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对gcc内联汇编讲解的资料很多,主要也是基于x86架构的,讲解arm的不多。而且,这篇文章对clobber list部分讲得很仔细,包括其他文章很少讲明白的"cc",所以我就果断把它收藏了。

ARM GCC Inline Assembler Cookbook
About this document

The GNU C compiler for ARM RISC processors offers, to embed assembly language
code into C programs. This cool feature may be used for manually optimizing
time critical parts of the software or to use specific processor instruction,
which are not available in the C language.

It's assumed, that you are familiar with writing ARM assembler programs,
because this is not an ARM assembler programming tutorial. It's not a C
language tutorial either.

All samples had been tested with GCC version 4, but most of them should work
with earlier versions too.

GCC asm statement

Let's start with a simple example. The following statement may be
included in your code like any other C statement.

/* NOP example */ asm("mov r0,r0");

It moves the contents of register r0 to register r0. In other words,
it doesn't do much more than nothing. It is also known as a NOP
(no operation) statement and is typically used for very short delays.

Stop! Before adding this example right away to your C code, keep on reading
and learn, why this may not work as expected.

With inline assembly you can use the same assembler instruction mnemonics as
you'd use for writing pure ARM assembly code. And you can write more than
one assembler instruction in a single inline asm statement. To make it more
readable, you can put each instruction on a separate line.



"mov r0, r0\n\t"

"mov r0, r0\n\t"

"mov r0, r0\n\t"

"mov r0, r0"


The special sequence of linefeed and tab characters will keep the assembler listing looking
nice. It may seem a bit odd for the first time, but that's the way the compiler creates
its own assembler code while compiling C statements.

So far, the assembler instructions are much the same as they'd appear in pure assembly
language programs. However, registers and constants are specified in a different way,
if they refer to C expressions. The general form of an inline assembler statement is

asm(code : output operand list : input operand list : clobber list);

The connection between assembly language and C operands is provided by an
optional second and third part of the asm statement, the list of
output and input operands. We will explain the third optional part, the list
of clobbers, later.

The next example of rotating bits passes C variables to assembly language.
It takes the value of one integer variable, right rotates the
bits by one and stores the result in a second integer variable.

/* Rotating bits example */ asm("mov %[result], %[value], ror #1" : [result] "=r" (y) : [value] "r" (x));

Each asm statement is divided by colons into up to four parts:

The assembler instructions, defined in a single string literal:
"mov %[result], %[value], ror #1"

An optional list of output operands, separated by commas. Each entry
consists of a symbolic name enclosed in square brackets, followed by a
constraint string, followed by a C expression enclosed in parentheses.
Our example uses just one entry:
[result] "=r" (y)

A comma separated list of input operands, which uses the same syntax as
the list of output operands. Again, this is optional and our example
uses one operand only:
[value] "r" (x)

Optional list of clobbered registers, omitted in our example.

As shown in the initial NOP example, trailing parts of the asm statement may be omitted,
if unused. Inline asm statements containing assembler instruction only are
also known as basic inline assembly, while statements containing optional parts are
called extended inline assembly. If an unused part is followed by one which is used,
it must be left empty.
The following example sets the current program status register of the ARM CPU. It uses
an input, but no output operand.

asm("msr cpsr,%[ps]" : : [ps]"r"(status));

Even the code part may be left empty, though an empty string is required.
The next statement creates a special clobber to tell the compiler, that
memory contents may have changed. Again, the clobber list will be explained
later, when we take a look to code optimization.


You can insert spaces, newlines and even C comments to increase readability.


asm("mov %[result], %[value], ror #1"

: [result]"=r" (y) /* Rotation result. */

: [value]"r" (x) /* Rotated value. */

: /* No clobbers */


In the code section, operands are referenced by a percent sign followed by the
related symbolic name enclosed in square brackets. It refers to the entry in
one of the operand lists that contains the same symbolic name.
From the rotating bits example:

%[result] refers to output operand, the C variable y, and

%[value] refers to the input operand, the C variable x.

Symbolic operand names use a separate name space. That means, that there is
no relation to any other symbol table. To put it simple: You can choose
a name without taking care whether the same name already exists in your
C code. However, unique symbols must be used within each asm statement.

If you already looked to some working inline assembler statements written
by other authors, you may have noticed a significant difference. In fact,
the GCC compiler supports symbolic names since version 3.1. For earlier
releases the rotating bit example must be written as

asm("mov %0, %1, ror #1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value));

Operands are referenced by a percent sign followed by a
single digit, where %0 refers to the first %1 to the second operand and so forth. This format is still supported
by the latest GCC releases, but quite error-prone and difficult to maintain.
Imagine, that you have written a large number of assembler instructions,
where operands have to be renumbered manually after inserting a new output

If all this stuff still looks a little odd, don't worry. Beside the mysterious
clobber list, you have the strong feeling that something else is missing, right?
Indeed, we didn't talk about the constraint strings in the operand lists.
I'd like to ask for your patience. There's something more important to highlight
in the next chapter.

C code optimization

There are two possible reasons why you want to use assembly language. First is,
that C is limited when we are getting closer to the hardware. E.g. there's no
C statement for directly modifying the processor status register. The second
reason is to create highly optimized code. No doubt, the GNU C code optimizer
does a good job, but the results are far away from handcrafted assembler code.

The subject of the chapter is often overlooked: When adding assembly
language code by using inline assembler statements, this code is also processed by
the C compiler's code optimizer. Let's examine the part of a compiler listing
which may have been generated from our rotating bits example:

00309DE5 ldr r3, [sp, #0] @ x, x
E330A0E1 mov r3, r3, ror #1 @ tmp, x
04308DE5 str r3, [sp, #4] @ tmp, y

The compiler selected register r3 for bit rotation. It could have
selected any other register or two registers, one for each C variable.
It may not explicitly load the value or store the result. Here is another
listing, generated by a different compiler version with different compile

E420A0E1 mov r2, r4, ror #1 @ y, x

The compiler selected a unique register for each operand, using the value already
cached in r4 and passing the result to the following code in r2. Did you get
the picture?

Often it becomes worse. The compiler may even decide not to include your assembler
code at all. These decisions are part of the compiler's optimization strategy
and depend on the context in which your assembler instructions are used.
For example, if you never use any of the output operands in the remaining part
of the C program, the optimizer will most likely remove your inline assembler
The NOP example we presented initially may be such a candidate as well,
because to the compiler this is useless overhead, slowing down program execution.

The solution is to add the volatile attribute to the asm statement to
instruct the compiler to exclude your assembler code from code optimization.
Remember, that you have been warned to use the initial example. Here is the
revised version:


/* NOP example, revised */

asm volatile("mov r0, r0");

But there is more trouble waiting for us. A sophisticated optimizer will
re-arrange the code. The following C snippet had been left over after
several last minute changes:



if (j == 1)

x += 3;


The optimizer will recognize, that the two increments do not have
any impact on the conditional statement. Furthermore it knows, that
incrementing a value by 2 will cost one ARM instruction only. Thus,
it will re-arrange the code to


if (j == 1)

x += 3;

i += 2;

and save one ARM instruction.
As a result: There is no guarantee, that the compiled code will
retain the sequence of statements given in the source code.

This may have a great impact on your code, as we will demonstrate now.
The following code intends to multiply c with b, of which one or both
may be modified by an interrupt routine. Disabling interrupts before
accessing the variables and re-enable them afterwards looks like a
good idea.


asm volatile("mrs r12, cpsr\n\t"

"orr r12, r12, #0xC0\n\t"

"msr cpsr_c, r12\n\t" ::: "r12", "cc");

c *= b; /* This may fail. */

asm volatile("mrs r12, cpsr\n"

"bic r12, r12, #0xC0\n"

"msr cpsr_c, r12" ::: "r12", "cc");

Unfortunately the optimizer may decide to do the multiplication
first and then execute both inline assembler instructions or vice versa.
This will make our assembly code useless.

We can solve this with the help of the clobber list, which will be
explained now. The clobber list from the example above

"r12", "cc"

informs the compiler that the assembly code modifies register r12 and
updates the condition code flags. Btw. using a hard coded register will
typically prevent best optimization results. In general you should pass
a variable and let the compiler choose the adequate register. Beside
register names and cc for the condition register, memory is a valid keyword too. It tells the compiler that the assembler
instruction may change memory locations.
This forces the compiler to store all cached values before and reload
them after executing the assembler instructions. And it must retain the
sequence, because the contents of all variables is unpredictable
after executing an asm statement with a memory clobber.


asm volatile("mrs r12, cpsr\n\t"

"orr r12, r12, #0xC0\n\t"

"msr cpsr_c, r12\n\t" :: : "r12", "cc", "memory");

c *= b; /* This is safe. */

asm volatile("mrs r12, cpsr\n"

"bic r12, r12, #0xC0\n"

"msr cpsr_c, r12" ::: "r12", "cc", "memory");

Invalidating all cached values may be suboptimal. Alternatively
you can add a dummy operand to create an artificial dependency:


asm volatile("mrs r12, cpsr\n\t"

"orr r12, r12, #0xC0\n\t"

"msr cpsr_c, r12\n\t" : "=X" (b) :: "r12", "cc");

c *= b; /* This is safe. */

asm volatile("mrs r12, cpsr\n"

"bic r12, r12, #0xC0\n"

"msr cpsr_c, r12" :: "X" (c) : "r12", "cc");

This code pretends to modify variable b in the first asm statement
and to use the contents variable c in the second. This will
preserve the sequence of our three statements without invalidating
other cached variables.

It is essential to understand how the optimizer affects inline
assembler statements. If something remains nebulous, better
re-read this part before moving on the the next topic.

Input and output operands

We learned, that each input and output operand is described by a
symbolic name enclosed in square bracket, followed by a constraint string,
which in turn is followed by a C expression in parentheses.

What are these constraints and why do we need them? You probably know that
every assembly instruction accepts specific operand types only. For example,
the branch instruction expects a target address to jump at. However, not
every memory address is valid, because the final opcode accepts a 24-bit
offset only. In contrary, the branch and exchange instruction expects a
register that contains a 32-bit target address. In both cases the
operand passed from C to the inline assembler may be the same C function pointer.
Thus, when passing constants, pointers or variables to inline assembly
statements, the inline assembler must know, how they should be represented in the
assembly code.

For ARM processors, GCC 4 provides the following constraints.

Usage in ARM state
Usage in Thumb state
Floating point registers f0 .. f7
Not available
Not available
Registers r8..r15
Immediate floating point constant
Not available
Same a G, but negated
Not available
Immediate value in data processing instructions

e.g. ORR R0, R0, #operand
Constant in the range 0 .. 255

e.g. SWI operand
Indexing constants -4095 .. 4095

e.g. LDR R1, [PC, #operand]
Constant in the range -255 .. -1

e.g. SUB R0, R0, #operand
Same as I, but inverted
Same as I, but shifted
Same as I, but negated
Constant in the range -7 .. 7

e.g. SUB R0, R1, #operand
Same as r
Registers r0..r7

e.g. PUSH operand
Constant in the range of 0 .. 32 or a power of 2

e.g. MOV R2, R1, ROR #operand
Constant that is a multiple of 4 in the range of 0 .. 1020

e.g. ADD R0, SP, #operand
Any valid memory address
Not available
Constant in the range of 0 .. 31

e.g. LSL R0, R1, #operand
Not available
Constant that is a multiple of 4 in the range of -508 .. 508

e.g. ADD SP, #operand
General register r0 .. r15

e.g. SUB operand1, operand2, operand3
Not available
Vector floating point registers s0 .. s31
Not available
Any operand
Constraint characters may be prepended by a single constraint modifier.
Constraints without a modifier specify read-only operands. Modifiers are:

Write-only operand, usually used for all output operands
Read-write operand, must be listed as an output operand
A register that should be used for output only
Output operands must be write-only and the C expression result must be an
lvalue, which means that the operands must be valid on the left side of
assignments. The C compiler is able to check this.

Input operands are, you guessed it, read-only. Note, that the C compiler will
not be able to check, whether the operands are of reasonable type for the kind
of operation used in the assembler instructions.
Most problems will be detected during the late assembly stage, which is well
known for its weird error messages. Even if it claims to have found an internal
compiler problem that should be immediately reported to the authors, you
better check your inline assembler code first.

A strict rule is: Never ever write to an input operand. But what, if you need
the same operand for input and output? The constraint modifier + does the trick as shown in the next example:

asm("mov %[value], %[value], ror #1" : [value] "+r" (y));

This is similar to our rotating bits example presented above. It rotates the
contents of the variable value to the right by one bit. In opposite to
the previous example, the result is not stored in another variable. Instead the original
contents of input variable will be modified.

The modifier + may not be supported by earlier releases of the compiler.
Luckily they offer another solution, which still works with the latest compiler version.
For input operators it is possible to use a single digit in the constraint string.
Using digit n tells the compiler to use the same register as for the n-th operand,
starting with zero. Here is an example:


asm("mov %0, %0, ror #1" : "=r" (value) : "0" (value));

Constraint "0" tells the compiler, to use the same input register
that is used for the first output operand.

Note however, that this doesn't automatically imply the reverse case. The
compiler may choose the same registers for input and output, even if not told
to do so. You may remember the first assembly listing of the rotating bits example
with two variables, where the compiler used the same register r3 for both variables.
The asm statement


asm("mov %[result],%[value],ror #1":[result] "=r" (y):[value] "r" (x));

generated this code:
00309DE5 ldr r3, [sp, #0] @ x, x
E330A0E1 mov r3, r3, ror #1 @ tmp, x
04308DE5 str r3, [sp, #4] @ tmp, y

This is not a problem in most cases, but may be fatal if the output operator
is modified by the assembler code before the input operator is used. In
situations where your code depends on different registers used for input and
output operands, you must add the & constraint modifier to your
output operand. The following code demonstrates this problem.


asm volatile("ldr %0, [%1]" "\n\t"

"str %2, [%1, #4]" "\n\t"

: "=&r" (rdv)

: "r" (&table), "r" (wdv)

: "memory");

A value is read from a table and then another value is written to another
location in this table. If the compiler would have chosen the same register
for input and output, then the output value would have been destroyed on the
first assembler instruction. Fortunately, the & modifier instructs
the compiler not to select any register for the output value, which is used
for any of the input operands.
More recipes
Inline assembler as preprocessor macro

In order to reuse your assembler language parts, it is useful to define them as
macros and put them into include files. Using such
include files may produce compiler warnings, if they are used in modules, which
are compiled in strict ANSI mode. To avoid that, you can write __asm__ instead of asm and __volatile__ instead of volatile. These
are equivalent aliases. Here is a macro which will convert a long value from
little endian to big endian or vice versa:


#define BYTESWAP(val) \

__asm__ __volatile__ ( \

"eor r3, %1, %1, ror #16\n\t" \

"bic r3, r3, #0x00FF0000\n\t" \

"mov %0, %1, ror #8\n\t" \

"eor %0, %0, r3, lsr #8" \

: "=r" (val) \

: "0"(val) \

: "r3", "cc" \


C stub functions

Macro definitions will include the same assembler code whenever they are
referenced. This may not be acceptable for larger routines. In this case you
may define a C stub function. Here is the byte swap procedure again, this
time implemented as a C function.


unsigned long ByteSwap(unsigned long val)


asm volatile (

"eor r3, %1, %1, ror #16\n\t"

"bic r3, r3, #0x00FF0000\n\t"

"mov %0, %1, ror #8\n\t"

"eor %0, %0, r3, lsr #8"

: "=r" (val)

: "0"(val)

: "r3"


return val;


Replacing symbolic names of C variables

By default GCC uses the same symbolic names of functions or
variables in C and assembler code. You can specify a different name for the
assembler code by using a special form of the asm statement:

unsigned long value asm("clock") = 3686400;

This statement instructs the compiler to use the symbolic name clock
rather than value. This makes sense only for global variables. Local
variables (aka auto variables) do not have symbolic names in
assembler code.

Replacing symbolic names of C functions

In order to change the name of a function, you need a prototype declaration,
because the compiler will not accept the asm keyword in the function definition:

extern long Calc(void) asm ("CALCULATE");

Calling the function Calc() will create assembler instructions to
call the function CALCULATE.

Forcing usage of specific registers

A local variable may be held in a register. You can instruct the inline
assembler to use a specific register for it.


void Count(void) {

register unsigned char counter asm("r3");

... some code...

asm volatile("eor r3, r3, r3");

... more code...


The assembler instruction, "eor r3, r3, r3", will clear the variable
counter. Be warned, that this sample is bad in most situations, because
it interferes with the compiler's optimizer. Furthermore, GCC will not
completely reserve the specified register. If the optimizer recognizes
that the variable will not be referenced any longer, the register may be
re-used. But the compiler is not able to check whether this register usage
conflicts with any predefined register. If you reserve too many registers in
this way, the compiler may even run out of registers during code generation.

Using registers temporarily

If you are using registers, which had not been passed as operands, you
need to inform the compiler about this. The following code will adjust
a value to a multiple of four. It uses r3 as a scratch register and lets
the compiler know about this by specifying r3 in the clobber list.
Furthermore the CPU status flags are modified by the ands instruction and thus cc had been added to the clobbers.


asm volatile(

"ands r3, %1, #3" "\n\t"

"eor %0, %0, r3" "\n\t"

"addne %0, #4"

: "=r" (len)

: "0" (len)

: "cc", "r3"


Again, hard coding register usage is always bad coding style. Better
implement a C stub function and use a local variable for temporary

Using constants

You can use the mov instruction to load an immediate constant value
into a register. Basically, this is limited to values ranging from
0 to 255.

asm("mov r0, %[flag]" : [flag] "I" (0x80));

But also larger values can be used when rotating the given range
by an even number of bits. In other words, any result of

n * 2X

with n is in the mentioned range of 0 to 255 and x is an even
number in the range of 0 to 24. Because of rotation, x may be
set to 26, 28 or 30, in which case bits 37 to 32 are folded to
bits 5 to 0 resp. Last not least, the binary complement of these
values may be given, when using mvn instead of mov.

Sometimes you need to jump to a fixed memory address,
which may be defined by a preprocessor macro. You can use the following
assembly code:


ldr r3, =JMPADDR

bx r3

This will work with any legal address value. If the constant fits
(for example 0x20000000), then the smart assembler will convert this to


mov r3, #0x20000000

bx r3

If it doesn't fit (for example 0x00F000F0), then the assembler will
load the value from the literal pool.


ldr r3, .L1

bx r3


.L1: .word 0x00F000F0

With inline assembly it works in the same way. But instead
of using ldr, you can simply provide a constant as a register

asm volatile("bx %0" : : "r" (JMPADDR));

Depending on the actual value of the constant, either mov,
ldr or any of its variants is used. If JMPADDR is defined
as 0xFFFFFF00, then the resulting code will be similar to


mvn r3, #0xFF

bx r3

The real world is more complicated. It may happen, that we need to
load a specific register. Let's assume, that we want to
call a subroutine, but we want to return to another address than
the one that follows our branch. This is often useful when returning
from main. In this case we need to load the link register. Here is
the assembly code:


ldr lr, =JMPADDR

ldr r3, main

bx r3

Any idea how to implement this in inline assembly? Here is a solution:


asm volatile(

"mov lr, %1\n\t"

"bx %0\n\t"

: : "r" (main), "I" (JMPADDR));

But there is still a problem. We use mov here and this will work as
long as the value of JMPADDR fits. The resulting code will be the
same than what we get in pure assembly code. If it doesn't fit, then
we need ldr instead. But unfortunately there is no way to express

ldr lr, =JMPADDR

in inline assembly. Instead, we must write


asm volatile(

"mov lr, %1\n\t"

"bx %0\n\t"

: : "r" (main), "r" (JMPADDR));

Compared to the pure assembly code, we end up with an additional statement,
using an additional register.


ldr r3, .L1

ldr r2, .L2

mov lr, r2

bx r3

Register Usage

It is always a good idea to analyze the assembly listing output of the
C compiler and study the generated code. The following table of
the compiler's typical register usage will be probably helpful to
understand the code.

Alt. Name
First function argument

Integer function result

Scratch register
Second function argument

Scratch register
Third function argument

Scratch register
Fourth function argument

Scratch register
Register variable
Register variable
Register variable
Register variable
Register variable

Register variable

Real frame pointer
Stack limit
Argument pointer
Temporary workspace
Stack pointer
Link register

Program counter
Common pitfalls
Instruction sequence

Developers often expect, that a sequence of instructions remains
in the final code as specified in the source code. This assumption
is wrong and often introduces hard to find bugs.
Actually, asm statements are processed by the optimizer in the same
way as other C statements. They may be rearranged if dependencies
allow this.

The chapter "C code optimization" discusses the details and offers

Executing in Thumb status

Be aware, that, depending on the given compile options,
the compiler may switch to thumb state. Using inline
assembler with instructions that are not available in
thumb state will result in cryptic compile errors.

Assembly code size

In most cases the compiler will correctly determine the size
of the assembler instruction, but it may become confused by
assembler macros. Better avoid them.

In case you are confused: This is about assembly
language macros, not C preprocessor macros. It is fine to use
the latter.


Within the assembler instruction you can use labels as jump
targets. However, you must not jump from one assembler instruction
into another. The optimizer knows nothing about those branches
and may generate bad code.

Preprocessor macros

Inline assembly instruction cannot contain preprocessor macros,
because for the preprocessor these instruction are nothing else
but string constants.

If your assembly code must refer to values that are defined by
macros, see the chapter about "Using constants" above.

External links

For a more thorough discussion of inline assembly usage, see the gcc user
manual. The latest version of the gcc manual is always available here:

Copyright (C) 2007-2012 by Harald Kipp.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

If you think that something hasn't been explained clearly enough
or is even wrong, please let me know.
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