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Oracle Process Architecture - Oracle 进程结构篇3

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1.Mandatory background Processes

1.1 Database Writer Process –DBWn

<<---- DBWn进程写数据库缓冲区的内容到数据文件。DBWn进程写数据库高数缓冲区里面被修改的缓冲区到磁盘。---->>

The database writer process (DBWn) writes the contents of database buffers to data files. DBWn
processes write modified buffers in the database buffer cache to disk.

<<---- 虽然一个数据库写进程适合于大部分的系统,你可以配置追加额外的进程:DBW1—DBW9 & DBWa—DBWj,改进写的性能在系统有大量的修改数据时。但这些附加的DBWn进程在单处理器系统上是无用的。---->>

Although one database writer process (DBW0) is adequate for most systems, you can configure additional processes—DBW1 through DBW9
and DBWa through DBWj—to improve write performance if your system modifies data heavily. These additional DBWn processes are not useful on uniprocessor systems.


The DBWn process writesdirty buffers to disk
under the following conditions:

>>When a server process cannot find aclean reusable buffer after scanning a threshold number of buffers, it signals DBWn
to write. DBWn writes dirty buffers to disk asynchronously if possible while performing other processing.

>>DBWn periodically writes buffers to advance thecheckpoint, which is the position in the redo thread from which instance
recovery begins. The log position of the checkpoint is determined by the oldest dirty buffer in the buffer cache.


In many cases the blocks that DBWn writes arescattered throughout the disk. Thus, the writes tend to be slower than the
sequential writesperformed by LGWR. DBWn performsmultiblock writes when possible to improve efficiency. The number of blocks written in a multiblock
write varies by operating system.

1.2 Log Writer Process –LGWR


The log writer process (LGWR)manages the redo log buffer. LGWR writes one contiguous portion of the buffer to the online redo log.
By separating the tasks of modifying database buffers, performing scattered writes of dirty buffers to disk, and performing fast sequential writes of redo to disk, the database improves performance.



In the following circumstances, LGWR writes all redo entries that have been copied into the buffer since the last time it wrote:

>>A user commits a transaction.

>>An online redo log switch occurs.

>>Three seconds have passed since LGWR last wrote.

>>The redo log buffer is one-third full or contains 1 MB of buffered data.

>>DBWn must write modified buffers to disk.


Before DBWn can write a dirty buffer, redo records associated with changes to the buffer must be written to disk (thewrite-ahead protocol).
If DBWn finds that some redo records have not been written, it signals LGWR to write the records to disk and waits for LGWR to complete before writing the data buffers to disk.

1.2.1 LGWR and Commits

<<----Oracle 数据库使用快速提交的机制提交事务,已提高性能。当一个用户发出一个commit命令时,这个事务将被指定一个scn号。LGWR讲提交记录连同提交SCN及事务redo条目立即写入到磁盘。---->>

Oracle Database uses afast commit mechanism to improve performance for committed transactions. When a user issues aCOMMIT
statement, the transaction is assigned a system change number(SCN). LGWR puts a commit record in the redo log buffer and writes it to disk immediately, along with the commit SCN and transaction's redo entries.

The redo log buffer iscircular. When LGWR writes redo entries from the redo log buffer to an online redo log file, server
processes can copy new entries over the entries in the redo log buffer that have been written to disk. LGWR normally writes fast enough to ensure that space is always available in the buffer
for new entries, even when access to the online redo log is heavy.
<<----重做条目包含事务的提交记录的原子写是单一事件,决定事务是提交的。 Oracle数据库返回一个成功代码提交事务,尽管数据缓冲区尚未被写入到磁盘。相应的变化数据块被延迟,直到DBWn将它们写入数据文件。---->>

atomic write of the redo entry containing the transaction's commit record is the single event that determines the transaction has committed. Oracle Database returns asuccess
code to the committing transaction although the data buffers have not yet been written to disk. The corresponding changes to data blocks are deferred until it is efficient for DBWn to write them to the data files.

LGWR can writeredo log entries todisk before a transaction
commits. The redo entries becomepermanent only if the transaction later commits.

When activity is high, LGWR can usegroup commits. For example, a user commits, causingLGWR
to write the transaction's redo entries to disk. During this write other users commit. LGWR cannot write to disk to commit these transactions until its previous write completes. Upon completion, LGWR can write the list of
redo entries of waiting transactions (not yet committed) in one operation. In this way, the database minimizes disk I/O and maximizes performance. If commits requests continue at a high rate,
then every write by LGWR can contain multiple commitrecords.

1.2.2 LGWR and Inaccessible Files


LGWR writes synchronously to the active mirrored group of online redo log files. If a log file is inaccessible, thenLGWR
continues writing to other files in the group and writes anerror to the LGWRtrace file and the alert log. If all files in a
group are damaged, or if the group is unavailable because it has not been archived, then LGWR cannot continue to function.

1.3 Checkpoint Process –CKPT


The checkpoint process (CKPT)updates thecontrol file anddata
file headers with checkpoint information andsignals DBWn to write blocks to disk. Checkpoint information includes thecheckpoint
location in online redo log to begin recovery, and so on. As shown in figure 4.1.5 ,CKPT does not write data blocks to data files or redo blocks to online redo log files.


          Figure 4.1.5Checkpoint Process

1.4 Manageability Monitor Processes –MMON and MMNL


The manageability monitor process (MMON) performs many tasks related to the Automatic Workload Repository(AWR). For example, MMON writes
when a metricviolates its threshold value, taking snapshots, and capturing statistics value for recently modified SQL objects.

The manageability monitor lite process (MMNL) writes statistics from the Active Session History (ASH) buffer in the SGA to disk. MMNL
writes to disk when the ASH buffer is full.

1.5 Recoverer Process –RECO


In a distributed database , the recoverer process (RECO) automatically resolves failures indistributed
transactions. The RECO process of a node automatically connects to other databases involved in an in-doubt distributed transaction. When RECO reestablishes a connection between the databases, it automatically resolves all
in-doubt transactions, removing from each database's pending transaction table any rows that correspond to the resolved transactions.










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