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String Matching

2013-12-02 17:49 337 查看
题目1094:String Matching时间限制:1 秒内存限制:32 兆特殊判题:否提交:865解决:446题目描述:    Finding all occurrences of a pattern in a text is a problem that arises frequently in text-editing programs.     Typically,the text is a document being edited,and the pattern searched for is a particular word supplied by the user.      We assume that the text is an array T[1..n] of length n and that the pattern is an array P[1..m] of length m<=n.We further assume that the elements of P and  T are all alphabets(∑={a,b...,z}).The character arrays P and T are often called strings of characters.      We say that pattern P occurs with shift s in the text T if 0<=s<=n and T[s+1..s+m] = P[1..m](that is if T[s+j]=P[j],for 1<=j<=m).      If P occurs with shift s in T,then we call s a valid shift;otherwise,we calls a invalid shift.     Your task is to calculate the number of vald shifts for the given text T and p attern P.输入:   For each case, there are two strings T and P on a line,separated by a single space.You may assume both the length of T and P will not exceed 10^6. 输出:    You should output a number on a separate line,which indicates the number of valid shifts for the given text T and pattern P.样例输入:
abababab abab
#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){int i,j,t;string s,ss;while(cin>>s>>ss){j=s.size();for(i=t=0;i<j;++t){if(s.find(ss,i)!=string::npos) i=s.find(ss,i)+1;else break;}cout<<t<<endl;}return 0;}/**************************************************************Problem: 1094User: 3011216016Language: C++Result: AcceptedTime:170 msMemory:3052 kb****************************************************************/
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标签:  c++ acm