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2013-11-22 19:16 260 查看

select * from studentinfo;


select studentName,studentaddr,studentTel from studentInfo;


select studentName as 姓名,studentAddr as 地址 ,studentTel 电话 from studentInfo;



select * from studentInfo where studentsex = 1;

select * from studentInfo where studentsex = 1 and studentName = '李四';

select * from studentInfo where studentsex = 1 and (studentName = '李四' or studentName = '张三');


select * from studentInfo where studentName <> '张三';

select * from studentInfo where studentName != '张三';


select * from scoreinfo where score >= 80;

select * from scoreinfo where score > 80 or score < 60;

select * from scoreinfo where score <= 80 and score >=60;

select * from scoreinfo where score between 60 and 80;


select * from studentInfo where studentTel is null;

select * from studentInfo where studentTel is not null;


select * from king_orders where shipdate is null;


select * from king_customer where  referred is not null;

--in 使用--

select * from scoreInfo where courseid in('001','002');

select * from scoreInfo where courseid in('001','002','sdfs');

select * from scoreInfo where courseid in('345345','123');

--in 使用--

select * from scoreInfo where courseid not in('001','002');

select * from scoreInfo where courseid in('001','002','sdfs');

select * from scoreInfo where courseid in('345345','123');

--any 使用--

select * from scoreInfo where score >any (50,60,70);

--all 使用--

select * from scoreInfo where score >all (50,60,70);


select * from studentInfo where studentName like '张%';

select * from studentInfo where studentName not like '张%';


select * from king_books where title like '%$_%' ESCAPE '$';

select * from studentInfo where studentNo = '&s';

--排序  永远都是最后一个字句--

select * from studentInfo order by studentName;

select * from studentInfo order by studentName asc;

select * from studentInfo order by studentbirth desc;

select * from studentInfo where 1=1 order by studentsex desc,studentTel desc;


select studentno,courseID,score+20 from scoreInfo where courseid = '003';

select studentno,courseID,score+20 from scoreInfo where courseid = '003' and score+20<100;

select * from scoreInfo order by score+20;

select studentNo||':'||studentName from studentInfo;


select * from king_books where (retail-costing)/costing>0.5;



select sysdate from dual;

select add_months(sysdate, -5) from dual;

select months_between(sysdate,'22-7月-13') from dual;

select last_day(sysdate) from dual;


select ltrim('   呵呵') from dual;

select '    呵呵     ' from dual;

select rtrim('呵呵   ') from dual;


select trim('    呵呵    ')from dual;

select replace('jack and jue','j','bl') from dual;

--len   length --

select length('tingshuozifuchuanhenchang') from dual;

select substr('sdfsdfsdf',3,4) from dual;
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标签:  oracle