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2013-11-11 09:02 459 查看


After posting my previous post I realized that it would be much better to provide the working sample instead of pure idea of class changed to support canvas. So I created a dummy sample for resizing adorner. Additionally I’ve added support for dragging the
elements on the canvas, element selection providing adorner for selected element.

Sample window contains two buttons and a textbox. Feel free to add something else. Upon clicking the element you see the selection adorner giving you ther possibility of resizing the element. I used the changed version of ResizingAdorner (see my previous post)
to provide more "Visual Studio" look of resizing.

Unlike MSDN library Resizing Adorner sample, you each corner thumb resizes only it’s part of the element without affecting the position.

This sample was prepared using Visual Studio Team System 2008 beta 2

Here’s the xaml for the window. As I’ve mentioned there are two buttons and a textbox.

<Window x:Class="adorners.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300" Loaded="Window_Loaded">
    <Canvas Name="myCanvas">
        <Button Canvas.Left="49" Canvas.Top="21" Height="23" Name="button1" Width="75">Button1</Button>
        <Button Height="21" Canvas.Left="147" Canvas.Top="23" Width="75">Button2</Button>
        <TextBox Canvas.Left="64" Canvas.Top="60" Height="24" Name="textBox1" Width="128" />

Again the changed resizing adorner class from my previous post

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace adorners
    public class ResizingAdorner : Adorner
        // Resizing adorner uses Thumbs for visual elements.  
        // The Thumbs have built-in mouse input handling.
        Thumb topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight;

        // To store and manage the adorner's visual children.
        VisualCollection visualChildren;

        // Initialize the ResizingAdorner.
        public ResizingAdorner(UIElement adornedElement)
            : base(adornedElement)
            visualChildren = new VisualCollection(this);

            // Call a helper method to initialize the Thumbs
            // with a customized cursors.
            BuildAdornerCorner(ref topLeft, Cursors.SizeNWSE);
            BuildAdornerCorner(ref topRight, Cursors.SizeNESW);
            BuildAdornerCorner(ref bottomLeft, Cursors.SizeNESW);
            BuildAdornerCorner(ref bottomRight, Cursors.SizeNWSE);

            // Add handlers for resizing.
            bottomLeft.DragDelta += new DragDeltaEventHandler(HandleBottomLeft);
            bottomRight.DragDelta += new DragDeltaEventHandler(HandleBottomRight);
            topLeft.DragDelta += new DragDeltaEventHandler(HandleTopLeft);
            topRight.DragDelta += new DragDeltaEventHandler(HandleTopRight);

        // Handler for resizing from the bottom-right.
        void HandleBottomRight(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs args)
            FrameworkElement adornedElement = this.AdornedElement as FrameworkElement;
            Thumb hitThumb = sender as Thumb;

            if (adornedElement == null || hitThumb == null) return;
            FrameworkElement parentElement = adornedElement.Parent as FrameworkElement;

            // Ensure that the Width and Height are properly initialized after the resize.

            // Change the size by the amount the user drags the mouse, as long as it's larger 
            // than the width or height of an adorner, respectively.
            adornedElement.Width = Math.Max(adornedElement.Width + args.HorizontalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Width);
            adornedElement.Height = Math.Max(args.VerticalChange + adornedElement.Height, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Height);

        // Handler for resizing from the top-right.
        void HandleTopRight(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs args)
            FrameworkElement adornedElement = this.AdornedElement as FrameworkElement;
            Thumb hitThumb = sender as Thumb;

            if (adornedElement == null || hitThumb == null) return;
            FrameworkElement parentElement = adornedElement.Parent as FrameworkElement;

            // Ensure that the Width and Height are properly initialized after the resize.

            // Change the size by the amount the user drags the mouse, as long as it's larger 
            // than the width or height of an adorner, respectively.
            adornedElement.Width = Math.Max(adornedElement.Width + args.HorizontalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Width);
            //adornedElement.Height = Math.Max(adornedElement.Height - args.VerticalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Height);

            double height_old = adornedElement.Height;
            double height_new = Math.Max(adornedElement.Height - args.VerticalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Height);
            double top_old = Canvas.GetTop(adornedElement);
            adornedElement.Height = height_new;
            Canvas.SetTop(adornedElement, top_old - (height_new - height_old));

        // Handler for resizing from the top-left.
        void HandleTopLeft(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs args)
            FrameworkElement adornedElement = AdornedElement as FrameworkElement;
            Thumb hitThumb = sender as Thumb;

            if (adornedElement == null || hitThumb == null) return;

            // Ensure that the Width and Height are properly initialized after the resize.

            // Change the size by the amount the user drags the mouse, as long as it's larger 
            // than the width or height of an adorner, respectively.
            //adornedElement.Width = Math.Max(adornedElement.Width - args.HorizontalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Width);
            //adornedElement.Height = Math.Max(adornedElement.Height - args.VerticalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Height);

            double width_old = adornedElement.Width;
            double width_new = Math.Max(adornedElement.Width - args.HorizontalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Width);
            double left_old = Canvas.GetLeft(adornedElement);
            adornedElement.Width = width_new;
            Canvas.SetLeft(adornedElement, left_old - (width_new - width_old));
            double height_old = adornedElement.Height;
            double height_new = Math.Max(adornedElement.Height - args.VerticalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Height);
            double top_old = Canvas.GetTop(adornedElement);
            adornedElement.Height = height_new;
            Canvas.SetTop(adornedElement, top_old - (height_new - height_old));

        // Handler for resizing from the bottom-left.
        void HandleBottomLeft(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs args)
            FrameworkElement adornedElement = AdornedElement as FrameworkElement;
            Thumb hitThumb = sender as Thumb;

            if (adornedElement == null || hitThumb == null) return;

            // Ensure that the Width and Height are properly initialized after the resize.

            // Change the size by the amount the user drags the mouse, as long as it's larger 
            // than the width or height of an adorner, respectively.
            //adornedElement.Width = Math.Max(adornedElement.Width - args.HorizontalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Width);
            adornedElement.Height = Math.Max(args.VerticalChange + adornedElement.Height, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Height);

            double width_old = adornedElement.Width;
            double width_new = Math.Max(adornedElement.Width - args.HorizontalChange, hitThumb.DesiredSize.Width);
            double left_old = Canvas.GetLeft(adornedElement);
            adornedElement.Width = width_new;            
            Canvas.SetLeft(adornedElement, left_old - (width_new - width_old));

        // Arrange the Adorners.
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            // desiredWidth and desiredHeight are the width and height of the element that's being adorned.  
            // These will be used to place the ResizingAdorner at the corners of the adorned element.  
            double desiredWidth = AdornedElement.DesiredSize.Width;
            double desiredHeight = AdornedElement.DesiredSize.Height;
            // adornerWidth & adornerHeight are used for placement as well.
            double adornerWidth = this.DesiredSize.Width;
            double adornerHeight = this.DesiredSize.Height;

            topLeft.Arrange(new Rect(-adornerWidth / 2, -adornerHeight / 2, adornerWidth, adornerHeight));
            topRight.Arrange(new Rect(desiredWidth - adornerWidth / 2, -adornerHeight / 2, adornerWidth, adornerHeight));
            bottomLeft.Arrange(new Rect(-adornerWidth / 2, desiredHeight - adornerHeight / 2, adornerWidth, adornerHeight));
            bottomRight.Arrange(new Rect(desiredWidth - adornerWidth / 2, desiredHeight - adornerHeight / 2, adornerWidth, adornerHeight));

            // Return the final size.
            return finalSize;

        // Helper method to instantiate the corner Thumbs, set the Cursor property, 
        // set some appearance properties, and add the elements to the visual tree.
        void BuildAdornerCorner(ref Thumb cornerThumb, Cursor customizedCursor)
            if (cornerThumb != null) return;

            cornerThumb = new Thumb();

            // Set some arbitrary visual characteristics.
            cornerThumb.Cursor = customizedCursor;
            cornerThumb.Height = cornerThumb.Width = 10;
            cornerThumb.Opacity = 0.40;
            cornerThumb.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.MediumBlue);


        // This method ensures that the Widths and Heights are initialized.  Sizing to content produces
        // Width and Height values of Double.NaN.  Because this Adorner explicitly resizes, the Width and Height
        // need to be set first.  It also sets the maximum size of the adorned element.
        void EnforceSize(FrameworkElement adornedElement)
            if (adornedElement.Width.Equals(Double.NaN))
                adornedElement.Width = adornedElement.DesiredSize.Width;
            if (adornedElement.Height.Equals(Double.NaN))
                adornedElement.Height = adornedElement.DesiredSize.Height;

            FrameworkElement parent = adornedElement.Parent as FrameworkElement;
            if (parent != null)
                adornedElement.MaxHeight = parent.ActualHeight;
                adornedElement.MaxWidth = parent.ActualWidth;
        // Override the VisualChildrenCount and GetVisualChild properties to interface with 
        // the adorner's visual collection.
        protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return visualChildren.Count; } }
        protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) { return visualChildren[index]; }

And finally the code behind for the window.

using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace adorners
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        AdornerLayer aLayer;

        bool _isDown;
        bool _isDragging;
        bool selected = false;
        UIElement selectedElement = null;

        Point _startPoint;
        private double _originalLeft;
        private double _originalTop;

        public Window1()

        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Window1_MouseLeftButtonDown);
            this.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(DragFinishedMouseHandler);
            this.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(Window1_MouseMove);
            this.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(Window1_MouseLeave);
            myCanvas.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(myCanvas_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown);
            myCanvas.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(DragFinishedMouseHandler);

        // Handler for drag stopping on leaving the window
        void Window1_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;

        // Handler for drag stopping on user choise
        void DragFinishedMouseHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;

        // Method for stopping dragging
        private void StopDragging()
            if (_isDown)
                _isDown = false;
                _isDragging = false;
        // Hanler for providing drag operation with selected element
        void Window1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_isDown)
                if ((_isDragging == false) &&
                    ((Math.Abs(e.GetPosition(myCanvas).X - _startPoint.X) > SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance) ||
                    (Math.Abs(e.GetPosition(myCanvas).Y - _startPoint.Y) > SystemParameters.MinimumVerticalDragDistance)))
                    _isDragging = true;

                if (_isDragging)
                    Point position = Mouse.GetPosition(myCanvas);
                    Canvas.SetTop(selectedElement, position.Y - (_startPoint.Y - _originalTop));
                    Canvas.SetLeft(selectedElement, position.X - (_startPoint.X - _originalLeft));
        // Handler for clearing element selection, adorner removal
        void Window1_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            if (selected)
                selected = false;
                if (selectedElement != null)
                    selectedElement = null;

        // Handler for element selection on the canvas providing resizing adorner
        void myCanvas_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Remove selection on clicking anywhere the window
            if (selected)
                selected = false;
                if (selectedElement != null)
                    // Remove the adorner from the selected element
                    selectedElement = null;

            // If any element except canvas is clicked, 
            // assign the selected element and add the adorner
            if (e.Source != myCanvas)
                _isDown = true;
                _startPoint = e.GetPosition(myCanvas);

                selectedElement = e.Source as UIElement;

                _originalLeft = Canvas.GetLeft(selectedElement);
                _originalTop = Canvas.GetTop(selectedElement);

                aLayer = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(selectedElement);
                aLayer.Add(new ResizingAdorner(selectedElement));
                selected = true;
                e.Handled = true;

The main plot of the post was to give the basic idea of implemeting adorners with such the common tasks as resizing and dragging functionality. Of cource it is obvious that code behind sources are far away from the real life application but it is rather easy
play with further.

Thanks for paying attention to this post.
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