte[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( byte[] ) val );
            else if ( type == boolean[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( boolean[] ) val );
            else if ( type == char[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( char[] ) val );
            else if ( type == short[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( short[] ) val );
            else if ( type == int[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( int[] ) val );
            else if ( type == long[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( long[] ) val );
            else if ( type == float[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( float[] ) val );
            else if ( type == double[].class )
                return Arrays.toString( ( double[] ) val );
                return Arrays.toString( ( Object[] ) val );
        return val.toString();
    //obtain a shallow size of a field of given class (primitive or object reference size)
    private static int getShallowSize( final Class type )
        if ( type.isPrimitive() )
            final Integer res = primitiveSizes.get( type );
            return res != null ? res : 0;
            return objectRefSize;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
 * This class contains object info generated by ClassIntrospector tool
public class ObjectInfo {
    /** Field name */
    public final String name;
    /** Field type name */
    public final String type;
    /** Field data formatted as string */
    public final String contents;
    /** Field offset from the start of parent object */
    public final int offset;
    /** Memory occupied by this field */
    public final int length;
    /** Offset of the first cell in the array */
    public final int arrayBase;
    /** Size of a cell in the array */
    public final int arrayElementSize;
    /** Memory occupied by underlying array (shallow), if this is array type */
    public final int arraySize;
    /** This object fields */
    public final List<ObjectInfo> children;
    public ObjectInfo(String name, String type, String contents, int offset, int length, int arraySize,
    int arrayBase, int arrayElementSize)
        this.name = name;
        this.type = type;
        this.contents = contents;
        this.offset = offset;
        this.length = length;
        this.arraySize = arraySize;
        this.arrayBase = arrayBase;
        this.arrayElementSize = arrayElementSize;
        children = new ArrayList<ObjectInfo>( 1 );
    public void addChild( final ObjectInfo info )
        if ( info != null )
            children.add( info );
    * Get the full amount of memory occupied by a given object. This value may be slightly less than
    * an actual value because we don't worry about memory alignment - possible padding after the last object field.
    * The result is equal to the last field offset + last field length + all array sizes + all child objects deep sizes
    * @return Deep object size
    public long getDeepSize()
        return length + arraySize + getUnderlyingSize( arraySize != 0 );
    private long getUnderlyingSize( final boolean isArray )
        long size = 0;
        for ( final ObjectInfo child : children )
            size += child.arraySize + child.getUnderlyingSize( child.arraySize != 0 );
        if ( !isArray && !children.isEmpty() )
            size += children.get( children.size() - 1 ).offset + children.get( children.size() - 1 ).length;
        return size;
    private static final class OffsetComparator implements Comparator<ObjectInfo>
        public int compare( final ObjectInfo o1, final ObjectInfo o2 )
            return o1.offset - o2.offset; //safe because offsets are small non-negative numbers
    //sort all children by their offset
    public void sort()
        Collections.sort( children, new OffsetComparator() );
    public String toString() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        toStringHelper( sb, 0 );
        return sb.toString();
    private void toStringHelper( final StringBuilder sb, final int depth )
        depth( sb, depth ).append("name=").append( name ).append(", type=").append( type )
            .append( ", contents=").append( contents ).append(", offset=").append( offset )
            .append(", length=").append( length );
        if ( arraySize > 0 )
            sb.append(", arrayBase=").append( arrayBase );
            sb.append(", arrayElemSize=").append( arrayElementSize );
            sb.append( ", arraySize=").append( arraySize );
        for ( final ObjectInfo child : children )
            sb.append( '\n' );
            child.toStringHelper(sb, depth + 1);
    private StringBuilder depth( final StringBuilder sb, final int depth )
        for ( int i = 0; i < depth; ++i )
            sb.append( '\t' );
        return sb;

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