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poj 3074 Sudoku

2013-11-30 14:25 316 查看
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 7613 Accepted: 2696

In the game of Sudoku, you are given a large 9 × 9 grid divided into smaller 3 × 3 subgrids. For example,

Given some of the numbers in the grid, your goal is to determine the remaining numbers such that the numbers 1 through 9 appear exactly once in (1) each of nine 3 × 3 subgrids, (2) each of the nine rows, and (3) each of the nine columns.


The input test file will contain multiple cases. Each test case consists of a single line containing 81 characters, which represent the 81 squares of the Sudoku grid, given one row at a time. Each character is either a digit (from 1 to 9) or a period (used
to indicate an unfilled square). You may assume that each puzzle in the input will have exactly one solution. The end-of-file is denoted by a single line containing the word “end”.


For each test case, print a line representing the completed Sudoku puzzle.

Sample Input

Sample Output


Stanford Local 2006





using namespace std;
const int tmp[9][9] = {{0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2},
int Int(){
char ch;int tmp = 0;
while (ch = getchar()) if (ch >= '0' && ch <='9') break;
for (; ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'; ch = getchar()) tmp = tmp * 10 + ch - '0';
return tmp;
int tmp1[9], tmp2[9], tmp3[9];
int a[9][9];
int ans[9][9];
bool ok;
int num[1 << 12];
void init(){
memset(tmp1, 0, sizeof(tmp1));
memset(tmp2, 0, sizeof(tmp2));
memset(tmp3, 0, sizeof(tmp3));
memset(ans, 0, sizeof(ans));
memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
ok = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j ++){
char ch = 0;
while (ch = getchar()){
if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') break;
if (ch == 'e') exit(0);
if (ch != '.') a[i][j] = ch - '0';
if (a[i][j]){
ans[i][j] = a[i][j];
tmp1[i] ^= (1 << a[i][j] - 1);
tmp2[j] ^= (1 << a[i][j] - 1);
tmp3[tmp[i][j]] ^= (1 << a[i][j] - 1);
int find_next(int &x, int &y){
x = 9, y = 0;
int mini = 99999;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j ++)
if (ans[i][j] == 0 && num[(511 ^ tmp1[i]) & (511 ^ tmp2[j]) & (511 ^ tmp3[tmp[i][j]])] < mini){
x = i, y = j;
mini = num[(511 ^ tmp1[i]) & (511 ^ tmp2[j]) & (511 ^ tmp3[tmp[i][j]])];
void dfs(int x, int y){
if (ok)return;
if (a[x][y]){
int xx = 0, yy = 0;
find_next(xx, yy);
dfs(xx, yy);
if (x == 9 && y == 0){
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++){
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j ++)
cout <<ans[i][j] ;
cout <<endl;
ok = true;
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++)
if (!(tmp1[x] & (1 << i - 1)) && !(tmp2[y] & (1 << i - 1)) && !(tmp3[tmp[x][y]] & (1 << i - 1))){
ans[x][y] = i;
tmp1[x] ^= (1 << i - 1);
tmp2[y] ^= (1 << i - 1);
tmp3[tmp[x][y]] ^= (1 << i - 1);
int xx = 0, yy = 0;
find_next(xx, yy);
dfs(xx, yy);
ans[x][y] = 0;
tmp1[x] ^= (1 << i - 1);
tmp2[y] ^= (1 << i - 1);
tmp3[tmp[x][y]] ^= (1 << i - 1);
int main(){
for (int i = 0; i <= 512; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j ++)
if (i & (1 << j)) num[i] ++;
while (1){
dfs(0, 0);
return 0;
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标签:  dfs 剪枝