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InstallShield 为卸载程序添加快捷方式

2013-11-14 23:01 281 查看
Installshield 2009 (Installshield2008)创建windows常规安装文件的卸载快捷方式
2009/08/06 03:39 A.M.
-Creating Uninstallation Shortcuts for Basic MSI Projects

使用InstallShield 2009为了给新软件创建一个卸载快捷方式,本来一个小事情,却在网上找了半天的说明资料也没能试成功,原因是那些说明大多都是基于Installshield早期版本的(也可能是偶的方法不对-_-~~),后来在Installshield自带的帮助文件中搜索,发现其实创建卸载快捷方式很简单。说简单点就是先创建一个快捷方式,然后分别将Arguments、Target
分别设为:/x [ProductCode]、 [SystemFolder]msiexec.exe,下面是Installshield

This information applies to Basic MSI projects.
According to current Microsoft Certified for Windows Vista guidelines, best practice is to not place shortcuts to
remove the application in the Start menu. An uninstallation shortcut is unnecessary because your application’s uninstaller is in Add or Remove Programs.

To create an uninstallation shortcut:
1. Open the Shortcuts view.

2.In the Shortcuts explorer, right-click the destination directory that should contain the uninstallation shortcut, and then click
New Shortcut to Preexisting file. InstallShield adds a new shortcut with the default name
NewShortcutN (where N is a successive number).
(2.在快捷方式浏览页(右页),在想要创建卸载快捷方式的目录上单击右键,并选择“New Shortcut to Preexisting file”(创建已存在文件的快捷方式),Installshield会添加一个新的默认文件名为NewShortcutN的快捷方式(N是一个连续的数字))

3.Enter a new name, or right-click it later and click
Rename to give it a new name.

4. In the Arguments field, type /x [ProductCode]. Separate the two arguments with a space.
(4. 在Arguments字段属性键入“/x [ProductCode]”,注意不要改变引号内的字符串,x后有一空格,此为关键部分1)

Msiexec.exe is the command-line engine for the Windows Installer service. The /x argument instructs the Windows Installer service to uninstall the product referenced by the product code.

(说明: Msiexec.exe是windows安装服务的命令行执行引擎,参数“/x”指明windows安装服务会依照产品号来卸载的产品)
5. Set the Advertised field to

6. In the Target field, select
[SystemFolder], and then append msiexec.exe to this location.
(6. 将Target字段设为:[SystemFolder]msiexec.exe

7. In the Component field, select the component with which you want this shortcut associated. If the shortcut should always be
installed, associate it with the component containing your application’s main executable file.
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