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2013-11-14 17:03 316 查看
关于什么是GUID,ProgID ,CLSID和UID,在ESRI的Document Library能够找到下面的描述.

COM interfaces and coclasses are identified by a globally unique identifier (GUID). The GUID for an interface is called an interface ID (IID). The GUID for a coclass is called class ID (CLSID). A ProgID is a text alias for a CLSID; the ProgID is a string
composed of the project name and the class name of the coclass.

The UID coclass can be used to represent the GUID of an object.

There is built-in module called ArcID in the VBA project for the Normal template in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog. This module is a utility for finding the UID of the built-in commands and toolbars. You pass the name of a command or toolbar in as an argument
to ArcID and the UID of that item is returned. The ArcID module is regenerated every time the Normal template is loaded; the registry is read to get the GUIDs of all the commands and toolbars that are currently used by the application.

简单的说,GUID(全局统一标识符)是用来标识识別COM接口和组件,保证它们的唯一性,避免出现版本不一致而导致的组件冲突.IID就是接口的GUID表示,CLSID则是组件类的GUID表示。ProgID是程序员给某个CLSID指定一个易记的名字.UID则是物象(Object)的GUID. 以下是一些ILayer接口的UID,通过使用它们,我们可以快速找到所需的图层。 这些ESRI接口存放在注冊表中的 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT下面,如果想查询它们的UID,可以通过查找它们的名字,从而找到对应的UID.

{6CA416B1-E160-11D2-9F4E-00C04F6BC78E} IDataLayer

{40A9E885-5533-11d0-98BE-00805F7CED21} IFeatureLayer

{E156D7E5-22AF-11D3-9F99-00C04F6BC78E} IGeoFeatureLayer

{34B2EF81-F4AC-11D1-A245-080009B6F22B} IGraphicsLayer

{5CEAE408-4C0A-437F-9DB3-054D83919850} IFDOGraphicsLayer

{0C22A4C7-DAFD-11D2-9F46-00C04F6BC78E} ICoverageAnnotationLayer

{EDAD6644-1810-11D1-86AE-0000F8751720} IGroupLayer

{D02371C7-35F7-11D2-B1F2-00C04F8EDEFF} IRasterLayer


Public Function FindGroupLayer()Function FindGroupLayer(ByVal sGroupName_IN As String, ByRef pmap_IN As IMap) As ILayer

On Error GoTo errhandle

Dim Result As ILayer

Set Result = Nothing

Dim pL As IGroupLayer

Dim pel As IEnumLayer

Dim uid As New uid

uid.Value = "{EDAD6644-1810-11D1-86AE-0000F8751720}"

Set pel = pmap_IN.Layers(uid, True)

Set pL = pel.Next

Dim sGroupName As String

sGroupName = UCase(sGroupName_IN)

While Not pL Is Nothing

If UCase(pL.Name) = sGroupName Then

Set FindGroupLayer = pL

Exit Function

End If

Set pL = pel.Next


Set FindGroupLayer = Result

Exit Function


'MsgBox "FindgroupLayer Error: " & Err.Description

Set FindGroupLayer = Nothing

End Function
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