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cocos2d-X 节点(UIListView.h)API

2013-11-25 21:27 621 查看
本文来自http://blog.csdn.net/runaying ,引用必须注明出处!

cocos2d-X 节点(UIListView.h)API

温馨提醒:为了大家能更好学习,强烈推荐大家看看本人的这篇博客 Cocos2d-X权威指南笔记

这是一个列表视图,它 定义了 view列表方向、 view列表滚动方向、view列表事件类型,提供了一些常用方法
//这是一个列表视图,它 定义了 view 列表方向、 view 列表滚动方向、view 列表事件类型 ,提供了一些常用方法

#ifndef __UILISTVIEW_H__
#define __UILISTVIEW_H__

/* gui mark */
#include "../../Layouts/Layout.h"


*  list view direction                     //view 列表方向
typedef enum LISTVIEW_DIR

*  list view scroll direction                 // view 列表滚动方向
typedef enum LISTVIEW_MOVE_DIR
//view 列表事件类型
typedef enum

*  list view event         view 列表事件
typedef void (Object::*SEL_ListViewEvent)(Object*, ListViewEventType);
#define listvieweventselector(_SELECTOR)(SEL_ListViewEvent)(&_SELECTOR)

class UIListView : public Layout
virtual ~UIListView();
static UIListView* create();

*  add widget child override               //添加 Widget child 重写
virtual bool addChild(UIWidget* widget);
*  remove all widget children override       //  移除所有 widget chld 重写
virtual void removeAllChildren();
*  remove widget child override        //  移除 widget chld 重写
virtual bool removeChild(UIWidget* child);

virtual bool onTouchBegan(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void onTouchMoved(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void onTouchEnded(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void onTouchCancelled(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void onTouchLongClicked(const Point &touchPoint);

*  set and get direction               //设置方向
void setDirection(ListViewDirection dir);
ListViewDirection getDirection();

*  initialze data length
*  and create children with parameter length                   //使用 length 参数创建 children
void initChildWithDataLength(int length);
*  get data length             //获取数据长度
int getDataLength();

*  update child function whetn trigger update child event      //触发更新 child 事件后更新 child 函数
*  get update widget child             //获取 widget child更新
UIWidget* getUpdateChild();
*  get update data index               //设置更新数据索引
int getUpdateDataIndex();
*  get and set update success or not                           //获取/设置是否更新成功
bool getUpdateSuccess();
void setUpdateSuccess(bool sucess);

*  add event call-back function                    //添加回调函数事件
*  add event
void addEventListenter(cocos2d::Object* target, SEL_ListViewEvent selector);

/* gui mark */
*  get and set degree range for checking move or not with scrolling        //设置范围(度)来检查移动、滑动
virtual void update(float dt);

* Returns the "class name" of widget.          //返回 widget 的名字
virtual const char* getDescription() const;
virtual bool init();

virtual void onSizeChanged();

void setMoveDirection(ListViewMoveDirection dir);
ListViewMoveDirection getMoveDirection();

virtual void resetProperty();

virtual void handlePressLogic(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void handleMoveLogic(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void handleReleaseLogic(const Point &touchPoint);
virtual void interceptTouchEvent(int handleState,UIWidget* sender,const Point &touchPoint);
/* gui mark */                      //标志
//    virtual bool isInScrollDegreeRange(UIWidget* widget);
virtual void checkChildInfo(int handleState,UIWidget* sender,const Point &touchPoint);

void moveChildren(float offset);
virtual bool scrollChildren(float touchOffset);
void autoScrollChildren(float dt);
float getCurAutoScrollDistance(float time);
void startAutoScrollChildren(float v);
void stopAutoScrollChildren();
void recordSlidTime(float dt);
void startRecordSlidAction();
virtual void endRecordSlidAction();

UIWidget* getCheckPositionChild();
UIWidget* getChildFromUpdatePool();
void pushChildToPool();
void getAndCallback();

void setUpdateChild(UIWidget* child);
void setUpdateDataIndex(int index);
void clearCollectOverArray();
void collectOverTopChild();
void collectOverBottomChild();
void collectOverLeftChild();
void collectOverRightChild();
void setLoopPosition();
void updateChild();

void initChildEvent();
void updateChildEvent();

virtual void setClippingEnabled(bool able){Layout::setClippingEnabled(able);};
ListViewDirection _direction;
ListViewMoveDirection _moveDirection;

float _touchStartLocation;
float _touchEndLocation;
float _touchMoveStartLocation;
float _topBoundary;//test
float _bottomBoundary;//test
float _leftBoundary;
float _rightBoundary;

bool _autoScroll;

float _autoScrollOriginalSpeed;
float _autoScrollAcceleration;

bool _bePressed;
float _slidTime;
Point _moveChildPoint;
float _childFocusCancelOffset;

Object* _eventListener;
SEL_ListViewEvent _eventSelector;

Array* _childPool;
Array* _updatePool;

int _dataLength;
int _begin;
int _end;
UIWidget* _updateChild;
int _updateDataIndex;
bool _updateSuccess;

Array* _overTopArray;
Array* _overBottomArray;
Array* _overLeftArray;
Array* _overRightArray;

float _disBoundaryToChild_0;
float _disBetweenChild;

/* gui mark */                      //标志
float _scrollDegreeRange;


#endif /* defined(__Test__UIListView__) */
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