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2013-11-22 11:09 260 查看
/* // TEMPLATE FUNCTION find_first_of template<class _FwdIt1, 	class _FwdIt2> inline 	_FwdIt1 _Find_first_of(_FwdIt1 _First1, _FwdIt1 _Last1, 		_FwdIt2 _First2, _FwdIt2 _Last2) 	{	// look for one of [_First2, _Last2) that matches element 	_DEBUG_RANGE(_First1, _Last1); 	_DEBUG_RANGE(_First2, _Last2); 	for (; _First1 != _Last1; ++_First1) 		for (_FwdIt2 _Mid2 = _First2; _Mid2 != _Last2; ++_Mid2) 			if (*_First1 == *_Mid2) 				return (_First1); 	return (_First1); 	}  template<class _FwdIt1, 	class _FwdIt2> inline 	_FwdIt1 find_first_of(_FwdIt1 _First1, _FwdIt1 _Last1, 		_FwdIt2 _First2, _FwdIt2 _Last2) 	{	// look for one of [_First2, _Last2) that matches element 	_DEBUG_RANGE(_First1, _Last1); 	_DEBUG_RANGE(_First2, _Last2); 	_ASSIGN_FROM_BASE(_First1, 		_Find_first_of(_CHECKED_BASE(_First1), _CHECKED_BASE(_Last1), 			_CHECKED_BASE(_First2), _CHECKED_BASE(_Last2))); 	return _First1; 	}  	*/   //*********************by vincent http://my.csdn.net/sunboyiris  ************************// #include "stdafx.h" #include "algorithm" #include "iostream" using namespace std;  int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {  char*s1="with";  char*s2="he standard string class provides support for such objects with an interface";  cout<<find_first_of(s1,s1+strlen(s1),s2,s2+strlen(s2))<<endl;  return 0; }
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标签:  algorithm