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[LeetCode] Length of Last Word

2013-11-08 14:00 447 查看
Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters
' '
, return the length of last word in the string.

If the last word does not exist, return 0.

Note: A word is defined as a character sequence consists of non-space characters only.

For example,

Given s =
"Hello World"




由于参数给定的类型是const char *,因此,这题考察的是指针的操作。

用参数给定的s字符指针来遍历字符串,用一个int型整数来记录长度,当遍历的字符没有结束,也就是*s != 0时,就判断该字符是否为'  '字符,如果是空格,就继续遍历把空格略去,当然在去掉空格的过程中,同样要判断是否还有字符,如果在这儿就没有字符了,就返回之前得到的单词的长度,如果后面还有字符,那么就需要将长度计数置为0,遍历完成后,返回长度。

class Solution {
int lengthOfLastWord(const char *s) {
// IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as
// the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.
int len = 0;

while(*s) {
if(*s == ' ') {
while(*s && *s == ' ')
if(*s == 0)
return len;
len = 0;

return len;
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标签:  leetcode algorithm