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@model IEnumerable<EsaiManagementSystem.Application.DTOs.PrivilegeDTO>
<link href="../../../themes/default/css/privilegeTree.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="../../../themes/default/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../../themes/default/js/jquery.easyui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../../themes/default/js/showMessage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="../../../themes/default/css/messageShow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript">

function showTableCss() {
$(".List_Table tr").mouseover(function () {
if ($(this).css("background-color") != "rgb(21, 185, 167)" || MyTrim($(this).css("background-color"), getComputedStyle) != "#15B9A7") {
$(this).css("background-color", "#dff4fe");
$(".List_Table tr").mouseout(function () {
if ($(this).css("background-color") != "rgb(21, 185, 167)") {
$(this).css("background-color", "#fff");
$(function () {
var trString;
//增加tr的方法 id为父类的Id,typeId类型Id class='type" + typeId + "'
function AfterTr(id, typeId, data) {
trString = "";
var marginLeft = typeId == 1 ? 10 : (typeId == 2) ? 30 : (typeId == 3) ? 50 : (typeId == 4) ? 70 : 95;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
trString += "<tr align='center' onclick='SavePrivilegeId(" + data[i].Id + "," + typeId + "," + id + ")' class='show" + id + " type" + typeId + " ' id='show" + data[i].Id + "'><td align='left' class='rowNuber'></td><td align='left'><span style='margin-left:" + marginLeft + "px'>";
if (data[i].issubClass != 0) {
trString += "<a href='#'" + "onclick=ShowTree(" + data[i].Id + "," + typeId + ")" + "><img src='../../../themes/default/images/zankai%20.png' /></a><img src='../../../themes/default/images/Icon_Cata_1.gif' />";
} else {
trString += "<img src='../../../themes/default/images/Icon_Cata_2.gif' />";
trString += data[i].Name + "</span></td>";
trString += "<td>" + data[i].IsShow + "</td>";
trString += "<td>" + data[i].IsValid + "</td>";
trString += "<td>" + data[i].KeyName + "</td>";
trString += "<td>" + data[i].PValue + "</td>";
trString += "<td>" + data[i].SortIndex + "</td>";
trString += "<td>" + data[i].Remark + "</td>";
trString += "</tr>";

function ShowTree(id, typeId) {
var classId = "#show" + id; //当前行的class属性Id

var sonTypeId = parseInt(typeId) + 1;
$.post('@Url.Action("GetPrivileLeftForTypeIdAndId", "Privilege")', { id: id, typeId: sonTypeId }, function (data) {

AfterTr(id, sonTypeId, data); //生成往当前行追加数据

$(classId).find("a").attr("onclick", "ClossTree(" + id + "," + typeId + ")"); //修改点击触发的方法

$(classId).find("a>img").attr("src", "../../../themes/default/images/bihe.png"); //修改显示的图片
$(classId).after(trString); //追加数据
showTableCss(); //渲染行间隔的CSs
showRowNuber(); //显示行号

$(classId).css("background-color", "#dff4fe"); //修改当前行的样式

$(classId).attr("id", "close" + id); //修改当前行的Id


//去除显示其子类 父类Id ,类型Id
function ClossTree(id, typeId) {
var removeId = ".show" + id;
// var tpId = ".type"+typeId;
var classId = "#close" + id;

$(classId).css("background-color", "#dff4fe"); //修改当前行的样式 对点击闭合产生的事件冒泡的影响

RemoveShow(removeId, id, typeId); //去除其子类的所有行

Remove(classId, id, typeId); //修改行的class属性 替换显示图片 和点击触发的方法
showRowNuber(); //显示行号

//去除显示其子类 参数为行的class ID 递归方法
function RemoveShow(classId, id, typeId) {

$(classId).each(function () {
var sonId = $(this).attr("id");

var isHasTr = $("#" + sonId).find("img").length;

if (isHasTr == 2) { //如果有子元素,执行递归
var substrId = get_current_pagenum(sonId); //获取Id的数字

var cls = ".show" + substrId;

RemoveShow(cls, substrId, typeId); //执行递归

$("#" + sonId).remove();
Remove("." + sonId, id, typeId);

} else {
$("#" + sonId).remove();
Remove("." + sonId, id, typeId);

showRowNuber(); //显示行号

function Remove(classId, id, typeId) {

$(classId).find("a").attr("onclick", "ShowTree(" + id + "," + typeId + ")");
$(classId).find("a>img").attr("src", "../../../themes/default/images/zankai%20.png");
$(classId).attr("id", "show" + id);

//js 获取字符串中的数字(正则)
function get_current_pagenum(u) {//取全部数字。
var a = u.match(/\d/g).join(""); //取所有数字字符,放入数组,再连成串。
return parseInt(a); //转为数字。

function MyTrim(str, isGlobal) {
var result;
result = str.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, "");
if (isGlobal.toLowerCase() == "g")
result = result.replace(/\s/g, "");
return result;

function showRowNuber() {
var trNumber = 1;
$(".List_Table").find(".rowNuber").each(function () {
$(this).css("text-align", "center");
trNumber += 1;

<script type="text/javascript">

var url = "";
function SavePrivilegeId(id, typeId, pid) {
var trShow = ("#show" + id);
$(".List_Table tr").css("background-color", "#fff");
$(trShow).css("background-color", "#15B9A7");
$("#close" + id).css("background-color", "#15B9A7"); //这个不一定有,貌似ie不支持
$("#hiddenPrivilegeId").val(id); //权限Id
$("#hiddenPrivilegetypeId").val(typeId); //类型Id
$("#hiddenParentId").val(pid); //父Id

function Add() {
$('#dlg').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle', '添加');
var privilegeId = $(".hiddenPrivilegeId").val();
var privilegetypeId = $(".hiddenPrivilegetypeId").val();
url = '@Url.Action("AddPrivilegeJson", "Privilege")' + "?parentId=" + privilegeId + "&typeId=" + privilegetypeId;
if (privilegetypeId >= 4) {
showTips("下面没有子类了", 150, 1);
$('#dlg').dialog('close'); // close the dialog

var RemovePrivilege = function () {
var privilegeId = $(".hiddenPrivilegeId").val(); //权限Id
var typeId = parseInt($(".hiddenPrivilegetypeId").val()); //权限类型Id
var parentId = $(".hiddenParentId").val(); //其父类Id
if (privilegeId == 0) {
showTips("请选择你要删除的行", 150, 1);
var url = '@Url.Action("DeletePrivilegeJson", "Privilege")';
$.messager.confirm('提示:', '你真的要删除该对象的一切吗?', function (r) {
if (r) {
$.post(url, { Ids: privilegeId, typid: typeId }, function (result) {
if (result == true) {
if (typeId >= 2) {
ClossTree(parentId, (typeId - 1));
ShowTree(parentId, (typeId - 1));
} else {
url = '@Url.Action("_PrivilegeListControl", "Privilege")';
showTips("删除成功", 150, 1);
} else {
showTips("删除失败", 150, 1);
}, 'json');


function Save() {
$('#fm').form('submit', {
url: url,
onSubmit: function () {
if ($(this).form('validate')) {
// showTips("正在请求服务器", 150, 1);
return $(this).form('validate');
success: function (data) {
var result = eval('(' + data + ')');
if (result == true) {
$('#dlg').dialog('close'); // close the dialog
showTips("操作成功", 150, 1);
url = '@Url.Action("_PrivilegeListControl", "Privilege")';
var privilegeId = parseInt($(".hiddenPrivilegeId").val());
var privilegetypeId = parseInt($(".hiddenPrivilegetypeId").val());
var parentId = parseInt($(".hiddenParentId").val()); //其父类Id
var title = parseInt($('#hiddentitle').val());

if (title == 1) { //表示为增加
ShowTree(privilegeId, privilegetypeId);

var trIdjquery = FindId(privilegeId);
if ($(trIdjquery).find("img").length == 1) {
// alert(1);
$(trIdjquery).find("img").attr("src", "../../../themes/default/images/Icon_Cata_1.gif");
$(trIdjquery).find("img").before("<a href='#'" + "onclick=ShowTree(" + privilegeId + "," + privilegetypeId + ")" + "><img src='../../../themes/default/images/zankai%20.png' /></a>");
else if ($(trIdjquery).find("img").length == 0) {
} else if ($(trIdjquery).find("img").length == 2) {
// alert(2);
if (privilegetypeId >= 2) {
ClossTree(privilegeId, (privilegetypeId - 1));
ShowTree(privilegeId, (privilegetypeId - 1));
} else {
url = '@Url.Action("_PrivilegeListControl", "Privilege")';

} else { //为编辑的情况

if (privilegetypeId >= 2) {
ClossTree(parentId, (privilegetypeId - 1));
ShowTree(parentId, (privilegetypeId - 1));
} else {
url = '@Url.Action("_PrivilegeListControl", "Privilege")';
} else {
showTips("操作失败", 150, 1);

function Edit() {
var privilegeId = $(".hiddenPrivilegeId").val();
var privilegetypeId = $(".hiddenPrivilegetypeId").val();
var trclass = FindId(privilegeId);
var privilegeName = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(1).text());
var isShow = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(2).text());
var isValid = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(3).text());
var key = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(4).text());
var value = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(5).text());
var sortIndex = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(6).text());
var remark = $.trim($(trclass).find("td").eq(7).text());

if (isShow == "true" || isShow == "True") {
$(".isShow").attr("checked", "true");
} else {
$(".isNotShow").attr("checked", "true");
if (isValid == "true" || isValid == "True") {
$(".IsValid").attr("checked", "true");
} else {
$(".IsNotValid").attr("checked", "true");

$('#dlg').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle', '修改');
url = '@Url.Action("UpdatePrivilegeJson", "Privilege")?Pid=' + privilegeId + "&TypeId=" + privilegetypeId;


function FindId(id) {
var trIdjquery = "";
if ($("#show" + id).length > 0) {
trIdjquery = "#show" + id;
} else {
trIdjquery = "#close" + id;
return trIdjquery;

<div id="TextBox" class="TextBox">
<div id="toolbar" style="padding-left: 20px; height: auto">
<div style="margin-top: 6px; background-color: #EFEFEF;">
<a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-add" plain="true" onclick="Add()">
添加</a> <a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-edit" plain="true" onclick="Edit()">
编辑</a> <a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-remove" plain="true" onclick="RemovePrivilege()">
删除</a> <a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-remove" plain="true" onclick="ColseTree()">
<span id="shouqi">收起</span> </a>
@Html.Partial("_PrivilegeListControl", Model)
<div id="dlg" class="easyui-dialog" style="width: 500px; height: 380px;" closed="true"
modal="true" buttons="#dlg-buttons">
<form id="fm" method="post">
<table width="100%" border="0" class="tab-come" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-spacing: 10px 10px;">
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.TextBox("Name", null, new { @class = "easyui-validatebox Privilegeclass", @style = "width: 200px;", required = "true", missingmessage = "不能为空", validtype = "length[1,10]", invalidmessage = "不能超过10个字!", @id = "Name" })<span
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.RadioButton("IsShow", "true", true, new { @class = "isShow" }) 可见
@Html.RadioButton("IsShow", "false", false, new { @class = "isNotShow" }) 不可见
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.RadioButton("IsValid", "true", true, new { @class = "IsValid" }) 可用
@Html.RadioButton("IsValid", "false", false, new { @class = "IsNotValid" }) 不可用
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.TextBox("KeyName", null, new { @class = "easyui-validatebox ", @style = "width: 200px;", required = "true", missingmessage = "不能为空", validtype = "length[1,10]", invalidmessage = "不能超过10个字!", @id = "KeyName" })
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.TextBox("PValue", null, new { @class = "easyui-numberbox", @style = "width: 200px;", required = "true", missingmessage = "不能为空", precision = "0", max = "99", size = "4", maxlength = "4", @id = "PValue" })<span
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.TextBox("SortIndex", null, new { @class = "easyui-numberbox", @style = "width: 200px;", required = "true", missingmessage = "不能为空", precision = "0", max = "99", size = "4", maxlength = "4", @id = "SortIndex" })<span
<th style="width: 90px">
@Html.TextBox("Remark", null, new { @class = "easyui-validatebox branameclass", @style = "width: 200px;", required = "true", missingmessage = "不能为空", validtype = "length[1,10]", invalidmessage = "不能超过10个字!", @id = "Remark" })<span
<div id="dlg-buttons">
<a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" id="btnSubmit" iconcls="icon-ok" onclick="Save()">
保存</a> <a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconcls="icon-cancel" onclick="javascript:$('#dlg').dialog('close');">
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