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2013-09-28 09:00 239 查看



When he went to borrow money fromhis friend and was refused again, he flew into fury.

Mike was cut off from all butoccasional radio communications with his armies in the campaign.

As we walked along,we saw a rabbit pop up from it'sburrow and secure across the field.

Someone thinks the annual sale of300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative.

Some people think if people marry,it ought to be for life, the laws are altogether too lenient with divorcees.

Over the first four laps, Benjaminstayed abreast of the German driver.

Speed, endurance and tactics areimportant factors in gaining the victory.

A soccer team that remainschampionship year after year must have kept up it's extraordinary performancewith close coordination among its high-morale members.

Unit 4






Somecompetitors drag you down to their level and beat you withexperience.

2. For a while she went, as Sam's representative,to help smooth out initialworking problems.

3. Most people thought this machine would neverbe anything but a toy.

4. It is the first time for China to undertakesuch a gigantic project. Manypeople once suspected whether the project would be completed
on schedule?

5. Why could China's telecom industry maintainrapid growth in spite of global recession?

6. The consumer price level rose by 0.4percent, reversing the trend of decline for two consecutive years starting from1998.

7. This company gives us a seductive offer onengineering the merger with us.

8. Economics must still contend with scarcityas a basic fact of life.

Unit 8




1. The fresh morning air, thesinging of birds, the trees and flowers on the sides of the street, and thestars at night conspire to make you feel how beautiful the life is.

2. Some Chinese brands have nudgedinto the inter-national market on the back of competitive pricing. At the sametime they haven’t ignored such strategies as product quality, an efficientdistribution
and after-sales service.

3. Several of her friendsbrainwashed my sister Mary into believing that her best friend Carol was sayingnasty things about her behind her back. Mary was as sorry as she could be whenshe found out
it wasn’t true.

4. A politician must projecthimself if he wants to win an election.

5. With the quicken pace of life,people feel time presses and drive their cars faster and faster, which makesthe roadway look like a race track. The automobiles running at a high speedsorely threaten
the safety of pedestrians.

6. Nowadays people becomeincreasingly dependent on automobiles. Despite one mile round trip to work,they will resort to automobiles.

7. Low in price and good inquality, the commodities made in China have won hearts of the consumers allover the world.

8. Starting from scratch, Chineseautomobile industry has gradually developed into what it is. But with it at thepreliminary stage, it is impractical to set an exorbitant quality standard for it.

Unit 10

1. 但读书的益处还不只这一些。读者常会被携带到一个思考和熟虑的世界里边去。即使是一篇描写事实的文章,但躬亲其事和从书中读到事情的经过,其间也有很大的不同点。因为这种事实一经描写到书中之后便成为一幅景物,而读者便成为一个脱身是非,真正的旁观者了。所以真正有益的读书,便是能引领我们进到这个沉思境界的读书,而不是单单去知道一些事实经过的读书。

2. 当我离开人间,最亲爱的










1. Around Christmas, shoppers are scrambling tobuy bargains in this store.

2. On the one hand, Zhou Yu ordered his troopsnot to provide Zhuge Liang with materials to make the arrows. He also sent LuSu to
spy on him to find out what was going on.

3. The purpose of the rule, as we all know, wasto prevent football fans’ acts that might appear to be unduly provocative.

4. We waited for three hours, all the whilehoping that someone would come and fetch us.

5. It’s admirable that he drew back at thecapstone of his career, and turned his steps to charities.

6. We have had a mechanic look it over. Hereports that the rotators appear to have been cracked before the machine wasinstalled.

7. Because of the limited time in conference,he pruned some parts from his draft of speech, so as to improve it.

8. When your mind reposes in a way, you willjudge of such things calmly as you have always done.

Unit 5





1. If the student's scholarship income is exempt fromtaxation, there is no need to report it on the federal income tax return.

2. Coming from a theatrical family, I was destined fora career on the stage, i.e. I was expected to be an actor.

3. Watching the five-star red flag rising again andagain in Olympic games, we can’t help priding ourselves in being Chinese.

4. There are not enough trained younger men and womenready to take over from older experts.

5. Unavoidably, laziness and impulsiveness will creepin, but there will be time to comb them out in the course of study and work.

6. In these competitive times, people should not beafraid of losing. They should be prepared to start all over again. This is thetouchstone of a truly quality

7. For some time after Bonnie's death she had been tooangry with him, too preoccupied with her own grief to do more than speakpolitely in front of the servants.

8. The cashier cast an angry sidelong glance at theyoung clerk, but he had to bite his tongue in my presence and worked his abacusheavily.
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