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some phrase for oral english

2013-11-07 18:31 387 查看

I suppose that, ...

As far as i'm concerned, ...

As i see it, ...

It seems to me that ...

1.In my opinion, ...

2.In my view, ...

4.I maintain that, ...

7.From where I stand, ...


9.From my point of view, ...

10.It's my feeling that ...

we are just plain meant to be

be meant to 本应该,天生注定;打算,意味着

be meant to be 注定的。
I believe is meant to be a star.
plain,平原;adj 清晰,明白。简单,朴素。完全,十分 的。

cheat on you with your friends,背着你和你朋友乱搞。

hate is more lasting than dislike。 (from adolf hitler)。

i am 100% sure that he is done with you。

lets me put it this way,这么说吧, i'd rather eat pork, than like you again。

fine be that way

you‘ll never find someone like me again。

muder your family。杀你全家。

followers , 粉丝

be rude all you want to

if you ever need anyone to talk to or hang out with

i'll be there in a sec

We have also used PDI toaddress data quality issues

In your dreams

There's no way you caught a fish that big.

there's no way that's true.

It is a way to tell people that。。。

when someone responds to you by saying

I caught a fish this big.

they are making up a story

This expression is very common

Outside of sports #体育之外;“。。。之外”

发音练习 of:

it's another way to ask someone forthe detailsof a plan.#of不发音

That's a lot of stress. One more thing and she's going to be a basket case!这里的of也不发音,另外be going to 读作she's gona be

还有want to 读作wanta 汪呢

能说会道,用silver tongue;

说空话是pay lip service;

说一套,做一套是talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

out-source 外包


as far as going home, that is out of question。

can you get there on time?

i can make it 我可以参加(一般指你的party)

wear you out 把你弄废了(本意穿废了,引申为累的)programming wear you out

It's the strategy for accomplishing something.

第三人称 说时加不加s无所谓,反正听不出来


注意tutor是不对的!tutor在大学里面相当于国内的辅导员,比助教还低一个档次的教师。sometimes use the word advisor,but supervisor is formal.

助教: tutor

讲师 lecturer

教授 professor


博士生导师:doctoral supervisor或者是PHD supervisor

另:博导 Ph.D supervisor ; doctoral advisor

导师:supervisor, advisor

所以,同门, 为 we have the same advisor

We are in the same group/lab.

"He is one of my junior colleagues in our lab."

We're both majoring in business at Ohio University." (我们是在俄亥俄大学学商务的同门。)

* "She shares the same major as me but is senior/junior to me." (她是跟我同专业的师姐/师妹。)

* "He's in my same major but a year ahead." (他是跟我同专业的上届师兄。)

* "He's in my major but a year below/behind me." (他是跟我同专业的下届师弟。)




[senior fellow apprentice]∶称先与自己从同一个师父学习的人

he is one year ahead of me 他比我大一年(即师兄)

I am a few years ahead of him.

apprentice 徒弟, master 师傅。 (apprentice learned,master no works)

We can sum up the main point of the lesson in three sentences.

So, to sum up, we need to concentrate on staff training.


If you have ever heard of American English before, you may have heard this: Keep your chin up.

heard of听过。。。那么也就是说heard this。

chin 下巴

chin-up n. 【体】将身体拉上直至下颚与杠平

keep one's chin up [口]振作起来, 不泄气

Stop with all the details and cut to the chase 跳过细节,说重点(东北话:拜罗里吧嗦磨磨唧唧的,捞干的说)with all 连读“微造”。 cut to 连读"咔吐"

means:leave out all the(读 贼) unnecessary details and get right to the point

It's sort of like saying 就好像这么说

in the fall 在秋季。fall vt是落下,n是秋季,瀑布的意思。

prepare vt&vi ,n :

prepare sth 准备sth,比如 prepare exam

等于prepare for sth 为sth而准备,prepare for exam

prepare sth (for sb)后面加上一个对象,特指为谁准备。for sb 属于状语

prepare sb for sth 使sb准备sth

let's find out by doing sth, doing sth来了解(发现,找出什么意思)

he is always a day late and a dollar short to everything.
a day late and a dollar short 特定短语,形容人 散漫又缺钱。

you don't want to use this in a formal or a business setting, because it may be rude.

a lot of American English delivered by your facial expressions。面部表情

it doesn't make any sense.

there's the vulgar adage that one should not defecate where one eats. vulgar粗俗的,adage谚语,格言

there is a saying

"We have a saying in this business: ‘Privacy and security are a zero-sum game."

it is like saying it would be ok to open every piece of mail before they deliver it to your door

in the pharmaceutical business , we have a saying

i am so starving, and i will grab a bite

Do you wanna grab a bite?这句很难听懂

"dressed to kill!" is a different way of saying "dressed very attractively"


quick training

an intensive language course,这个intensive

a crash course in computing,这里的crash
还可以说instant something 速成什么。

it helps us feel things 连读 嗨无坡色丝

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