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CocosBuilder用户手册中文版:7. Automatic Scaling and Sprite Sheets copy

2013-08-21 18:27 316 查看
Automatic Scaling and Sprite Sheets


CocosBuilder can manage your assets and automatically scale them for different devices and resolutions. It can even create and scale the sprite sheets for you.


Automatic Scaling


To have CocosBuilder automatically scale your assets, first set your design resolution in your “Publish Settings”. CocosBuilders reference scale is the original iPhone resolution (equals 1x). By default images will automacially be scaled down from a design
resolution of 4x, or the iPad retina display. You can change this, but keep in mind that using a lower resolution can force CocosBuilder to scale up images, which will make them look bad on high resolution devices. In the publish settings you can also choose
which resolutions you want to export your images and sprite sheets to.

为了使CocosBuilder自动缩放你的资产,首先设置“文件->发布设置”中设置你的设计分辨率,CocosBuilder参考的缩放是原始的iPhone分辨率(等于1倍)。默认的图像将会被从4倍的设计分辨率自动缩放, 或iPad视网膜显示屏。你可以对此进行修改,但是要记住,使用一个低分辨率可以强制CocosBuilder放大图像,这会使他们在高分辨率的设备上看起来很糟。

For the automatic scaling to work you will need to tell CocosBuilder that the images are in design resolution. You do this by putting the images in a sub-directory named *resources-auto*. Even though the resources are in the sub-directory, CocosBuilder will
show them as being in it's original folder.


If you are not happy with the automatic scaling for some of the resources, it's always possible to override it. Simply create a directory next to the *resources-auto* directory and name it after the resolution you want to override. The images that you put
in this directory will override any images in the *resources-auto* directory. E.g. to override images for iPhone retina devices, name the directory *resources-iphonehd*.


Smart Sprite Sheets


CocosBuilder can quickly turn a directory of images into a sprite sheet. To do this, simply right click the directory in the *Project* view and select *Make Smart Sprite Sheet*. The directory should only contain images (and optionally sub-directories for
different resolutions or automatic scaling as described above).


The folder will turn pink and have a happy smiley face to indicate that it is a smart sprite sheet. To edit the properties of the sprite sheet, right click it again and select *Edit Smart Sprite Sheet…*. You can choose from a selection of output formats,
compression and dithering. Dithering will only be used for lossy compression pvr formats. HTML 5 still doesn't support pvr textures, therefore PNG images will be exported for HTML 5 regardless of settings.

文件夹将会变为粉色,并且有一个高兴的笑脸来指示它是一个只能精灵表。通过再次右键单击它,并选择”编辑只能精灵表...“来编辑精灵表的属性。你可以选择输出的格式、压缩和抖动方式。 抖动将只被用于无所压缩PVR格式。HTML 5 仍然不支持PRV贴图,因此,将会为HTML 5到处PNG,而不管如何设置。

If you need to access the smart sprite sheet's images from code, the name of the sprite sheet will be the name of the directory with the *.plist* extension added. The names of the sprite frames will be the name of the full path to the image, including the
directories that it is in (but excluding any resource specific directories, such as *resources-auto*).

如果你需要从代码中访问智能精灵表的图像,精灵表将会被命名为"[目录].plist". 精灵帧们将会被命名为图像的完全路径,包括他们所在的目录(但不包括任何资源特定的目录,比如"resources-auto").

Sound Conversions


Sounds needs to be saved in different formats for different platforms to play back optimally. CocosBuilder conveniently handles this for you. To use the automatic conversion feature, make sure that all your sound effects are saved in *wav* format. Longer
sounds, such as background music should be saved in *mp3* format. When the sounds are published they will be converted to suitable formats for the different platforms.

声音需要为不同的平台存储为不同的格式进行最佳回放. CocosBuilder方便的为你处理这件事.为了使用自动转换功能,确保你的全部音效存储为"wav"格式.较长的声音,比如背景音乐,需要存储为".mp3"格式.当声音被发布后,他们将会为不同的平台转换为合适的格式.
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