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ubuntu 12.04 tab键补全问题

2013-10-12 12:12 190 查看

       tab 键自动补全文件夹时,不会自动添加反斜杠/,而是会多加一个空格。

a@b:~$ls Docu <TAB>

I get
a@b:~$ls Documents |(<-this is the cursor, so there is an extra space afer Documents)

So I cannot further tab complete. I have to backspace to delete the extra space.

Normally I want to get:
a@b:~$ls Docu <TAB>
a@b:~$ls Documents/ <TAB>
a@b:~$ls Documents/foo/ <TAB>
a@b:~$ls Documents/foo/bar.txt



I believe there is a bug on line 1587 of /etc/bash_completion, the "-o default" on that line should be changed to "-o filenames".

I haven't checked if 10.10 had "-o default". If it did, then I expect the changed behaviour was due to a change in the readline library. "-o default" means "tell readline to do what it thinks is default", and that may have worked in 10.10 but not in 11.04,
due to a readline library change. So I think it's better to say "-o filenames" which tells readline what we want.

The reason why it works OK for root but not for the normal user is, the /etc/bash-completion script is called by $HOME/.bashrc, and this call is present in the user's .bashrc but commented out in root's .bashrc (at least on the system that I recently upgraded
from 10.10 to 11.04).

I'm getting bash completion problems and I never had acroread installed on this system, so it can't be acroread in my case.

With "-o default", if I type: less /t <tab>

it expands to: less /tmp (space)

instead of less /tmp/

(but "cd /t <tab>" is OK)

"complete" is documented in "man bash" under the heading SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS. For "-o default", it says "Use readline's default filename completion if the compspec generates no matches." For "-o filenames", it says "Tell readline that the compspec generates
filenames, so it can perform any filename-specific processing (like adding a slash to directory names, quoting special characters, or suppressing trailing spaces)."

I tried changing the "-o default" to "-o filenames" and everything worked as expected.

I have not experienced a problem with "cd", only with "less" etc.

          大概意思是说,-o default 参数用的是readline的默认的文件补全,而-o filenames 告诉readline 用全路径名来产生文件名,上面的那个全路径名拼错了,是comspec。



        There is also a bug in the adobereader-enu (acroread) package that breaks bash completion. In this case
you can just delete the symlink:

rm /etc/bash_completion.d/acroread.sh

acroread provides a bash-completion script
that has a function called _filedir, but the default bash-completion in the system has a function with the same name, hence a conflict that causes the issue the OP saw.

You have two options:
- If you don't use acroread from terminal that much, just delete /etc/bash_completion.d/acroread.sh,
as root:


rm -fv /etc/bash_completion.d/acroread.sh

- If you do use it from terminal, you'll have to rename the function manually,
this command should take care of it:


sed -i 's,_filedir,_acroread_filedir,' /usr/local/Adobe//Adobe/Reader9/Resource/Shell/acroread_tab

c.f. https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=61635

       最后,知道了如果不从terminal中使用acroread就可以直接删除acroread.sh,不会影响到正常的adobereader的使用。但是想比较完美的解决这个问题可以输入上面那个命令 ,但是一定要谨慎。










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