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cocos2d-X 节点(UILayer.h)API

2013-11-25 22:04 399 查看
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cocos2d-X 节点(UILayer.h)API

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获取 UIInputManager,添加/移除 widget,设置 UILayer

// 获取 UIInputManager,添加/移除 widget ,设置 UILayer 的可见 性

#ifndef __UILAYER_H__
#define __UILAYER_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "ExtensionMacros.h"
#include "../BaseClasses/UIRootWidget.h"
#include "../System/UIInputManager.h"


class UILayer : public Layer

* Default constructor

* Default destructor
virtual ~UILayer();

* Allocates and initializes a widget.
static UILayer *create(void);

//initializes state of uilayer.         //初始化 uilayer 的状态
virtual bool init();

virtual void onEnter();
virtual void onExit();
virtual void onEnterTransitionDidFinish();

virtual bool onTouchBegan(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent);
virtual void onTouchMoved(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent);
virtual void onTouchEnded(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent);
virtual void onTouchCancelled(Touch *pTouch, Event *pEvent);

* Add a widget to UILayer, for drawing.                //为绘制添加一个 eidget 到 UILayer
* @param widget.
void addWidget(UIWidget* widget);

* Remove a widget from UILayer.
* @param widget.
* @param cleanup true 所有 children widgets 运行的 所有 action 都将 删除, false otherwise.
void removeWidget(UIWidget* widget);

* Sets whether the UILayer is visible                          可见
* 默认值是 true ,默认可见
* @param visible   true if the UILayer is visible, false if the UILayer is hidden.
virtual void setVisible(bool visible);

* Finds a widget whose tag is equal tag param from widget tree.        //从 widget 树上查找 tag 等于输入参数的 widget
* @param tag.
UIWidget* getWidgetByTag(int tag);

* Seek a widget whose name is equal name param from widget tree.       //从 widget 树上查找 name 等于输入参数的 widget
* @param name.
UIWidget* getWidgetByName(const char* name);

* Gets UIInputManager.
* UIInputManager 管理 UILayer 的触摸.
* @return UIInputManager.
UIInputManager* getInputManager();

* Remove and clean up all of UILayer's widget.             //移除并清理所有的  UILayer's widget.
virtual void clear();

* Gets root widget of UILayer.
* @return UIRootWidget, "UIRootWidget" is the root widget of UILayer.
UIRootWidget* getRootWidget();

UIRootWidget* _rootWidget;
UIInputManager* _inputManager;


#endif /* defined(__UILAYER_H__) */
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