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2013-10-17 13:40 344 查看
我们来自江河梦小组(Scond Effect Group),工程用到gh,所以必须学习好GH插件,而大部分权威资料都来自国外,所以就组织组员翻译来自GH官方论坛的帖子,以便学习。下面是一篇David的帖子讲解有关如何表达问题比较清楚的,由刘友生同学翻译。

How to get help when you have a problem


Posted by
David Rutten on October 1, 2013 at 12:58pm in
FAQ (Frequent Questions and Problems)
Message View Discussions

Asking questions and gettinganswers is a big part of this Grasshopper Ning group. Although people aregenerally very helpful, there are things you can do to improve your chances ofgetting good and quick
answers. Below you will find some suggestions, but don'tthink of them as rules and especially don't think of them as guarantees:
Choose a descriptive title for your post
Don't call your question"Help!" or "I have a problem" or "Deadlinetonight!", but actually describe the problem you are having.
Be succinct but clear in yourwording
People need to know somedetails about your problem in order to understand what sort of answers wouldsatisfy you, but nobody cares about how angry your boss or how bad your teacheror how tight your deadline
is. Talk about the problem and only the problem. Ifyou don't speak English well, you should probably post in your native languageas well as providing a
Google Translationof your question.
Attach minimal version of allthe relevant files
If you have a GH/GHX file youhave a question about, attach it to the post. Don't expect that people willrecreate a file based on a screen-shot because that's a lot of pointless work.It's also a good idea
to remove everything non-essential from a GH file. Youcan use the 'Internalise Data' menu option to cut everything to the left of aparameter:
如果你有一个GH/ GHX文件你有问题,将其附加到帖子后。不要期望人们将重新创建一个文件基于你的问题,因为这是一个毫无意义的工作。最好也去除一切不必要的GH文件。您可以使用“初始化数据”菜单选项来初始化左侧的参数:

If you're importing curves orBreps or meshes from Rhino, you can also internalise them so you won't have topost a 3DM file as well as a GH file.
It is especially a good idea topost files that don't require any non-standard components if at all possible.Not everyone has Kangaroo or Hoopsnake or Geco installed so if your file relieson those components,
it might not open correctly elsewhere.
Include a detailed image of the GH file if itmakes sense
If your question is about aspecific (group of) components, consider adding a screenshot of the file in thetext of the post. You can use the Ctrl+Q feature in Grasshopper to quickly createnice screenshots
with focus rectangles such as this:

Include links to onlineresources if possible
If you have a question aboutSchwarz Minimal surfaces, please link to a website which talks about these.
Create new topics rather than continuing old ones
It's usually better to start afresh question, even if there's already a discussion that kinda sortatangentially touches upon the same issue. Please link to that discussion, butstart anew.
David Rutten
Tirol, Austria
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