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Oracle KSL Latch 管理层 与 Latch管理(未看)

2013-10-17 09:02 411 查看

Oracle KSL Latch 管理层 与 Latch管理


作者:eygle |English
【转载时请标明出处和作者信息】|【恩墨学院 OCM培训传DBA成功之道】


站内相关文章|Related Articles

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诊断案例:PMON failed acquire latch QMNC Holder


ksl.c Kernel Service layer Latching & Wait-post Implement.

KSL代表Kernel Service Locking,是实现闩锁(Lock/Latch)的重要核心组件。


SQL> SELECT kqftanam

2 FROM x$kqfta

3 WHERE kqftanam LIKE 'X$KSL%';


















KSL层实现的两个主要结构式:ksllt 和 kslla,前者用于定义Latch结构及SGA相关变量,后者用于定义进程相关结构。


struct ksllt


sclt kslltlat; /* OSD latch structure */

eword kslltefd; /* error frame depth when gotten, this is used to */

/* free the latch if an error is signalled while the latch is held */

ub4 kslltngt; /* count of times gotten nowait */

ub4 kslltnfa; /* count of times failed nowait get */

ub4 kslltwgt; /* count of times gotten wait */

ub4 kslltwff; /* count of wait gets that failed first try */

ub4 kslltwsl; /* count of times slept when failed to get latch */

struct ksllt *kslltchn; /* ptr to next child latch of this chain */

eword kslltlvl; /* latch level, to enforce hierarchy */

b1 kslltnum; /* latch number, to index descriptors */

struct kslla *kslltwkp; /* process that is sleeping and should be woken */

/* this is a hint, the system will work though slower if this is not done */

ub4 kslltwkc; /* count of wakeups that have been done */

ub4 kslltwth;/* count of sleeps that were holding another latch */

#define KSLHSTMAX 12 /* if you change this, must change x$ table */

ub4 ksllthst[KSLHSTMAX];

/* Histogram of max exponential backoff per miss. The actual sleep time

* corresponding to each bucket in the histogram is about

* 2**((bucket+1)/2)-1 plus the sleep time of all the lower buckets.

* All max exponential backoffs greater than the highest bucket are

* added to the highest bucket.


dvoid *kslltrec; /* recovery info for this latch */



SQL> select count(*) from v$process;

Execution Plan


Plan hash value: 1030215859


| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |


| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 26 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |

| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 26 | | |

|* 2 | FIXED TABLE FULL| X$KSUPR | 1 | 26 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):




SQL> desc v$process

Name Null? Type

----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

















SQL> SELECT c.kqfconam field_name, c.kqfcooff offset, kqfcotyp,

2 DECODE (kqfcotyp,

3 0, 'hex string',

4 1, 'varchar2',

5 2, 'number',

6 11, 'word',

7 12, 'datetime',

8 23, 'raw',

9 'other'

10 ) typ,

11 kqfcosiz sz

12 FROM x$kqfco c, x$kqfta t

13 WHERE t.indx = c.kqfcotab

14 AND kqftanam = 'X$KSUPR'

15 AND kqfconam LIKE 'KSLLA%'

16 AND c.kqfcooff > 0

17 ORDER BY offset ASC;


------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

KSLLALAQ 272 0 hex string 4

KSLLAWAT 284 0 hex string 4

KSLLAWHY 288 11 word 4

KSLLAWER 292 11 word 4

KSLLALOW 300 0 hex string 4

KSLLAPRV 368 11 word 4

KSLLAPSN 372 11 word 4

KSLLAPSC 376 11 word 4

KSLLAPRC 380 11 word 4

其中,KSLLAWAT代表Latch Wait,而KSLLAPSN代表Latch Spin,在V$PROCESS中体现了这两个字段。

如下查询可以得出Fixed SGA中的Latch信息:

SQL> SELECT k.ksmfsadr, ksmfsnam, ksmfstyp, ksmfssiz, kslldnam, kslldlvl

2 FROM x$ksmfsv k, x$kslld a

3 WHERE k.ksmfstyp LIKE '%ksllt%' AND k.ksmfsadr = a.kslldadr

4 ORDER BY ksmfsnam;


-------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------------------

20009130 consist_rba_lat_ ksllt 100 Consistent RBA

200153D8 hofcilt_ ksllt 100 fixed table rows for x$hs_session

20011C20 joxsgal_ ksllt 100 JOX SGA heap latch

20017BB4 jsaslat_ ksllt 100 JS broadcast autostart latch

200179C0 jsbalat_ ksllt 100 JS broadcast add buf latch

20017B50 jsbblat_ ksllt 100 JS broadcast load blnc latch

20017A24 jsbdlat_ ksllt 100 JS broadcast drop buf latch

20017AEC jsbelat_ ksllt 100 JS event notify broadcast latch

20017A88 jsbklat_ ksllt 100 JS broadcast kill buf latch

20017CE0 jskqlat_ ksllt 100 JS queue state obj latch

20017C7C jslvlat_ ksllt 100 JS slv state obj latch

20017C18 jsmlat_ ksllt 100 JS mem alloc latch

20017D44 jsqlat_ ksllt 100 JS queue access latch

20017DA8 jssmlat_ ksllt 100 JS Sh mem access

20010254 k2gtehx_ ksllt 100 global tx hash mapping

20009F3C kcb_table_scan_latch_ ksllt 100 cache table scan latch

20009E64 kcbcpl_ ksllt 100 cache protection latch

20009D30 kcbhlx_ ksllt 100 cache buffers chains

20009A18 kcbkacl_ ksllt 100 active checkpoint queue latch

20009A7C kcbkclx_ ksllt 100 checkpoint queue latch

2000C8B4 kcblsol_ ksllt 100 loader state object freelist

20009E00 kcbmbl_ ksllt 100 multiblock read objects

2000A180 kcbmfll_ ksllt 100 state object free list

2000A11C kcbmpl_ ksllt 100 sim partition latch

2000A1FC kcbopal_ ksllt 100 object queue header operation

2000A264 kcbophpl_ ksllt 100 object queue header heap

20009D98 kcbsol_ ksllt 100 cache buffer handles

2000A0B4 kcbsphl_ ksllt 100 simulator hash latch

2000A050 kcbspll_ ksllt 100 simulator lru latch

200095E4 kcbsul_ ksllt 100 multiple dbwriter suspend

2000D270 kcbvlsx_ ksllt 100 mapped buffers lru chain

20009544 kcbwbpx_ ksllt 100 buffer pool

200094DC kcbwlsx_ ksllt 100 cache buffers lru chain

2000C0B0 kcflsol_ ksllt 100 OS file lock latch

2000C790 kcllt_ ksllt 100 KCL gc element parent latch

2000BBFC kcrfcp_ ksllt 100 redo copy

2000BC64 kcrfral_ ksllt 100 redo allocation

2000BB94 kcrfrwl_ ksllt 100 redo writing

2000ABA0 kcrrall_ ksllt 100 alert log latch

2000AC04 kcrrgapl_ ksllt 100 SGA kcrrgap latch

2000AD30 kcrrlatmscnl_ ksllt 100 SGA kcrrlatmscnl latch

2000AA74 kcrrlt_ ksllt 100 archive control

2000AB3C kcrrml_ ksllt 100 managed standby latch

2000AA10 kcrrnslt_ ksllt 100 LGWR NS Write

2000AC68 kcrrpinfol_ ksllt 100 SGA kcrrpinfo latch

2000AAD8 kcrrpl_ ksllt 100 archive process latch

2000A9AC kcrrrtlt_ ksllt 100 Real time apply boundary

2000ACCC kcrrssncpl_ ksllt 100 SGA kcrrssncpl latch

20008FA0 kcslat_ ksllt 100 mostly latch-free SCN

2000CCEC kcvbbsl_ ksllt 100 begin backup scn array

2000F56C kdltdsol_ ksllt 100 temp lob duration state obj allocation

2000F490 kdnlch_ ksllt 100 sequence cache

200178C4 kelrl_ ksllt 100 threshold alerts latch

20017928 kelrml_ ksllt 100 alert memory latch

20017434 keltl_ ksllt 100 server alert latch

2001749C kewetel_ ksllt 100 generalized trace enabling latch

2001785C kewmalel_ ksllt 100 AWR Alerted Metric Element list

200177EC kewsaml_ ksllt 100 statistics aggregation

20016424 kfasgl_ ksllt 100 KFA SGA latch

20016620 kfcFXhlx_ ksllt 100 KFC FX Hash Latch

200165BC kfchlx_ ksllt 100 KFC Hash Latch

20017360 kfclbxfl_ ksllt 100 KFCL BX Freelist

20017298 kfclflt_ ksllt 100 KFCL LE Freelist

200172FC kfclil_ ksllt 100 KFCL Instance Latch

20016558 kfclru_ ksllt 100 KFC LRU latch

200164F4 kfcsgl_ ksllt 100 KFC SGA latch

20016490 kfcsol_ ksllt 100 buffer pin latch

20016F80 kffill_ ksllt 100 ASM file allocation latch

20016FE4 kfflel_ ksllt 100 ASM file locked extent latch

20016754 kffmap_latch_ ksllt 100 ASM map headers

20016874 kffmop_latch_ ksllt 100 ASM map operation hash table

200168E0 kffmop_load_latch_ ksllt 100 ASM map load waiting list

20016804 kffmop_pool_latch_ ksllt 100 ASM map operation freelist

20016BAC kfksgl_ ksllt 100 KFK SGA context latch

20016388 kfltx_ ksllt 100 ASM allocation

20016C90 kfmdlt_ ksllt 100 KFMD SGA

20016C2C kfmltx_ ksllt 100 KFM allocation

20016E60 kfnbgl_ ksllt 100 ASM network background latch

20016EC4 kfncll_ ksllt 100 ASM db client latch

20017144 kfrcsol_ ksllt 100 ASM rollback operations

2001705C kfrral_ ksllt 100 KFR redo allocation latch

20010314 kghlat_ ksllt 100 shared pool

20010634 kgklat_ ksllt 100 Token Manager

20010CD8 kgkpclt_ ksllt 100 resmgr:resource group CPU method

20010C74 kgkpplt_ ksllt 100 resmgr:plan CPU method

20010C10 kgkpsgl_ ksllt 100 resmgr:method mem alloc latch

200105D0 kglhcl_ ksllt 100 library cache hash chains

20010508 kgllal_ ksllt 100 library cache lock allocation

20010378 kgllat_ ksllt 100 library cache

200103DC kgllkl_ ksllt 100 library cache lock

2001056C kglllt_ ksllt 100 library cache load lock

200104A4 kglpal_ ksllt 100 library cache pin allocation

20010440 kglpnl_ ksllt 100 library cache pin

20010E04 kglsimalolat_ ksllt 100 shared pool sim alloc

20010DA0 kglsimlat_ ksllt 100 shared pool simulator

20010ECC kgqbt_latch_ ksllt 100 Shared B-Tree


-------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------------------

20010F30 kgqm_latch_ ksllt 100 Memory Queue

20010FF8 kgqmk_latch_1_ ksllt 100 Memory Queue Message Subscriber #1

2001105C kgqmk_latch_2_ ksllt 100 Memory Queue Message Subscriber #2

200110C0 kgqmk_latch_3_ ksllt 100 Memory Queue Message Subscriber #3

20011124 kgqmk_latch_4_ ksllt 100 Memory Queue Message Subscriber #4

20010F94 kgqms_latch_ ksllt 100 Memory Queue Subscriber

200108F0 kgskactlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:actses active list

20010828 kgskcclat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:actses change group

200109B8 kgskcschlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:schema config

200107C4 kgskcslat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:actses change state

20010954 kgskfrtlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:free threads list

20010A1C kgskgalat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:gang list

20010A80 kgskqthlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:queued list

20010AE4 kgskrtclat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:running actses count

20010760 kgskrunlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:runnable lists

2001088C kgsksqlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:session queuing

20010BAC kgskstatlat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:incr/decr stats

20010B48 kgskvcllat_ ksllt 100 resmgr:vc list latch

20010698 kgsloca_ ksllt 100 cas latch

200106FC kgslocarm_ ksllt 100 rm cas latch

200111EC kgxlat_ ksllt 100 Mutex

20011250 kgxlatstat_ ksllt 100 Mutex Stats

20008BEC kjbdmfl_ ksllt 100 recovery domain freelist

20008C50 kjbdmhl_ ksllt 100 recovery domain hash list

20007AD4 kjblflt_ ksllt 100 gcs shadows freelist

20007B5C kjbmclt_ ksllt 100 gcs commit scn state

20007BC0 kjbmdolt_ ksllt 100 gcs drop object freelist

20007A64 kjbrdvlt_ ksllt 100 gcs domain validate latch

20007938 kjbrflt_ ksllt 100 gcs resource freelist

20007854 kjbrhsh_ ksllt 100 gcs resource hash

200078C0 kjbril_ ksllt 100 gcs opaque info freelist

2000799C kjbrscn_ ksllt 100 gcs resource scan list

20007A00 kjbrtbvlt_ ksllt 100 gcs resource validate list

200075EC kjcevblt_ ksllt 100 KJC global post event buffer

200074C0 kjcsdfl_ ksllt 100 KJC destination ctx free list

20007394 kjcsmpl_ ksllt 100 KJC message pool free list

200073F8 kjcsrfl_ ksllt 100 KJC receiver ctx free list

20007650 kjcsrmql_ ksllt 100 KJC global resend message queue

20007524 kjcsrql_ ksllt 100 KJC receiver queue access list

2000745C kjcssfl_ ksllt 100 KJC snd proxy ctx free list

20007588 kjcssql_ ksllt 100 KJC snd proxy queue access list

2000771C kjctfcl_ ksllt 100 KJCT flow control latch

200076B8 kjctrql_ ksllt 100 KJCT receiver queue access

20006D8C kjddtl_ ksllt 100 ges deadlock list

20007788 kjdmlt_ ksllt 100 ges domain table

200088D0 kjdrpcmhvhl_ ksllt 100 gcs pcm hashed value bucket hash

2000886C kjdrpthl_ ksllt 100 gcs partitioned table hash

20008808 kjdrrml_ ksllt 100 gcs remastering latch

20008934 kjdrrql_ ksllt 100 gcs remaster request queue

20006F98 kjfsyncl_ ksllt 100 ges synchronous data

200077EC kjgltb_ ksllt 100 ges group table

20006AD0 kjltfl_ ksllt 100 ges enqueue table freelist

20006848 kjphsh_ ksllt 100 ges process hash list

200067E4 kjplat_ ksllt 100 ges process parent latch

20006780 kjptfl_ ksllt 100 ges process table freelist

20006938 kjrcah_ ksllt 100 ges caches resource lists

2000699C kjrhsh_ ksllt 100 ges resource hash list

20006A04 kjrscn_ ksllt 100 ges resource scan list

20006A68 kjrsll_ ksllt 100 ges s-lock bitvec freelist

200068D4 kjrtfl_ ksllt 100 ges resource table freelist

20006DF0 kjstatl_ ksllt 100 ges statistic table

20006D28 kjtmll_ ksllt 100 ges timeout list

20007C38 kjxgnsl_ ksllt 100 name-service entry

20007D80 kjxgsnb_ ksllt 100 name-service namespace bucket

20007E48 kjxgsnl_ ksllt 100 name-service namespace objects

20007DE4 kjxgsnm_ ksllt 100 name-service memory objects

20007D1C kjxgspl_ ksllt 100 name-service pending queue

20007CB8 kjxgsrl_ ksllt 100 name-service request queue

20007EAC kjxgssl_ ksllt 100 name-service request

20006680 kjzddmpq_ ksllt 100 queued dump request

200066E4 kjzhghal_ ksllt 100 global hanganlyze operation

2000FAD0 kkdllat_ ksllt 100 dictionary lookup

20011D90 kkjfllat_ ksllt 100 job_queue_processes free list latch

20011CC8 kkjlat_ ksllt 100 job_queue_processes parameter latch

20011D2C kkjwqpl_ ksllt 100 job workq parent latch

2000FB8C kksstlat_ ksllt 100 kks stats

20013BFC klcslt_ ksllt 100 NLS data objects

20011A94 kmcalc_ ksllt 100 virtual circuits

200119C8 kmcblt_ ksllt 100 virtual circuit buffers

20011B0C kmcptlat_ ksllt 100 kmcptab latch

20011B70 kmcpvlat_ ksllt 100 kmcpvec latch

20011A2C kmcqlt_ ksllt 100 virtual circuit queues

20008E8C kmgs_param_latch_ ksllt 100 Memory Management Parameter Latch

20008D60 kmgs_startup_ ksllt 100 KMG MMAN ready and startup request latch

20008E28 kmgslt_ ksllt 100 Memory Management Latch

20008DC4 kmgsrqsol_ ksllt 100 KMG resize request state object freelist

200116D4 kmmadl_ ksllt 100 address list

20011544 kmmcfgl_ ksllt 100 shared server configuration

20011800 kmmdisl_ ksllt 100 dispatcher info

20011738 kmmepl_ ksllt 100 end-point list

20011864 kmmltsp1_ ksllt 100 shared server spare latch 1

200118C8 kmmltsp2_ ksllt 100 shared server spare latch 2

2001192C kmmltsp3_ ksllt 100 shared server spare latch 3

2001160C kmmpml_ ksllt 100 parameter list

20011670 kmmprl_ ksllt 100 presentation list

2001179C kmmsisl_ ksllt 100 shared server info


-------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------------------

200115A8 kmmtml_ ksllt 100 session timer

20010E68 kngla_ ksllt 100 Streams Generic

200137FC knla_latch_ ksllt 100 STREAMS Pool Advisor

20013670 knlapl_ ksllt 100 TXN SGA

2001360C knlpl_ ksllt 100 process

200136FC knlqlcrl_ ksllt 100 STREAMS LCR

20014250 kponchlat_ ksllt 100 KPON ksr channel latch

20014184 kponlat_ ksllt 100 numer of job queues for server notfn

20014120 kponsplt_ ksllt 100 kpon sga structure

200141EC kponstlat_ ksllt 100 reg$ timeout service time

200142D4 kpslat_ ksllt 100 session state list latch

2000F860 kqrplt_ ksllt 100 row cache objects

2000D784 krarsl_ ksllt 100 Reserved Space Latch

2000D720 krarsol_ ksllt 100 reservation so alloc latch

2000CE60 krbmrosl_ ksllt 100 krbmrosl

2000E01C krbtdblat_ ksllt 100 Transportable DB Context Latch

2000D648 krccscl_ ksllt 100 change tracking consistent SCN

2000D5E4 krcoscl_ ksllt 100 change tracking optimization SCN

2000D548 krcpsol_ ksllt 100 change tracking state change latch

2000D3B0 krdbsol_ ksllt 100 block media rcv so alloc latch

2000D34C krdlpv_ ksllt 100 parallel recoverable recovery

2000D1FC krdnpl_ ksllt 100 media recovery process out of buffers

2000D2E8 krdsal_ ksllt 100 Media rcv so alloc latch

2000DABC krfgal_ ksllt 100 flashback allocation

2000DB88 krfgcp_ ksllt 100 flashback copy

2000D864 krfgfbl_ ksllt 100 flashback FBA barrier

2000D964 krfghfbl_ ksllt 100 hint flashback FBA barrier

2000D9EC krfghsbl_ ksllt 100 flashback hint SCN barrier

2000DB20 krfgml_ ksllt 100 flashback mapping

2000D8E4 krfgsbl_ ksllt 100 flashback SCN barrier

2000DBEC krfgsl_ ksllt 100 flashback sync request

2000BA6C krsffhl_ ksllt 100 FAL subheap alocation

2000BAD0 krsffql_ ksllt 100 FAL request queue

2000B9B0 krsmrsl_ ksllt 100 Managed Standby Recovery State

20008F10 krtlch_ ksllt 100 file number translation table

2000CF60 krvLmctx_ ksllt 100 logminer context allocation

2000CEF8 krvLsctx_ ksllt 100 logminer work area

2000D0BC krvscl_ ksllt 100 logical standby cache

2000D120 krvsvl_ ksllt 100 logical standby view

20004EFC ksamsl_ ksllt 100 messages

20004E7C ksdgpl_ ksllt 100 event group latch

20004B94 ksdlaa_ ksllt 100 Testing

2000525C ksfdfibl_ ksllt 100 FIB s.o chain latch

200051F8 ksfdfobl_ ksllt 100 FOB s.o list latch

200052C0 ksfdsbl_ ksllt 100 SGA IO buffer pool latch

200060BC ksfmlt_ ksllt 100 SGA mapping latch

200053C4 ksfqlt_ ksllt 100 KSFQ

20005428 ksfqpl_ ksllt 100 X$KSFQP

200057AC ksfvbdl_ ksllt 100 vecio buf des

20005680 ksfvdql_ ksllt 100 done queue latch

200055B8 ksfvmpl_ ksllt 100 ksfv messages

2000561C ksfvmql_ ksllt 100 msg queue latch

20005554 ksfvsgl_ ksllt 100 i/o slave adaptor

20005810 ksfvshl_ ksllt 100 ksfv subheap

20005748 ksfvsml_ ksllt 100 direct msg latch

200056E4 ksfvsql_ ksllt 100 session queue latch

20004A24 ksimcal_ ksllt 100 cached attr list

200065D0 ksirlt_ ksllt 100 ksir sga latch

20005894 kskclchg_ ksllt 100 resmgr group change latch

20003B90 kslerl_ ksllt 100 event range base latch

20003C58 kslhotlst_ ksllt 100 hot latch diags

20003BF4 kslpwl_ ksllt 100 post/wait queue

20005E7C ksmdla_ ksllt 100 segmented array pool

20005EEC ksmgol_ ksllt 100 granule operation

20004AC4 ksolshtl_ ksllt 100 object stats modification

20006520 ksoreq_alloc_latch_ ksllt 100 OS process: request allocation

20006458 ksosp_alloc_latch_ ksllt 100 OS process allocation

200064BC ksosp_latch_ ksllt 100 OS process

20005D20 ksparl1_ ksllt 100 first spare latch

20005D84 ksparl2_ ksllt 100 second spare latch

200062E4 kspdsl_ ksllt 100 database property service latch

20004D88 kspptbll_ ksllt 100 parameter table allocation management

20005098 ksqeqi_ ksllt 100 instance enqueue

20004FCC ksqeql_ ksllt 100 enqueues

20005030 ksqeqr_ ksllt 100 enqueue hash chains

20005A9C ksr_dynch_latch_ ksllt 100 dynamic channels

20005970 ksrccol_ ksllt 100 channel operations parent latch

20005A38 ksrchal_ ksllt 100 channel anchor

2000590C ksrcsgl_ ksllt 100 channel handle pool latch

200059D4 ksrmpol_ ksllt 100 message pool operations parent latch

20005108 kstlt_ ksllt 100 trace latch

20003FAC ksucil_ ksllt 100 client/application info

200044E4 ksulopl_ ksllt 100 longop free list parent

20004598 ksuosstatl_ ksllt 100 ksuosstats global area

20003DAC ksupal_ ksllt 100 process allocation

20003EDC ksupgpl_ ksllt 100 process group creation

20004604 ksupkttestl_ ksllt 100 ksupkttest latch

20003F40 ksupol_ ksllt 100 session idle bit

20003E78 ksusal_ ksllt 100 session switching

20003E10 ksusol_ ksllt 100 session allocation

20005BE4 ksvclsl_ ksllt 100 slave class

20005B80 ksvcrel_ ksllt 100 slave class create

20005B1C ksvinst_ ksllt 100 ksv instance

20005C48 ksvmql_ ksllt 100 msg queue

20006240 kswsasl_ ksllt 100 active service list

20012984 ksxadvi_ ksllt 100 device information


-------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------------------

20012824 ksxhtl_ ksllt 100 hash table modification latch

20012888 ksxmcul_ ksllt 100 hash table column usage latch

20005DFC ksxptal_ ksllt 100 ksxp tid allocation

20005F7C ksxrlrl_ ksllt 100 KSXR large replies

2000E0B0 ktasol_ ksllt 100 dml lock allocation

2000E298 ktcbol_ ksllt 100 transaction branch allocation

2000E2FC ktccol_ ksllt 100 commit callback allocation

2000E234 ktcdol_ ksllt 100 dummy allocation

2000F328 ktcnlat_ ksllt 100 Change Notification Hash table latch

2000F390 ktcnslat_ ksllt 100 Change Notification Latch

2000E1D0 ktcsol_ ksllt 100 transaction allocation

2000F08C ktfsgalt_ ksllt 100 KTF sga latch

2000EFDC ktilat_ ksllt 100 In memory undo latch

2000E168 ktlbkl_ ksllt 100 list of block allocation

2000ED24 ktmlat_ ksllt 100 ktm global data

2000EE4C ktprilt_ ksllt 100 intra txn parallel recovery

2000EDE8 ktprlt_ ksllt 100 parallel txn reco latch

2000EF38 ktrsol_ ksllt 100 resumable state object

2000E6C8 ktskslt_ ksllt 100 shrink stat allocation latch

2000F14C ktsmg_mql_lat_ ksllt 100 MQL Tracking Latch

2000E3BC ktstlt_ ksllt 100 sort extent pool

2000E72C ktteflt_ ksllt 100 file cache latch

2000E9B4 ktulat_ ksllt 100 undo global data

2000EED0 ktusm_uhnt_lat_ ksllt 100 Undo Hint Latch

20013404 kupplat_ ksllt 100 kupp process latch

20013468 kuppwel_ ksllt 100 pass worker exception to master

2001355C kupvatla_ ksllt 100 datapump attach fixed tables latch

200134F8 kupvjbla_ ksllt 100 datapump job fixed tables latch

20014D44 kwqbblt_ ksllt 100 kwqbsgn:msghdr

20014E70 kwqbccl_ ksllt 100 kwqbcco:cco

20015084 kwqbqsi_ ksllt 100 queue sender's info. latch

20014E0C kwqbqsl_ ksllt 100 kwqbsn:qsga

200150E8 kwqbqtl_ ksllt 100 bq:time manger info latch

20014DA8 kwqbqxl_ ksllt 100 kwqbsn:qxl

20014CE0 kwqbslt_ ksllt 100 enqueue sob latch

20014F38 kwqbsplt_ ksllt 100 spilled messages latch

20014ED4 kwqbstl_ ksllt 100 bufq statistics

20014400 kwqiihl_ ksllt 100 image handles of buffered messages latch

20014464 kwqikcl_ ksllt 100 kwqi:kchunk latch

20014384 kwqimslt_ ksllt 100 message enqueue sync latch

20014668 kwqjphl_ ksllt 100 AQ Propagation Scheduling Proc Table

20014730 kwqjpslt_ ksllt 100 job queue sob latch

200146CC kwqjtwl_ ksllt 100 AQ Propagation Scheduling System Load

20015310 kwqmnjcl_ ksllt 100 KWQMN job cache list latch

20015374 kwqmnsbl_ ksllt 100 KWQMN to-be-Stopped Buffer list Latch

2001525C kwqmnslt_ ksllt 100 qmn state object latch

200151F8 kwqmntl_ ksllt 100 qmn task queue latch

20014594 kwqpls_ ksllt 100 KWQP Prop Status

20014AC0 kwrsala_ ksllt 100 rules engine aggregate statistics

20014BEC kwrsela_ ksllt 100 rules engine evaluation context statistics

20014B88 kwrsrla_ ksllt 100 rules engine rule statistics

20014B24 kwrssla_ ksllt 100 rules engine rule set statistics

2001290C kxcwsol_ ksllt 100 constraint object allocation

200126C8 kxfpbl_ ksllt 100 parallel query alloc buffer

20012434 kxfpel_ ksllt 100 error message lists

200123D0 kxfpfl_ ksllt 100 query server freelists

2001236C kxfppl_ ksllt 100 query server process

200125C4 kxfpqcbcl_ ksllt 100 business card

20012498 kxfpql_ ksllt 100 process queue

200124FC kxfprl_ ksllt 100 process queue reference

20012560 kxfpsl_ ksllt 100 parallel query stats

20012A10 kxttsol_ ksllt 100 temporary table state object allocation

200101C0 kzctxglat_ ksllt 100 global ctx hash table latch

2000FBF4 kzldglat_ ksllt 100 global KZLD latch for mem in SGA

2000FC74 kzrcol_ ksllt 100 cost function

2000FE30 kzrtlprv_ ksllt 100 Policy Refresh Latch

2000FE9C kzrtphlat_ ksllt 100 Policy Hash Table Latch

2000FCEC kzullt_ ksllt 100 user lock

20009004 lwn_scn_lat_ ksllt 100 lgwr LWN SCN

20013B54 ncodfl_ ksllt 100 ncodef allocation latch

200090CC on_disk_ping_scn_lat_ ksllt 100 ping redo on-disk SCN

20009068 on_disk_scn_lat_ ksllt 100 redo on-disk SCN

200112B4 pebof_rrv_lat_ ksllt 100 pebof_rrv

20011188 peplmlat_ ksllt 100 peplm

20017EE4 plswlch_ ksllt 100 PL/SQL warning settings

20012FEC qesblActLatch_ ksllt 100 Bloom filter list latch

20013050 qesblSGAlatch_ ksllt 100 Bloom Filter SGA latch

20012B64 qesmmILstLatch_ ksllt 100 SQL memory manager workarea list latch

20012B00 qesmmISgaLatch_ ksllt 100 SQL memory manager latch

20012A9C qks3tlth_ ksllt 100 internal temp table object number allocatio

n latc

200130D0 qksbgActLatch_ ksllt 100 bug fix control action latch

20012DF4 qksceSgaLatch_ ksllt 100 compile environment latch

20015704 qmkml_ ksllt 100 XDB Config

2001552C qmpspl_ ksllt 100 XDB unused session pool

20015590 qmpsupl_ ksllt 100 XDB used session pool

20015484 qmsgl_ ksllt 100 qm_init_sga

20010D3C qmtlat_ ksllt 100 QMT

2000FA3C qolnaml_ ksllt 100 QOL Name Generation Latch

20015F20 rfafol_ ksllt 100 Fast-Start Failover State Latch

200158C4 rfmctxl_ ksllt 100 DMON Process Context Latch

20015928 rfmtql_ ksllt 100 DMON Work Queues Latch

20015E5C rfrarql_ ksllt 100 Request id generation latch

20015A0C rfrmpl_ ksllt 100 RSM process latch

20015AA8 rfrmsq_ ksllt 100 RSM SQL latch


-------- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- -------------------------------------------

20016300 xsawSGAlatch_ ksllt 100 AW SGA latch

20016098 xscalcflt_ ksllt 100 xscalc freelist

20016150 xssinfoflt_ ksllt 100 xssinfo freelist

2000FFCC zlgifl_ ksllt 100 instance information

2000FF68 zllbcl_ ksllt 100 OLS label cache

20010030 zlpifl_ ksllt 100 policy information

388 rows selected.

-The End-







A little more about Solaris sparse file

瑞典游记-别章-丹麦哥本哈根游记 Part VI

瑞典游记-别章-丹麦哥本哈根游记 Part V


simulator lru latch - Oracle自动评估的代价



Oracle Kernel : Function kglic & Library Cache Latch

Latch Row Cache Objects基本信息的确认

高Latch等待 - 'Object queue header

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