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Oracle 主键、唯一键与唯一索引的区别

2013-09-15 19:01 561 查看



SQL> select * from v$version;



Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE      Production

TNS for Linux: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production


SQL> create table test (          

  2  id int,

  3  name varchar2(20),

  4  constraint pk_test primary key(id))

  5  tablespace users;

Table created.


SQL> select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints;

CONSTRAINT_NAME                C

------------------------------ -

PK_TEST                        P



SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness, tablespace_name

  2  from user_indexes

  3  where table_owner='SCOTT'

  4  and table_name = 'TEST';


-------------------- -------------------- --------- ------------------------------

PK_TEST              NORMAL               UNIQUE    USERS



SQL> create unique index idx_test_uk on test(id);

create unique index idx_test_uk on test(id)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01408: such column list already indexed



SQL> create index idx_test_id on test(id);

create index idx_test_id on test(id)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01408: such column list already indexed



SQL> drop table test purge;

Table dropped.


SQL> create table test(

  2  id int,

  3  name varchar2(20),

  4  constraint uk_test unique(id));

Table created.


SQL> select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints;

CONSTRAINT_NAME                C

------------------------------ -

UK_TEST                        U



SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness, tablespace_name

  2  from user_indexes

  3  where table_owner='SCOTT'

  4  and table_name = 'TEST';


-------------------- -------------------- --------- ------------------------------

UK_TEST              NORMAL               UNIQUE    USERS



我们知道,主键约束要求列值非空(NOT NULL),那么唯一键约束是否也要求非空呢?

SQL> insert into test values(1, 'Sally');

1 row created.


SQL> insert into test values(null, 'Tony');

1 row created.


SQL> insert into test values(null, 'Jack');

1 row created.


SQL> select * from test;

        ID NAME

---------- --------------------

         1 Sally








SQL> drop table test purge;

Table dropped.


SQL> create table test(

  2  id int,

  3  name varchar2(20));

Table created.


SQL> create unique index idx_test_id on test (id);

Index created.


SQL> insert into test values(1, 'Sally');

1 row created.


SQL> insert into test values(null, 'Tony');

1 row created.


SQL> insert into test values(null, 'Jack');

1 row created.


SQL> select * from test;

        ID NAME

---------- --------------------

         1 Sally








SQL> drop table test purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table test(

  2  id int,

  3  name varchar2(20),

  4  constraint uk_test unique(id));

Table created.


SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness from user_indexes;

INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  UNIQUENES

------------------------------ --------------------------- ---------

UK_TEST                        NORMAL                      UNIQUE


SQL> alter table test disable constraint uk_test;

Table altered.


SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness from user_indexes;

no rows selected


SQL> alter table test disable constraint uk_test;
Table altered.

SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness from user_indexes;
INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  UNIQUENES
------------------------------ --------------------------- ---------
UK_TEST                        NORMAL                      UNIQUE



Using Nonunique Indexes to Enforce Uniqueness

You can use an existing nonunique index on a table to enforce uniqueness, either for UNIQUE constraints or the unique aspect of a PRIMARY KEY constraint. The advantage of this approach is that the index remains available and valid when the constraint is disabled.
Therefore, enabling a disabled UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint does not require rebuilding the unique index associated with the constraint. This can yield significant time savings on enable operations for large tables.

Using a nonunique index to enforce uniqueness also lets you eliminate redundant indexes. You do not need a unique index on a primary key column if that column is included as the prefix of a composite index. You can use the existing index to enable and enforce
the constraint. You also save significant space by not duplicating the index. However, if the existing index is partitioned, then the partitioning key of the index must also be a subset of the UNIQUE key; otherwise, Oracle Database creates an additional unique
index to enforce the constraint.




SQL> drop table test purge;

Table dropped.


SQL> create table test(

  2  id int,

  3  name varchar2(20));

Table created.


SQL> create unique index idx_test_id on test (id);

Index created.


SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness

  2  from user_indexes

  3  where table_owner = 'SCOTT'

  4  and table_name = 'TEST';

INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  UNIQUENES

------------------------------ --------------------------- ---------

IDX_TEST_ID                    NORMAL                      UNIQUE


SQL> alter table test add constraint uk_test unique (id);

Table altered.


SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness

  2  from user_indexes

  3  where table_owner = 'SCOTT'

  4  and table_name = 'TEST';

INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  UNIQUENES

------------------------------ --------------------------- ---------

IDX_TEST_ID                    NORMAL                      UNIQUE


SQL> select constraint_name, constraint_type

  2  from user_constraints

  3  where table_name = 'TEST';

CONSTRAINT_NAME                C

------------------------------ -

UK_TEST                        U


SQL> alter table test disable constraint uk_test;

Table altered.


SQL> select constraint_name, constraint_type, status

  2  from user_constraints

  3  where table_name = 'TEST';


------------------------------ - --------

UK_TEST                        U DISABLED


SQL> select index_name, index_type, uniqueness, status

  2  from user_indexes

  3  where table_owner = 'SCOTT'

  4  and table_name = 'TEST';

INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE                  UNIQUENES STATUS

------------------------------ --------------------------- --------- --------

IDX_TEST_ID                    NORMAL                      UNIQUE    VALID




SCOTT@ orcl> create index idx_test_id on test(id);

Index created.


SCOTT@ orcl> alter table test add constraint uk_test unique (id);

Table altered.


SCOTT@ orcl> insert into test values(1, 'liu');

insert into test values(1, 'liu')


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.UK_TEST) violated

SCOTT@ orcl> alter table test drop constraint uk_test;

Table altered.


SCOTT@ orcl> insert into test values(1, 'liu');

1 row created.


SCOTT@ orcl> delete from test where id=1 and rownum=1;

1 row deleted.


SCOTT@ orcl> select * from test;

        ID NAME

---------- --------------------


         1 liu


SCOTT@ orcl> create unique index idx_test_id on test(id);

Index created.


SCOTT@ orcl> alter table test add constraint uk_test unique (id);

Table altered.


SCOTT@ orcl> alter table test drop constraint uk_test;

Table altered.


SCOTT@ orcl> insert into test values(1, 'liu');

insert into test values(1, 'liu')


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.IDX_TEST_ID) violated





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