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2013-11-04 00:00 633 查看
1,Android中什么是Task和Back Stack

Task可以理解为一个进程,启动一个应用就回启动一个进程,系统会为该应用分配16MB的空间来共该应用使用。Back Stack是以堆栈的形式管理一个应用启动的所有的Activity,每启动一个Activity都会把新的Activity放到栈顶,若栈顶Activity销毁(通过onBackPressed或者finish)之后,栈顶Activity下方的Activity会重新显示,栈的机制就是后进先出(last in, fisrt out)。







2,Activity的运行模式(launch mode)/启动方式:




Note: When a new instance of an activity is created, the user can press the Back button to return to the previous activity. But when an existing instance of an activity handles a new intent, the user cannot press the Back button to return to the state of the activity before the new intent arrived in onNewIntent().


Note: Although the activity starts in a new task, theBack button still returns the user to the previous activity.





FLAG_ACTIVITActivityY_CLEAR_TOP:如果Task中这个Activity已经存在且不位于栈顶,则将栈中 位于这个Activity上方的所有Activity销毁,通过onNewIntent()将这个Activity移至栈顶。

FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP is most often used in conjunction with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK. When used together, these flags are a way of locating an existing activity in another task and putting it in a position where it can respond to the intent.

Note: If the launch mode of the designated activity is "standard", it too is removed from the stack and a new instance is launched in its place to handle the incoming intent. That's because a new instance is always created for a new intent when the launch mode is "standard".


Tip: If an .apk file contains more than one "application" from the user's point of view, you probably want to use the taskAffinity attribute to assign different affinities to the activities associated with each "application".

Android系统一个特殊行为:当一个应用启动之后,长时间不操作,系统则会销毁这个应用所在的Task中的所有Activity除了root activity(这个activity是栈底activity还是启动activity有待确认),当返回这个应用时,则显示这个root activity。

设置root activity的属性alwaysRetainTaskState为true,上述特殊行为将不会执行,即保留这个应用所在的Task中的所有Activity。

设置root activity的属性clearTaskOnLaunch为true,无论离开应用多长时间,都销毁这个应用所在的Task中的所有Activity,进入应用初始状态,换句话说,clearTaskOnLaunch与alwaysRetainTaskState是相对的。

设置root activity的属性finishOnTaskLaunch为true,finishOnTaskLaunch与clearTaskOnLaunch优点相似,finishOnTaskLaunch应用于一个activity,而clearTaskOnLaunch应用于一个Task。

For those cases where you don't want the user to be able to return to an activity, set the <activity> element's finishOnTaskLaunch to "true" .


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标签:  Android Task Stack Activity