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Using JAX-RS with Protocol Buffers for high-performance REST APIs

2013-10-17 10:17 686 查看
Posted on December
27, 2008 by Sam Pullara
One of the great things about the JAX-RS
specification is that it is very extensibleand adding new providers for different mime-types is very easy. One of theinteresting binary protocols out there is Google
Protocol Buffers. They are designed forhigh-performance systems and drastically reduce the amount of over-the-wiredata and also the amount of CPU spent serializing and deserializing that data.There
are other similar frameworks out there including Fast Infoset and Thrift.
Extending JAX-RS to support thoseprotocols is nearly identical so all of the ideas I’ll talk about are generally valid for those frameworksas well.
The one limitation that we will table for now is that JAX-RS onlyworks over HTTP and will not work for raw socket protocols and thehigh-performance aspect of protobufs is somewhat reduced by our dependency onthe HTTP envelope. My assumption is that you have
done your homework and knowthat message passing is your overriding bottleneck.

The first thing you will need to do to get started is todownload and build Protocol Buffers. You can get the latest stable releasefrom here.
All the example code you will find in this blog post wasdeveloped against protobuf-2.0.3 and the JAX-RS 1.0 specification (usingjersey-1.0.1)
though I don’t expect the API to change very much going forward. Onceyou have protoc inyour
path you are ready to create your first JAX-RS / protobuf project.
The dependencies you will need to create the application areactually quite small. I useMaven (and IntelliJ8.0)
to do mydevelopment so that is how I’ll describe what you need. Forrunning the application you’ll
need these installed:















Then to execute the tests that we will create to verify that thingsare working as expected you’ll
need two additional test-time only dependencies:












Not a huge set of dependencies on the surface but Maven doeshide a lot of the complexity underneath
— totalis about 15 jars (mostly grizzly). The next step is to create a Protocol Bufferusing their definition language. Instead of making one up myself,
I’ll just use the one from their example,

java_package = "com.sampullara.jaxrsprotobuf.tutorial";

java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos";

message Person {

stringname = 1;

int32id = 2;

stringemail = 3;

enum PhoneType {


HOME = 1;

WORK = 2;


message PhoneNumber{

stringnumber = 1;

optional PhoneType type =
2 [default= HOME];


repeated PhoneNumber phone =


message AddressBook {

repeated Person person =


A fairly simple data description but it does touch on alot of the features of Protocol Buffers including embedded messages, enums,repeating entries and their type system.
Now lets define a simple service thatwe want to get to work using the extensionSPI of JAX-RS. This service will
have twomethods, a GET method for returning a new instance of aPerson anda POST method that just reflects what is passed to it back to the callerunmodified. That will also let us
do some round trip testing. Here is theproposed service:

import javax.ws.rs.*;


class AddressBookService {



public AddressBookProtos.PersongetPerson() {














public AddressBookProtos.Personreflect(AddressBookProtos.Person person) {

return person;



For each of these methods we’ve restricted them to either consuming or producingcontent
of type application/x-protobuf. When JAX-RS sees a request that matches that typeor a caller that accepts that type these will be valid endpoints to satisfythose requests.
Out of the box, Jersey includes readers and writers for avariety of types including form data, XML and JSON. They also provide a way toregister new mime-type readers and writers with a very simple set ofannotations on classes that implement either MessageBodyReader
orMessageBodyWriter. The class that implements reading is very straight forward,first it calls you back to see if you can read something, then it calls you toactually read it passing you the stream of data. Here is the implementation:



static classProtobufMessageBodyReader
implements MessageBodyReader<Message> {

booleanisReadable(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations,MediaType mediaType) {



public MessagereadFrom(Class<Message> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations,

MediaType mediaType,MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders,

InputStream entityStream)
throwsIOException, WebApplicationException {


Method newBuilder =type.getMethod("newBuilder");

GeneratedMessage.Builderbuilder = (GeneratedMessage.Builder) newBuilder.invoke(type);


} catch(Exception e) {





Thisclass either needs to be under a package that is registered to be scanned whenthe application starts or it could be explicitly registered by extending Application.
You’ll see in our Main methodlater we use the former strategy. You’ll note that in order for us toinstantiate a new Protocol Buffer builder we need to use reflection on the typethat JAX-RS is expecting. I’ve convinced myself thats the best way to do it butplease
comment if you can think of a better way. If there were additionalconfiguration information you needed to pass to the reader you could annotatethe methods with that information and receive it here in the annotations array.
Thewriter is a bit more complicated because in addition to the isWritable and writeTomethods you have to
be able to returnthe size that you are going to write. I was hoping that Protocol Bufferssupported a quick way to sum the size of an object but alas they do not soinstead I actually do the write in getSize andtemporarily
store the result with a weak map. In the future I’d like to seestreaming better supported. Here is how I implemented the writer:



static classProtobufMessageBodyWriter
implements MessageBodyWriter<Message> {

booleanisWriteable(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations,MediaType mediaType) {



private Map<Object,
byte[]>buffer =
new WeakHashMap<Object,

longgetSize(Message m, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[]annotations, MediaType mediaType) {

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = newByteArrayOutputStream();



} catch(IOException e) {

return -1;


byte[]bytes = baos.toByteArray();




voidwriteTo(Message m, Class type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations,

MediaType mediaType,MultivaluedMap httpHeaders,

OutputStream entityStream)
throwsIOException, WebApplicationException {




I’d love to get around the non-streaming limitationin this integration so if you have
any ideas, send them my way. Now we alsoneed to generate the code from the Protocol Buffer definition file. I again useMaven to do that with this additional stanza:










value='--java_out=target/generated-sources' />

value='src/main/resources/addressbook.proto' />











That should now be enough to build the service itselfalong with the message readers and writers. The last thing to do on theproduction side is to show how you would deploy
this using the Grizzly container:
class Main{

static final URI
BASE_URI = UriBuilder.fromUri("http://localhost/").port(9998).build();

static voidmain(String[] args)
throws IOException {



SelectorThread threadSelector = createServer(uri);

System.out.println(String.format("Try out %spersonnHit
enter to stop it..."




staticSelectorThread createServer(URI uri)
throws IOException {

Map<String, String>initParams = new HashMap<String, String>();


returnGrizzlyWebContainerFactory.create(uri, initParams);



Jersey+Grizzlymakes it very easy instantiate a new servlet container at a particular URI andimmediately access the REST services that you have deployed. For testing, it isnice to be
able to bring up an actual environment so easily. In our tests weare also going to make use of the REST client that is included with Jersey sothat you can see the serialization on both sides of the wire. In order to getthe server up and running during the
test we need to implement setUp() and tearDown():

privateSelectorThread threadSelector;

private WebResource


voidsetUp() throws Exception {


//start the Grizzly web container and create the client

threadSelector = Main.createServer(Main.BASE_URI);

ClientConfig cc = newDefaultClientConfig();



Client c = Client.create(cc);

r = c.resource(Main.BASE_URI);



voidtearDown() throws Exception {




The client doesn’t have the special class scanning capability so wedirectly register our
providers with the client and point it at the same URIthat the server is running on. Being able to control those in your tests makesintegration tests far easier as you don’t
have to worry about mismatched configurations.The first tests we will run will be using the Jersey client:

public voidtestUsingJerseyClient() {

WebResource wr = r.path("person");

AddressBookProtos.Person p =wr.get(AddressBookProtos.Person.class);

assertEquals("Sam", p.getName());

AddressBookProtos.Person p2 =wr.type("application/x-protobuf").post(AddressBookProtos.Person.class,p);



Noticehow you can build up a web resource incrementally adding additional constraintsor paths to it until ultimately you call one of the HTTP methods on thatresource. We also see that
using that client API we get typed access to theREST server. Slightly more complicated is another test using direct HTTPconnections:

public voidtestUsingURLConnection()
throws IOException {



URL url = new URL("http://localhost:9998/person");

URLConnection urlc =url.openConnection();



person =AddressBookProtos.Person.newBuilder().mergeFrom(urlc.getInputStream()).build();

assertEquals("Sam", person.getName());



URL url = new URL("http://localhost:9998/person");

HttpURLConnection urlc =(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();







AddressBookProtos.Personperson2 = AddressBookProtos.Person.newBuilder().mergeFrom(urlc.getInputStream()).build();

assertEquals(person, person2);



This code looks more like what a non-Java client might do to accessyour REST service and deserialize the information using their Protocol Buffers.In fact, why don’t
we try this with some Python 2.5 code:

import addressbook_pb2

f = urllib.urlopen("http://localhost:9998/person")

person = addressbook_pb2.Person()


print person.name

Works great and outputs
“Sam” as expected. Very fast but still interoperablebetween multiple languages in a type-safe
way. Once Thrift is further along Iwill likely make the same sort of interoperability possible.
For those that just want to open up the final product and seehow it all works, here is a link
to download it. You’ll also note that I actuallyuse graven under
the covers to do my builds as Maven’s XML is alittle too verbose for me.

源文档 <http://www.javarants.com/2008/12/27/using-jax-rs-with-protocol-buffers-for-high-performance-rest-apis/>
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