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iBATIS, Hibernate, and…

2013-09-11 15:59 399 查看
http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-07-2008/jw-07-orm-comparison.html?page=1Object-relational mapping in Java is a tricky
business, and solutions like JDBC and entity beans have met with
less than overwhelming enthusiasm. But a new generation of ORM
solutions has since emerged. These tools allow for easier
programming and a closer adherence to the ideals of object-oriented
programming and multi-tiered architectural development. Learn how
Hibernate, iBATIS, and the Java Persistence API compare based on
factors such as query-language support, performance, and
portability across different relational databases.In this article we introduce and compare two of the most popular
open source persistence frameworks,
iBATIS and
Hibernate. We also discuss the
Java Persistence API (JPA). We introduce each solution and
discuss its defining qualities, as well as its individual strengths
and weaknesses in broad application scenarios. We then compare
iBATIS, Hibernate, and JPA based on factors such as performance,
portability, complexity, and adaptability to data model
changes.If you are a beginning Java programmer new to persistence
concepts, reading this article will serve as a primer to the topic
and to the most popular open source persistence solutions. If you
are familiar with all three solutions and simply want a
straightforward comparison, you will find it in the section
persistence technologies."

Understanding persistence

Persistence is an attribute of data that ensures that
it is available even beyond the lifetime of an application. For an
object-oriented language like Java, persistence ensures that the
state of an object is accessible even after the application that
created it has stopped executing.There are different ways to achieve persistence. The traditional
approach to the problem is to use file systems that store the
necessary information in flat files. It is difficult to manage
large amounts of data in this way because the data is spread across
different files. Maintaining data consistency is also an issue with
flat-file systems, because the same information may be replicated
in various files. Searching for data in flat files is
time-consuming, especially if those files are unsorted. Also, file
systems provide limited support for concurrent access, as they do
not ensure data integrity. For all these reasons, file systems are
not considered a good data-storage solution when persistence is
desired.The most common approach today is to use databases that serve as
repositories for large amounts of data. There are many types of
databases: relational, hierarchical, network, object-oriented, and
so on. These databases, along with their database management
systems (DBMSs), not only provide a persistence facility, but also
manage the information that is persisted. Relational databases are
the mostly widely used type. Data in a relational database is
modeled as a set of interrelated tables.The advent of enterprise applications popularized the n-tier
architecture, which aims to improve maintainability by
separating presentation, business, and database-related code into
different tiers (or layers) of the application. The layer
that separates the business logic and the database code is the
persistence layer, which keeps the application independent
of the underlying database technology. With this robust layer in
place, the developer no longer needs to take care of data
persistence. The persistence layer encapsulates the way in which
the data is stored and retrieved from a relational database.Java applications traditionally used the JDBC (Java Database
Connectivity) API to persist data into relational databases. The
JDBC API uses SQL statements to perform create, read, update, and
delete (CRUD) operations. JDBC code is embedded in Java classes --
in other words, it's tightly coupled to the business logic. This
code also relies heavily on SQL, which is not standardized across
databases; that makes migrating from one database to another
difficult.Relational database technology emphasizes data and its
relationships, whereas the object-oriented paradigm used in Java
concentrates not on the data itself, but on the operations
performed on that data. Hence, when these two technologies are
required to work together, there is a conflict of interests. Also,
the object-oriented programming concepts of inheritance,
polymorphism, and association are not addressed by relational
databases. Another problem resulting from this mismatch arises when
user-defined data types defined in a Java application are mapped to
relational databases, as the latter do not provide the required
type support.

Object-relational mapping

Object-relational mapping (ORM) has emerged as a
solution to what is sometimes called the
object-relational impedance mismatch. ORM is a technique that
transparently persists application objects to the tables in a
relational database. ORM behaves like a virtual database, hiding
the underlying database architecture from the user. ORM provides
functionality to perform complete CRUD operations and encourages
object-oriented querying. ORM also supports metadata mapping and
helps in the transaction management of the application.An example will help illustrate how ORM works. Consider a simple
object that needs to be persisted in the database.
object in the domain model is the
representation of the CAR table in the data model. The attributes
of the
object are derived from the columns of the
CAR table. There is a direct mapping between the

class and the CAR table, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Hibernate, and JPA: Which is right for you" />

Figure 1. Mapping an object to a table

There are many open source ORM tools, including Hibernate,
iBATIS SQL Maps, and Java Ultra-Lite Persistence. Most of these
tools are persistence frameworks that provide a layer of
abstraction between the Java application and the database. A
persistence framework maps the objects in the application domain to
data that needs to be persisted in a database. The mappings can be
defined using either XML files or metadata annotations (the latter
introduced to the language as part of Java 1.5). The persistence
framework aims to separate the database-related code and the
application code (that is, the business logic), thereby increasing
application flexibility. A persistence framework simplifies the
development process by providing a wrapper around the persistence
logic.With this basic introduction to persistence out of the way,
we're ready to move on to discussing two of the most popular open
source persistence frameworks, iBATIS and Hibernate. We'll also
introduce the Java Persistence API and discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of all three solutions in various application

iBATIS: Using SQL directly

Object-relational mapping (ORM) uses direct mapping to generate
JDBC or SQL code under the hood. For some application scenarios,
however, you will need more direct control over SQL queries. When
writing an application that involves a series of update queries,
it's more effective to write your own SQL queries than to rely on
ORM-generated SQL. Also, ORM cannot be used when there is a
mismatch between the object model and the data model. As we've
mentioned, JDBC code was once the common solution to such problems,
but it introduced a lot of database code within application code,
making applications harder to maintain. A persistence layer is
needed to decouple the application and the database.
The iBATIS project was initiated by Clinton Begin and released
in 2001. This persistence framework was initially designed for
Java, though it has since been extended to support other platforms,
including .Net and Ruby.
The iBATIS Data Mapper framework helps solve these problems.
iBATIS is a persistence framework that provides the benefits of SQL
but avoids the complexity of JDBC. Unlike most other persistence
frameworks, iBATIS encourages the direct use of SQL and ensures
that all the benefits of SQL are not overridden by the framework
itself.Simplicity is iBATIS's greatest advantage, as it provides a
simple mapping and API layer that can be used to build data-access
code. In this framework the data model and the object model need
not map to one another precisely. This is because iBATIS uses a
data mapper, which maps objects to stored procedures, SQL
statements, or
s via an XML descriptor,
rather than a metadata mapper, which maps objects in the
domain to tables in the database. Thus, iBATIS enables the data
model and the object model to be independent of each other.

How iBATIS works

iBATIS allows loose coupling of the database and application by
mapping the input to and output from the database to the domain
objects, thus introducing an abstraction layer. The mapping is done
using XML files that contain SQL queries. This loose coupling
allows the mapping to work for systems where the application and
the database design are mismatched. It also helps in dealing with
legacy databases and with databases that change over time.The iBATIS framework mainly uses the following two XML files as
descriptors:SQLMapConfig.xmlSQLMap.xmlWe'll look at each file in detail.


SQLMapConfig.xml is a central XML file that contains all the
configuration details, like the details for the data sources; it
also optionally includes information about transaction management.
This file identifies all the SQLMap.xml files -- of which there may
be more than one -- and loads them.Consider an
class that maps to an EMPLOYEE
table in the database. The properties of the class --
, and
-- correspond to similarly named columns
in the table. The class diagram for the
is shown in Figure 2. (This class will be used to demonstrate the
different persistence techniques that are discussed in this
Hibernate, and JPA: Which is right for you" />

Figure 2. Class diagram for the Employee class

The SQLMapConfig.xml file for the
can be written as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. SQLMapConfig.xml file for Employee

[/code]SQLMapConfig.xml uses a
tag to
configure a data source to use with this particular SQL map. It
specifies the type of the data source, along with some details,
including information about the driver, the database URL, and the
username and password. The
tag specifies the
location of the SQLMap.xml file so as to load it.


The other XML file is SQLMap.xml, which is in practice named
after the table to which it relates. There can be any number of
such files in a single application. This file is the place where
domain objects are mapped to SQL statements. This descriptor uses
parameter maps to map the inputs to the statements and the result
maps for mapping SQL
s. This file also
contains the queries. Therefore, to change the queries, you need to
change the XML, not your application's Java code. The mapping is
done by using the actual SQL statements that will interact with the
database. Thus, using SQL provides greater flexibility to the
developer and makes iBATIS easy to understand to anyone with SQL
programming experience.The SQLMap.xml file that defines the SQL statements to perform
CRUD operations on the EMPLOYEE table is shown in Listing 2.

Listing 2. SQLMap.xml for operations on EMPLOYEE










    insert into EMPLOYEE (




    values (

      #id#, #firstName# , #lastName# )



    update EMPLOYEE set

      emp_firstname = #firstName#,

      emp_lastname = #lastName#


      emp_id = #id#



    delete from EMPLOYEE where emp_id = #id#
[/code]In Listing 2, the
tag is used to
represent type aliases, so you can avoid typing the full class name
every time it would otherwise appear. It contains the
tag, which describes the mapping between the
columns returned from a query and the properties of the class
represented by the
class. The
is optional and it isn't required if the
columns in the table (or aliases) match the properties of the class
exactly. This
tag is followed by a series of
queries. SQLMap.xml can contain any number of queries. All the
select, insert, update, and delete statements are written within
their respective tags. Every statement is named using the
attribute.The output from a select query can be mapped to a
or to a result class that is a JavaBean. The
aliases in the queries should match the properties of the target
result class (that is, the JavaBean). The
attribute is used to specify the
JavaBean whose properties are the inputs. Any parameters in the
hash symbol are the properties of the JavaBean.

Loading the descriptor files to your Java application

After you have completed the entire configuration and mapped in
both the XML files, SQLMapConfig.xml needs to be loaded by the Java
application. The first step is to load the SQLMap.xml configuration
file that was created earlier. To do this, you would use the
class, which is
included with the iBATIS framework, as shown in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Loading SQLMap.xml

[code]private static SqlMapClient sqlMapper;


 try {

      Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("com/mydomain/data/SqlMapConfig.xml");

      sqlMapper = SqlMapClientBuilder.buildSqlMapClient(reader);


    } catch (IOException e) {

      // Fail fast.

      throw new RuntimeException("Something bad happened while building the SqlMapClient instance." + e, e);


class is used for working with
s. It allows you to run mapped statements like
select, insert, update, and so on. The

object is thread safe; hence, one object is enough. This makes it a
good candidate to be a static member. This object is created by
reading a single SQLMapConfig.xml file. The iBATIS framework
provides the
with which you can read the SQLMapConfig.xml file. Thus, by using
this instance of the
, you can access an object
from the database -- in this case, an

object.To invoke the operations on the EMPLOYEE table, different
methods are provided on the
, such as
, and
, among others. The
method, shown in Listing 4, returns a
list of

Listing 4. queryForList()

[/code]Similarly, you would use the

method when only one row was returned as a result of the query.
Both methods take the statement name as the parameter.Corresponding methods are available for performing insert,
update, and delete operations, as shown in Listing 5. These methods
take both the statement name declared in the SQLMap.xml file and
object as the input.

Listing 5. Insert, update, and delete operations

[code]sqlMapper.insert("insertEmp", emp);

sqlMapper.update("updateEmp", emp);

sqlMapper.delete("deleteEmp", id);
[/code]In this way, Java objects are persisted using straight SQL
statements in iBATIS.

When to use iBATIS

iBATIS is best used when you need complete control of the SQL.
It is also useful when the SQL queries need to be fine-tuned.
iBATIS should not be used when you have full control over both the
application and the database design, because in such cases the
application could be modified to suit the database, or vice versa.
In such situations, you could build a fully object-relational
application, and other ORM tools are preferable. As iBATIS is more
SQL-centric, it is generally referred to as inverted --
fully ORM tools generate SQL, whereas iBATIS uses SQL directly.
iBATIS is also inappropriate for non-relational databases, because
such databases do not support transactions and other key features
that iBATIS uses.


Hibernate is an open source, lightweight object-relational
mapping solution. The main feature of Hibernate is its support for
object-based modeling, which allows it to provide a transparent
mechanism for persistence. It uses XML to map a database to an
application and supports fine-grained objects. The current version
of Hibernate is 3.x, and it supports Java annotations and hence
satisfies the EJB specification.
Hibernate in
Hibernate was developed by a team headed by Gavin King. The
development of Hibernate began in 2001 and the team was later
acquired by JBoss, which now manages it. Hibernate was developed
initially for Java; in 2005 a .Net version named NHibernate was
Hibernate includes a very powerful query language called
Hibernate Query Language, or HQL. HQL is very similar to
SQL, and also defines some additional conventions. HQL is
completely object-oriented, enabling you to leverage the complete
strength of the object-oriented pillars of inheritance,
polymorphism, and association. HQL queries are case insensitive,
except for the names of the Java classes and properties being used.
HQL returns query results as objects that can be directly accessed
and manipulated by the programmer. HQL also supports many advanced
features of pagination and dynamic profiling that SQL has never
supported. HQL does not require any explicit joins when working
with multiple tables.

Why do we need Hibernate?

Entity beans, which have traditionally been used for
object-relational mapping, are very difficult to understand and
hard to maintain. Hibernate makes object-relational mapping simple
by mapping the metadata in an XML file that defines the table in
the database that needs to be mapped to a particular class. In
other persistence frameworks, you need to modify the application
class to achieve object-relational mapping; this is not necessary
in Hibernate.With Hibernate, you needn't worry about database changes, as
manual changes in the SQL script files are avoided. If you ever
need to change the database your application uses, that can be
easily accommodated by altering the
in the configuration file. Hibernate gives you the complete power
of SQL, something that was never offered by earlier commercial ORM
frameworks. Hibernate also supports many databases, including
MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, Derby, and PostgreSQL, and works well with
plain old Java object (POJO)-based models, too.Hibernate generates JDBC code based on the underlying database
chosen, and so saves you the trouble of writing JDBC code. It also
supports connection pooling. The APIs that are used by Hibernate
are very simple and easy to learn. Developers with very little
knowledge of SQL can make use of Hibernate, as it lessens the
burden of writing SQL queries.

Hibernate architecture

Internally, Hibernate uses JDBC, which provides a layer of
abstraction to the database, while it employs the Java Transaction
API (JTA) and JNDI to integrate with other applications. The
connection information that the Hibernate needs to interact with
the database is provided by the JDBC connection pool, which has to
be configured.Hibernate's architecture consists mainly of two interfaces --
-- along with the
interface, which is in the persistence layer of
the application. The classes that are defined in the business layer
of the application interact through independent metadata with the
Hibernate persistence layer, which in turn talks to the database
layer using certain JDBC APIs. In addition, Hibernate uses other
interfaces for configuration, mainly the aptly named
class. Hibernate also makes use of
callback interfaces and some optional interfaces for extending the
mapping functionality. The overall Hibernate architecture is
illustrated in Figure 3.
Hibernate, and JPA: Which is right for you" />

Figure 3. Hibernate architecture: The big picture

The major programming interfaces that are part of Hibernate
is basically used to
obtain a session instance, and can be seen as an analogue to the
connection pooling mechanism. This is thread safe, as all the
application threads can use a single

(as long as Hibernate uses a single database). This interface is
configured through the configuration file, which determines the
mapping file to be loaded.
provides a single thread that
determines the conversation between the application and the
database. This is analogous to a specific (single) connection. It
is very lightweight and not thread safe.
provides a single-thread
object that spans through the application and determines an atomic
unit of work. It basically abstracts JDBC, JTA, and CORBA
is used to perform a query,
either in HQL or in the SQL dialect of the underlying database. A
instance is lightweight, and it is important to
note that it cannot be used outside the session through which it
was created.

Configuring Hibernate

You configure Hibernate through an XML file named
hibernate.cfg.xml. The configuration file aids in establishing a
connection to a particular relational database. The configuration
file should know which mapping file it needs to refer to. At
runtime, Hibernate reads the mapping file and then uses it to build
a dynamic Java class corresponding to that table of the database. A
sample configuration file is shown in Listing 6.

Listing 6. hibernate.cfg.xml
























Working with Hibernate

When a
instance is created in the
application, Hibernate reads the configuration file and identifies
the respective mapping file. The session object that is created
from the
gets a particular connection
to the database, and this session object is the persistence context
for the instance of a persistence class. The instance can be in one
of the three states: transient, persistent, or
detached. In the transient state, the object is yet to be
associated with a table; in the persistent state, the object is
associated with the table; and in the detached state, there is no
guarantee that the object is in sync with the table. The Hibernate
code that is used to persist an
object is
shown in Listing 7.

Listing 7. Persisting an object with Hibernate

[code]Session session = null;

Transaction tx = null;

// At this point the Configuration file is read

SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();

// A specific session object is obtained

session = sessionFactory.openSession();

// A new database transaction is started

tx = session.beginTransaction();

// Employee Object is created & populated

Employee emp = new Employee();


emp.setEmpFirstname("K L");


// Using the session, emp object is persisted in the database

[/code]The mapping file that the configuration file identifies maps a
particular persistent class to the database table. It maps specific
columns to specific fields, and has associations, collections,
primary key mapping, and ID key generation mechanisms. The mapping
files are generally given names based on the tables to which they
map; in the example application, you'd use Employee.hbm.xml for the
file that corresponds to the EMPLOYEE table. As you can see in
Listing 8, the mapping file specifies that the
class has to be mapped to the EMPLOYEE table
in the database, which has columns named
, and
is the primary key, and should have the value

Listing 8. Employee.hbm.xml








              type="string" not-null="true" length="30" />

When to use Hibernate

Hibernate is best used to leverage end-to-end OR mapping. It
provides a complete ORM solution, but leaves you control over
queries. Hibernate is an ideal solution for situations where you
have complete control over both the application and the database
design. In such cases you may modify the application to suit the
database, or vice versa. In these cases you could use Hibernate to
build a fully object-relational application. Hibernate is the best
option for object-oriented programmers who are less familiar with

The Java Persistence API

Hibernate and
Having just finished learning about how Hibernate can serve as a
standalone persistence solution, you may be surprised to discover
that it can also work with JPA. Strictly speaking, if you're going
to use Hibernate by itself, you'll be using the Hibernate
Core module, which generates SQL using HQL without the need
for handling JDBC objects; the application is still independent of
databases. Hibernate Core can be used with any application server,
and for any generic Java application that needs to perform
object-relational mapping. This mapping will is achieved by using
native Hibernate APIs, the Hibernate Query Language, and XML
mapping.The Hibernate team was deeply involved in the development of the
EJB 3 specification. After the introduction of EJB 3, a standalone
implementation of EJB 3 persistence was made available as part of
Hibernate -- Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate EntityManager.
These two are built on top of Hibernate Core. For applications
developed using Java EE 5 in which there is a need to use EJB 3,
Hibernate EntityManager can be considered as an option for the
persistence provider. Applications developed using Java EE 5 will
utilize Hibernate and JPA working together.
The Java Persistence API is the standard object-relational
mapping and persistence management interface for the Java EE 5
platform. As part of the EJB 3 specification effort, it is
supported by all major Java vendors. The Java Persistence API draws
on ideas from leading persistence frameworks and APIs, such as
Hibernate, Oracle TopLink, Java Data Objects (JDO), and EJB
container-managed persistence. JPA provides a platform on which
specific implementations of persistence providers can be used. One
of the main features of the Java Persistence API is that any
persistence provider can be plugged in to it.JPA is a POJO-based standard persistence model for ORM. It is
part of the EJB 3 specification and replaces entity beans. The
entity beans defined as part of the EJB 2.1 specification had
failed to impress the industry as a complete persistence solution
for several reasons:Entity beans are heavyweight components and are tightly coupled
to a Java EE server. This makes them less suitable than lightweight
POJOs, which are more desirable for their reusability.Entity beans are difficult to develop and deploy.BMP entity beans force you to use JDBC, while CMP entity beans
are highly dependent on the Java EE server for their configuration
and ORM declaration. These restrictions will affect the performance
of the application.To address these issues, the EJB 3 software expert group
developed JPA as part of JSR 220. JPA borrows the best ideas from
other persistence technologies. It defines a standard persistence
model for all Java applications. JPA can be used as the persistence
solution for both Java SE and Java EE applications.JPA uses metadata annotations and/or XML descriptor files to
configure the mapping between Java objects in the application
domain and tables in the relational database. JPA is a complete ORM
solution and supports inheritance and polymorphism. It also defines
an SQL-like query language, JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language),
which is different from EJB-QL (EJB Query Language), the language
used by entity beans.With JPA, you can plug in any persistence provider that
implements the JPA specification instead of using whatever default
persistence provider comes with your Java EE container. For
example, the GlassFish server uses TopLink Essentials, provided by
Oracle, as its default persistence provider. But you could choose
to use Hibernate as the persistence provider instead by including
all the necessary JAR files in your application.

Working with JPA

JPA uses many interfaces and annotation types defined in the
package available with version 5 of
Java EE. JPA uses entity classes that are mapped to tables in the
database. These entity classes are defined using JPA annotations.
Listing 9 shows the entity class named
corresponds to the EMPLOYEE table in the sample application's

Listing 9. Employee entity class

[code]@Entity@Table(name = "employee")@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name = "Employee.findByEmpId", query = "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.empId = :empId"), @NamedQuery(name = "Employee.findByEmpFirstname", query = "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.empFirstname = :empFirstname"), @NamedQuery(name = "Employee.findByEmpLastname", query = "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.empLastname = :empLastname")})public class Employee implements Serializable { @Id @Column(name = "emp_id", nullable = false) private Integer empId; @Column(name = "emp_firstname", nullable = false) private String empFirstname; @Column(name = "emp_lastname", nullable = false) private String empLastname;public Employee() { }public Employee(Integer empId) { this.empId = empId;}public Employee(Integer empId, String empFirstname, String empLastname) { this.empId = empId; this.empFirstname = empFirstname; this.empLastname = empLastname;}public Integer getEmpId() { return empId; } public void setEmpId(Integer empId) { this.empId = empId; } public String getEmpFirstname() { return empFirstname;} public void setEmpFirstname(String empFirstname) { this.empFirstname = empFirstname;} public String getEmpLastname() { return empLastname;}public void setEmpLastname(String empLastname) { this.empLastname = empLastname;}
[/code]The features of an entity class are as follows:The entity class is annotated using the
).It must have a public or protected no-argument constructor, and
may also contain other constructors.It cannot be declared
.Entity classes can extend from other entities and non-entity
classes as well; the converse is also possible.They cannot have
instance variables. The
class members should be exposed using only

getter and setter methods, following JavaBean style.Entity classes, being POJOs, generally need not implement any
special interfaces. However, if they are to be passed as arguments
over the network, then they must implement the
annotation specifies
the name of the table to which this entity instance is mapped. The
class members can be Java primitive types, wrappers of Java
primitives, enumerated types, or even other embeddable classes. The
mapping to each column of the table is specified using the
annotation. This mapping can
be used with persistent fields, in which case the entity uses
persistent fields as well, or with getter/setter methods, in which
case the entity uses persistent properties. However, the same
convention must be followed for a particular entity class. Also,
fields that are annotated using the
annotation or marked
will not be persisted into the database.Each entity has a unique object identifier. This identifier is
used to differentiate among different entity instances in the
application domain; it corresponds to a primary key that is defined
in the corresponding table. A primary key can be simple or
composite. A simple primary key is denoted using the
annotation. Composite primary
keys can be a single persistent property/field or a set of such
fields/properties; they must be defined in a primary key class.
Composite primary keys are denoted using the
annotations. Any primary key
class should implement the
methods.The life cycle of JPA entities is managed by the entity manager,
which is an instance of
. Each such entity
manager is associated with a persistence context. This context can
be either propagated across all application components or managed
by the application. The
can be created
in the application using an
, as
shown in Listing 10.

Listing 10. Creating an EntityManager

[code]public class Main { private EntityManagerFactory emf; private EntityManager em; private String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "EmployeePU"; public static void main(String[] args) { try { Main main = new Main(); main.initEntityManager(); main.create(); System.out.println("Employee successfully added"); main.closeEntityManager(); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in adding employee"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } private void initEntityManager() { emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME); em = emf.createEntityManager(); } private void closeEntityManager() { em.close(); emf.close(); } private void create() { em.getTransaction().begin(); Employee employee=new Employee(100); employee.setEmpFirstname("bob"); employee.setEmpLastname("smith"); em.persist(employee); em.getTransaction().commit(); }
PA uses a combination of annotation- and XML-based configuration. The XML file used for this purpose is persistence.xml, which is located in the application's
directory. This file defines all the persistence units that are used bythis application. Each persistence unit defines all the entity classesthat are mapped to a single database. The persistence.xml file for theEmployee application is shown in Listing 11.

Listing 11. persistence.xml

[code] oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider com.trial.Employee
[/code]The persistence.xml file defines a persistence unit named
. The configuration for the corresponding
database is also included in the persistence unit. An application
can have multiple persistence units that relate to different
databases.To summarize, JPA provides a standard POJO-based ORM solution
for both Java SE and Java EE applications. It uses entity classes,
entity managers, and persistence units to map and persist the
domain objects and the tables in the database.

When to use JPA

JPA should be used when you need a standard Java-based
persistence solution. JPA supports inheritance and polymorphism,
both features of object-oriented programming. The downside of JPA
is that it requires a provider that implements it. These
vendor-specific tools also provide certain other features that are
not defined as part of the JPA specification. One such feature is
support for caching, which is not clearly defined in JPA but is
well supported by Hibernate, one of the most popular frameworks
that implements JPA. Also, JPA is defined to work with relational
databases only. If your persistence solution needs to be extended
to other types of data stores, like XML databases, then JPA is not
the answer to your persistence problem.

Comparing persistence technologies

You've now examined three different persistence mechanisms and
their operations. Each of these frameworks has its own pros and
cons. Let's consider several parameters that will help you decide
the best possible option among them for your requirements.


In the development of many applications, time is a major
constraint, especially when team members need to be trained to use
a particular framework. In such a scenario, iBATIS is the best
option. It is the simplest of the three frameworks, because it only
requires knowledge of SQL.

Complete ORM solution

Traditional ORM solutions like Hibernate and JPA should be used
to leverage complete object-relational mapping. Hibernate and JPA
map Java objects directly to database tables, whereas iBATIS maps
Java objects to the results of SQL queries. In some applications,
the objects in the domain model are designed according to the
business logic and might not completely map to the data model. In
such a scenario, iBATIS is the right choice.

Dependence on SQL

There has always been a demarcation between the people who are
well versed in Java and those who are comfortable with SQL. For a
proficient Java programmer who wants to use a persistence framework
without much interaction with SQL, Hibernate is the best option, as
it generates efficient SQL queries at runtime. However, if you want
complete control over database querying using stored procedures,
then iBATIS is the recommended solution. JPA also supports SQL
through the
method of the

Support for query languages

iBATIS strongly supports SQL, while Hibernate and JPA use their
own query languages (HQL and JPQL, respectively), which are similar
to SQL.


An application must perform well in order to succeed. Hibernate
improves performance by providing caching facilities that help with
faster retrieval of data from the database. iBATIS uses SQL queries
that can be fine-tuned for better performance. The performance of
JPA depends on that of the vendor implementation. The choice is
particular to each application.

Portability across different relational databases

Sometimes, you will need to change the relational database that
your application uses. If you use Hibernate as your persistence
solution, then this issue is easily resolved, as it uses a database
dialect property in the configuration file. Porting from one
database to another is simply a matter of changing the dialect
property to the appropriate value. Hibernate uses this property as
a guide to generate SQL code that is specific to the given
database.As previously mentioned, iBATIS requires you to write your own
SQL code; thus, an iBATIS application's portability is dependent on
that SQL. If the queries are written using portable SQL, then
iBATIS is also portable across different relational databases. On
the other hand, the portability of JPA depends on the vendor
implementation that is being used. JPA is portable across different
implementations, like Hibernate and TopLink Essentials. So, if no
vendor-specific features are used by the application, portability
becomes a trivial issue.

Community support and documentation

Hibernate is a clear winner in this aspect. There are many
Hibernate-focused forums where members actively respond to queries.
iBATIS and JPA are catching up slowly in this regard.

Portability across non-Java platforms

iBATIS supports .Net and Ruby on Rails. Hibernate provides a
persistence solution for .Net in the form of NHibernate. JPA, being
a Java-specific API, obviously does not support any non-Java
platform.This comparison is summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Persistence solutions compared

Complete ORM solutionAverageBestBest
Adaptability to data model changesGoodAverageAverage
Dependence on SQLGoodAverageAverage
PerformanceBestBestN/A *
Portability across different relational databasesAverageBestN/A *
Portability to non-Java platformsBestGoodNot Supported
Community support and documentationAverageGoodGood
* The features
supported by JPA are dependent on the persistence provider and the
end result may vary accordingly.


iBATIS, Hibernate, and JPA are three different mechanisms for
persisting data in a relational database. Each has its own
advantages and limitations. iBATIS does not provide a complete ORM
solution, and does not provide any direct mapping of objects and
relational models. However, iBATIS provides you with complete
control over queries. Hibernate provides a complete ORM solution,
but offers you no control over the queries. Hibernate is very
popular and a large and active community provides support for new
users. JPA also provides a complete ORM solution, and provides
support for object-oriented programming features like inheritance
and polymorphism, but its performance depends on the persistence
provider.The choice of a particular persistence mechanism is a matter of
weighing all of the features discussed in the comparison section of
this article. For most developers the decision will be made based
on whether you require complete control over SQL for your
application, need to auto-generate SQL, or just want an
easy-to-program complete ORM solution.


The authors would like to sincerely acknowledge S. V.
Subrahmanya (SVS) for his valuable guidance and support.

About the author

S. Sangeetha works
as a technical architect at the E-Commerce Research Labs at Infosys
Technologies. She has close to 10 years of experience in design and
development of Java and Java EE applications. She has co-authored a
book on Java EE architecture and also has written articles for
JavaWorld and Java.net.K. L. Nitin works at the E-Commerce Research Labs at Infosys
Technologies. He is involved in the design and development of Java
EE applications using Hibernate and JPA, and has expertise on agile
frameworks like Ruby on Rails.Ananya S. works at the E-Commerce Research Labs at Infosys
Technologies. She has been involved in the design, development, and
deployment of Java EE applications using JPA and iBATIS. She also
has experience in programming with Ruby and Ruby on Rails.Mahalakshmi K. works at the E-Commerce Research Labs at Infosys
Technologies. She has experience in Java EE technologies and
database programming. She is involved in the design and development
of Java EE applications using Hibernate and JPA. She has also
worked on application development using the Ruby on Rails
represents the name of
the persistence unit that is used to create the
. The
can also be propagated across the
application components using the
annotation.In the
method in Listing 10, a new
employee record is being inserted into the EMPLOYEE table. The data
represented by the entity instance is persisted into the database
once the
associated with
is completed. JPA also defines static and
dynamic queries to retrieve the data from the database. Static
queries are written using the
annotation, as shown in
entity class. Dynamic queries are defined
directly in the application using the

method of the
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