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Using PHP As A Shell Scripting Language [使用PHP写Shell脚本]

2013-09-25 18:46 701 查看




Author:Darrell Brogdon

As most of us already know, PHP is the best language for developing dynamic web pages available today. Not many people are aware that it can be used as a shell scripting language as well. While PHP as a shell script isn't as robust as Bash or Perl it does have
definite advantages, especially if you're like me and are more proficient in PHP than you are in Perl.

The requirements for using PHP as a shell language is that you must compile PHP as a CGI binary instead of as an Apache module. There are certain security issues related to this so please refer to the PHP Manual when doing so.

Where the code is concerned, the only difference between a PHP shell script and a regular PHP web page is the existence of the standard shell call at the top of the script:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q

We're using the '-q' switch so that the HTTP headers are suppressed. Also, you're still required to begin and end the script with the standard PHP tags:

<?php ?>

So let's delve into the standard code sample we all know and love:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


    print("Hello, world!\n");


This, as most of you know already (about a billion times over) will simply output to the screen "Hello, world!".

Passing arguments to the shell script

Commonly with a shell script you need to pass arguments to the script. This is easily done using the built-in '$argv' array as show in the following example:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


    $first_name = $argv[1];

    $last_name = $argv[2];

    print("Hello, $first_name $last_name!  How are you today?\n");


So in the above script we're printing out the first two arguments to the script which would be called like this:

[dbrogdon@artemis dbrogdon]$ scriptname.ph Darrell Brogdon

Which would print out:

Hello, Darrell Brogdon!  How are you today?

[dbrogdon@artemis dbrogdon]$

The only major difference with the '$argv' array between a shell script and a web page is that in a shell script, '$argv[0]' is the name of your script. In a web page it is the first argument in your query string.

Making a script more interactive

But how do we wait for user input? How do we create a truly interactive script? Well, PHP has no native functions like the 'read' command in shell but we can always emulate it using the following PHP function:

*Note that this function will only work for Unix.


function read() {

    $fp=fopen("/dev/stdin", "r");

    $input=fgets($fp, 255);


    return $input;



This function opens a file pointer to Standard In (/dev/stdin on Linux) and reads anything from this pointer up to 255 bytes, newline, or EOF. In this case a newline is most likely to occur. It then closes the file pointer and returns the data.

So now let's modify our previous script to wait for user input using the newly created 'read()' function:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


    function read() {

        $fp=fopen("/dev/stdin", "r");

        $input=fgets($fp, 255);


        return $input;


    print("What is your first name? ");

    $first_name = read();

    print("What is your last name? ");

    $last_name = read();

    print("\nHello, $first_name $last_name!  Nice to meet you!\n");


You may notice, however, that when you execute this script the last line to be printed is broken into three lines instead of one as it should be. This is because our 'read()' function also takes in the newline character. This is easily fixed by stripping off
the newline before we return the data:


function read() {

    $fp=fopen("/dev/stdin", "r");

    $input=fgets($fp, 255);


    return str_replace("\n", "", $input);



Embedding PHP shell scripts within a regular shell script

Sometimes it might be handy to embed a PHP shell script within a script written in Bash or other shell. This is fairly simple but can get a tad tricky.

First, how to embed the PHP code:


echo This is the Bash section of the code.

/usr/local/bin/php -q << EOF


    print("This is the PHP section of the code\n");



Pretty simple huh? Until you add a variable that is. This is the tricky part. Try running the following code segment:


echo This is the Bash section of the code.

/usr/local/bin/php -q << EOF


    $myVar = "PHP";

    print("This is the $myVar section of the code.\n");



You'll get the following error:

<b>Parse error</b>: parse error in <b>-</b> on line <b>2</b><br>

To fix this you have to escape all of the '$' characters in your PHP code:

#!/bin/bashecho This is the Bash section of the code./usr/local/bin/php -q << EOF<?php        \$myVar = "PHP";        print("This is the \$myVar section of the code.\n");?>EOF

So that should get you started on creating your own shell scripts using PHP!



我们都知道,PHP是一种非常好的动态网页开发语言(速度飞快,开发周期短……)。但是只有很少数的人意识到PHP也可以很好的作为编写Shell脚本的 语言,当PHP作为编写Shell脚本的语言时,他并没有Perl或者Bash那么强大,但是他却有着很好的优势,特别是对于我这种熟悉PHP但是不怎么 熟悉Perl的人。



#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


<?php 代码 ?>


#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


print("Hello, world!\n");


上面这个程序会简单的输出“Hello, world!”到显示器上。


作为一个Shell脚本,经常会在运行程序时候加入一些参数,PHP作为Shell脚本时有一个内嵌的数组“$argv”,使用“$argv”数组可以很 方便的读取Shell脚本运行时候的参数(“$argv[1]”对应的是第一个参数,“$argv[2]”对应的是第二个参数,依此类推)。比如下面这个 程序:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


$first_name = $argv[1];

$last_name = $argv[2];

printf("Hello, %s %s! How are you today?\n", $first_name, $last_name);



[dbrogdon@artemis dbrogdon]$ scriptname.ph Darrell Brogdon


Hello, Darrell Brogdon! How are you today?

[dbrogdon@artemis dbrogdon]$

在PHP作为动态网页编写语言的时候也含有“$argv”这个数组,不过和这里有一些不同:当PHP作为Shell脚本语言的时候“$argv[0]”对 应的是脚本的文件名,而当用于动态网页编写的时候,“$argv[1]”对应的是QueryString的第一个参数。


如果一个Shell脚本仅仅是自己运行,失去了交互性,那么也没有什么意思了。当PHP用于Shell脚本的编写的时候,怎么读取用户输入的信息呢?很不 幸的是PHP自身没有读取用户输入信息的函数或者方法,但是我们可以效仿其他语言编写一个读取用户输入信息的函数“read”:


function read() {

$fp = fopen('/dev/stdin', 'r');

$input = fgets($fp, 255);


return $input;





#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


function read() {

$fp = fopen('/dev/stdin', 'r');

$input = fgets($fp, 255);


return $input;


print("What is your first name? ");

$first_name = read();

print("What is your last name? ");

$last_name = read();

print("\nHello, $first_name $last_name! Nice to meet you!\n");




function read() {

$fp = fopen('/dev/stdin', 'r');

$input = fgets($fp, 255);


$input = chop($input); // 去除尾部空白

return $input;






echo This is the Bash section of the code.

/usr/local/bin/php -q << EOF


print("This is the PHP section of the code\n");





echo This is the Bash section of the code.

/usr/local/bin/php -q << EOF


$myVar = 'PHP';

print("This is the $myVar section of the code\n");



可以看出两次的代码唯一的不同就是第二次使用了一个变量“$myVar”,试试运行,PHP竟然给出出错的信息:“Parse error: parse error in - on line 2”!这是因为Bash中的变量也是“$myVar”,而Bash解析器先将变量给替换掉了,要想解决这个问题,你需要在每个PHP的变量前面加上“\” 转义符,那么刚才的代码修改如下:


echo This is the Bash section of the code.

/usr/local/bin/php -q << EOF


\$myVar = 'PHP';

print("This is the \$myVar section of the code\n");





仔细看上面的一段, fopen("/dev/stdin"),如果你看过yii的框架,你会发现,现在很多人都在使用php://stdin,其实,这只是PHP把这种封装成了一个协议,更方便而己。。可以参考yiiframework.com

原文来自: http://www.neatstudio.com/show-1013-1.shtml
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