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周赛问题 福州 A - Who is Older?

2013-11-18 22:14 387 查看
DescriptionJavaman and cpcs are arguing who is older. Write a program to help them.InputThere are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T (0 <T <= 1000) indicating the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow. Thei-th line of the next T lines contains two dates, the birthday of javaman and the birthday of cpcs. The format of the date is "yyyy mm dd". You may assume the birthdays are both valid.OutputFor each test case, output who is older in a single line. If they have the same birthday, output "same" (without quotes) instead.Sample Input
1983 06 06 1984 05 02
1983 05 07 1980 02 29
1991 01 01 1991 01 01
Sample Output
#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){int n;cin>>n;while(n--){int a,b,c;int a1,b1,c1;cin>>a>>b>>c;cin>>a1>>b1>>c1;if(a>a1){cout<<"cpcs"<<endl;continue;}else if(a<a1){cout<<"javaman"<<endl;continue;}else{if(b>b1){cout<<"cpcs"<<endl;continue;}else if(b<b1){cout<<"javaman"<<endl;continue;}else{if(c>c1)cout<<"cpcs"<<endl;else if(c<c1){cout<<"javaman"<<endl;}elsecout<<"same"<<endl;}}}return 0;}
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