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OpenCV 2 学习笔记(20): 关于NAryMatIterator

2013-09-22 11:23 471 查看
NAryMatIterator 是一个n元多维数组迭代器,说到这他和MatIterator的区别,我想大家都已经了解了:




void normalizeColorHist(Mat& hist)
#if 1
// intialize iterator (the style is different from STL).
// after initialization the iterator will contain
// the number of slices or planes
// the iterator will go through
Mat* arrays[] = { &hist, 0 };
Mat planes[1];
NAryMatIterator it(arrays, planes);
double s = 0;
// iterate through the matrix. on each iteration
// it.planes[i] (of type Mat) will be set to the current plane of
// i-th n-dim matrix passed to the iterator constructor.
for(int p = 0; p < it.nplanes; p++, ++it)
s += sum(it.planes[0])[0];
it = NAryMatIterator(hist);
s = 1./s;
for(int p = 0; p < it.nplanes; p++, ++it)
it.planes[0] *= s;
#elif 1
// this is a shorter implementation of the above
// using built-in operations on Mat
double s = sum(hist)[0];
hist.convertTo(hist, hist.type(), 1./s, 0);
// and this is even shorter one
// (assuming that the histogram elements are non-negative)
normalize(hist, hist, 1, 0, NORM_L1);


planes是将指针数组中的Mat放到这里面以便于一同访问。NAryMatIterator it(...)是它的初始化。这个要注意了,不管你的arrays里面的矩阵是几维的,planes存储的都是它的二维化的矩阵,也就是他先把矩阵根据列数将之二维化了,不要以为这个二维就是有很多行,很多列,它都统一转化为一行,元素个数个列,因为只有这样才可以使用image.cols和image.rows,因为二维以上的矩阵他们的返回值都是-1.


其中的s+= sum(it.planes[0])[0]是指将第一个频道里的元素全部相加求和。这个例子里不涉及到多个矩阵,但是我们可以看到当有多个矩阵时利用it.planes[i]可以很方便的访问。
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标签:  OpenCV VC++