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Can a C++ class have an object of self type?

2013-11-25 20:15 661 查看
  A class declaration can contain static object of self type,it can also have pointer to self type,but it can not have a non-static object of self type。


// A class can have a static member of self type

using namespace std;

class Test
static Test self;  // works fine

/* other stuff in class*/


int main()
Test t;
return 0;


// A class can have a pointer to self type

using namespace std;

class Test
Test *self;  // works fine

/* other stuff in class*/


int main()
Test t;
return 0;

  但是,下面的程序会产生编译错误"field `self’ has incomplete type“。

  在VC 6.0下会产生编译错误"error C2460: 'self' : uses 'Test', which is being defined"。

// A class can not have a non-static member of self type

using namespace std;

class Test
Test self;  // works fine

/* other stuff in class*/


int main()
Test t;
return 0;

  If a non-static object is member then declaration of class is incomplete and compiler has no way to find out size of the objects of the class.



  static variables do not contribute to the size of objects. So no problem in calculating size with static variables of self type.

  由于类的对象的大小是由non-static数据成员构成的,当然, 这里仅仅是无继承的、无虚函数的类。所以static数据成员不构成类的对象的大小,因此,当类的声明中包含有该类的static objects时是没有问题的。

  For a compiler, all pointers have a fixed size irrespective of the data type they are pointing to, so no problem with this also.



  Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.


  2013-11-25  20:14:30
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