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Research notes for Scientific Writing

2013-09-12 22:17 232 查看


complacency n. 自得;自鸣得意

nomenclature n. 专业术语;e.g. the nomenclature of music; 音乐的专门术语


abscond vt. 潜逃;逃跑; e.g. He absconded from the bank with all the money.

bemoan vt. 对...抱怨;对...不满;e.g. ... and often researchers bemoan the lack of well-validated measures...

empower: (1) to give or delegate power or authority to; authorize; (2) to give ability to; enable or permit;
empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities.

sidestep vt. 回避;避免;to sidestep a difficult problem/question

reap 收割;收获;to reap the benefits of trust and distrust ...

conflate 合并;混合;<=>co-exist

endeavor vt. = attempt; endeavor after = seek; e.g.: He endeavored after more fame and wealth; They endeavored to make her happy, but in vain.

embark on sth. 着手,开始做某事;e.g. In Section 3, we then embark upon the problem of distrust-aware

reinforce vt. 增强;巩固;e.g. The experimental results clearly reinforce our claims that ...


contemporary 当代的;同时代的;

dichotomous 对立的;有区别的;

imperative = very important 必要的;紧急的;

peculiar 特有的;独特的

inexplicable 无法解释的;e.g.: Their actions are completely inexplicable.


tap into 利用;开发;

in vain 徒劳无益地;

speak to (1) 围绕…谈: He does not speak to the subject. 她没有说到主题。(2) 提醒:This vast literature speaks to the importance of clustering in data analysis.

be that as it may: 尽管如此...although it may be true; something that you say which means although you accept a piece of information as a fact, it does not make you think differently about the subject that you are discussing.
e.g.: l am sorry to hear about your troubles, but, be that as it may, you still must carry out your responsibilities. Be that as it may, I still cannot help you.


To facilitate discussion, we first introduce some notation. = For the sake of clarity = For the purpose of discussion
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