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Leetcode 题目分类

2013-10-14 10:42 363 查看
Dynamic Programming
Edit DistanceMaximum SubarrayMinimum Path SumUnique PathsUnique Paths IILongest Palindromic SubstringInterleaving StringTriangleDistinct SubsequencesDecode WaysPalindrome Partitioning IIMaximal Rectangle
N-QueensN-Queens IIBalanced Binary TreeBinary Tree Inorder TraversalBinary Tree Maximum Path SumConvert Sorted Array to Binary Search TreeConvert Sorted List to Binary Search TreeFlatten Binary Tree to Linked ListMaximum Depth of Binary TreeMinimum Depth of Binary TreePath SumPermutationsPermutations IIPopulating Next Right Pointers in Each NodePow(x, n)Same TreeSubsetsSum Root to Leaf NumbersSwap Nodes in PairsSymmetric TreeValid PalindromeValidate Binary Search TreeRestore IP AddressesCombinationsInterleaving String (dp is the best)Combination Sum IILetter Combinations of a Phone NumbersWord SearchConstruct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder TraversalConstruct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder TraversalGenerate ParenthesesSurrounded Regions (runtime error)Palindrome PartitioningCombination SumSudoku SolverUnique Binary Search Trees II
Binary Search
Search Insert PositionSearch a 2D MatrixSearch for a RangeSearch in Rotated Sorted ArraySqrt(x)
Container With Most WaterCount and SayFirst Missing PositiveImplement strStr()Jump GameJump Game IILength of Last WordLongest Common PrefixLongest Substring Without Repeating CharactersMerge Sorted ArrayPalindrome NumberPlus OneRemove Duplicates from Sorted ArrayRemove Duplicates from Sorted Array IIRemove ElementReverse IntegerSearch in Rotated Sorted Array IISort ColorsTwo Sum3Sum3Sum Closest4SumAdd BinaryLongest Palindromic SubstringNext PermutationLongest Valid ParenthesesClimbing StairsPermutation SequenceSimplify PathString to Integer (atoi)Minimum Window SubstringLongest Consecutive SequenceTrapping Rain WaterValid Number
Linked List
Add Two NumbersConvert Sorted List to Binary Search TreeMerge Two Sorted ListsPartition ListRemove Duplicates from Sorted ListRemove Duplicates from Sorted List IIRemove Nth Node From End of ListReverse Linked List IIReverse Nodes in k-GroupRotate ListSwap Nodes in Pairs
Binary Tree Inorder TraversalBinary Tree Level Order Traversal IIValid Parentheses
Binary Tree Level Order TraversalBinary Tree Level Order Traversal IIPopulating Next Right Pointers in Each Node IISymmetric TreeSurrounded RegionsWord Ladder
Balanced Binary TreeBinary Tree Inorder TraversalBinary Tree Level Order TraversalBinary Tree Level Order Traversal IIBinary Tree Maximum Path SumConvert Sorted Array to Binary Search TreeConvert Sorted List to Binary Search TreeFlatten Binary Tree to Linked ListMaximum Depth of Binary TreeMinimum Depth of Binary TreePath SumSame TreeSum Root to Leaf NumbersSymmetric TreeValidate Binary Search Tree
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