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[每日一题] 11gOCP 1z0-052 :2013-09-28 ORA-01555: snapshot too old......................C52

2013-09-30 18:25 423 查看

正确答案:A 重现ORA-01555快照过旧的错误。
[oracle@mydb admin]$ oerr ORA 01555 01555, 00000, "snapshot too old: rollback segment number %s with name \"%s\" too small" // *Cause: rollback records needed by a reader for consistent read are //         overwritten by other writers // *Action: If in Automatic Undo Management mode, increase undo_retention //          setting. Otherwise, use larger rollback segments

gyj@OCM>  create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile'/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ocm/undotbs2.dbf' size 10M;   Tablespace created.   gyj@OCM> alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs2;   System altered.   gyj@OCM> alter system set undo_retention=2 scope=both;   System altered.

第1步、session1: 目标是让b表报快照过旧的报错
gyj@OCM> conn gyj/gyj Connected. gyj@OCM> create table a (id int,cc varchar2(10));   Table created.   gyj@OCM>        insert into a values(1,'hello');   1 row created.   gyj@OCM> commit;   Commit complete.   gyj@OCM> create table b(id int,cc varchar2(10));   Table created.   gyj@OCM>        insert into b values(10,'AAAAAA');   1 row created.   gyj@OCM>        commit;   Commit complete.   gyj@OCM> select * from a;          ID CC ---------- ----------         1 hello   gyj@OCM> select * from b;          ID CC ---------- ----------        10 AAAAAA   gyj@OCM> var x refcursor; gyj@OCM> exec open :x for select * fromb;   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

gyj@OCM> update b set cc='BBBBBB' where id= 10;   1 row updated.   gyj@OCM>   commit;   Commit complete.

第3步、session 3:该条语句就是刷新缓存
sys@OCM> alter system flush buffer_cache;   System altered.

gyj@OCM> begin  2     for i in 1..20000 loop  3      update a set cc='HELLOWWWW';  4      commit;  5     end loop;  6    end;  7   /     PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

第5步、session 1:在B表上执行查询(第一步的查询)
gyj@OCM>  print :x ERROR: ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollbacksegment number 21 with name "_SYSSMU21$" too small


一致性读在Oracle中是一个非常重要的概念, 大家一起跟着我先来做下面的一个实验:

gyj@OCM> create table gyj (id int,name varchar2(10)); Table created. gyj@OCM> insert into gyj values(1,'GGGGGG'); 1 row created. gyj@OCM> commit; Commit complete. gyj@OCM> select * from gyj;         ID NAME ---------- ----------          1 GGGGGG gyj@OCM> var x refcursor gyj@OCM> exec open :x for select * from gyj; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. gyj@OCM> update gyj set name='YYYYYY' where id=1; 1 row updated. gyj@OCM> commit; Commit complete. gyj@OCM> update gyj set name='JJJJJJ' where id=1; 1 row updated. gyj@OCM> commit; Commit complete. gyj@OCM> print :x         ID NAME ---------- ----------          1 GGGGGG   



ORA-01555快照过旧解决办法:(1) 加大UNDO表空间的大小。(2) 减少查询条件范围。QQ:252803295
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标签:  试题 内存 11gOCP