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GPSTK 数据配置文件格式

2013-09-07 22:33 351 查看

跳过其它的直接进入ConfDataReader 这个文件

gpstk 支持自己编写读数据的配置文件而不用自己去接触底层代码,作者的初衷啊~下面就说下配置文件的格式

* - Anything after a '#' or a ';' is a comment

'#' 或者 ';' 号后面的是注释,养成良好习惯吧! '#' 放在开头表明是注释语句, ';' 放在句中表示后面是注释语句

* - Blank lines are ignored.


* - No line may have more than 255 characters.


* - Variable and section names are ALWAYS converted to uppercase.

变量和节的名称 通常会被转换为大写, 请不要以大小写区分

* - Variable and section names MUST start with a letter, and must only

* contain a mix of letters, numbers, dashes (-) and underscores (_).


* - Section names must be enclosed in brackets ([]).

节的名称必须用 [] 括起来

* - The Variable/Value pairs are separated by either '=' or ':'.

变量和对应的值用 =' or ':' 分开,其书写格式见下面的示例。注意可以对变量和值进行注释,等下具体说~

* - You may add comments to variables and values. Use a comma to

* separate such comments.


* - If you use the same variable name within a given section, only the

* last value will be used. Remember that names are ALWAYS converted to

* uppercase.



# Declare a section // 注释语句

[ONSA] // 节

name, 4-char station name = ONSA // 4-char station name 是对变量 name 的 注释 ONSA是其值, ONSA的注释忽略,4-char station name 这部分也可以忽略 如果想要在对 name 进行注释 可以在句尾
加一个 ";" 后面写注释

staX, X station coordinate = 3370658.5419, meters // 标准格式 变量名,注释 = 值, 注释

staY, Y station coordinate = 711877.1496, meters

staZ, Z station coordinate = 5349786.9542, meters
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