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2013-08-07 18:49 513 查看


class CC_DLL CCMenuItemToggle : public CCMenuItem
/** returns the selected item */
CC_PROPERTY(unsigned int, m_uSelectedIndex, SelectedIndex);
/** CCMutableArray that contains the subitems. You can add/remove items in runtime, and you can replace the array with a new one.
@since v0.7.2
CC_PROPERTY(CCArray*, m_pSubItems, SubItems);
: m_uSelectedIndex(0)
, m_pSubItems(NULL)
virtual ~CCMenuItemToggle();

/** creates a menu item from a list of items with a target/selector */
static CCMenuItemToggle* createWithTarget(CCObject* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector, CCMenuItem* item, ...);

/** creates a menu item with no target/selector and no items */
static CCMenuItemToggle* create();

/** initializes a menu item from a list of items with a target selector */
bool initWithTarget(CCObject* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector, CCMenuItem* item, va_list args);

/** creates a menu item with a item */
static CCMenuItemToggle* create(CCMenuItem *item);

/** initializes a menu item with a item */
bool initWithItem(CCMenuItem *item);
/** add more menu item */
void addSubItem(CCMenuItem *item);

/** return the selected item */
CCMenuItem* selectedItem();
// super methods
virtual void activate();
virtual void selected();
virtual void unselected();
virtual void setEnabled(bool var);

virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool bValue) {CC_UNUSED_PARAM(bValue);}
virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB(void) { return false;}



static CCMenuItemToggle* createWithTarget(CCObject* target, SEL_MenuHandler selector, CCMenuItem* item, ...);


CCMenuItem* selectedItem();


virtual void setEnabled(bool var);



CC_PROPERTY(unsigned int, m_uSelectedIndex, SelectedIndex);

#define CC_PROPERTY(varType, varName, funName)\
protected: varType varName;\
public: virtual varType get##funName(void);\
public: virtual void set##funName(varType var);

unsigned int CCMenuItemToggle::getSelectedIndex()
return m_uSelectedIndex;



class CCControlSwitchSprite;

* @addtogroup GUI
* @{
* @addtogroup control_extension
* @{

/** @class CCControlSwitch Switch control for Cocos2D. */
class CCControlSwitch : public CCControl
virtual ~CCControlSwitch();
/** Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. */
bool initWithMaskSprite(CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite * onSprite, CCSprite * offSprite, CCSprite * thumbSprite);

/** Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states and a thumb sprite. */
static CCControlSwitch* create(CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite * onSprite, CCSprite * offSprite, CCSprite * thumbSprite);

/** Initializes a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels. */
bool initWithMaskSprite(CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite * onSprite, CCSprite * offSprite, CCSprite * thumbSprite, CCLabelTTF* onLabel, CCLabelTTF* offLabel);

/** Creates a switch with a mask sprite, on/off sprites for on/off states, a thumb sprite and an on/off labels. */
static CCControlSwitch* create(CCSprite *maskSprite, CCSprite * onSprite, CCSprite * offSprite, CCSprite * thumbSprite, CCLabelTTF* onLabel, CCLabelTTF* offLabel);

* Set the state of the switch to On or Off, optionally animating the transition.
* @param isOn YES if the switch should be turned to the On position; NO if it
* should be turned to the Off position. If the switch is already in the
* designated position, nothing happens.
* @param animated YES to animate the "flipping" of the switch; otherwise NO.
void setOn(bool isOn, bool animated);
void setOn(bool isOn);
bool isOn(void) { return m_bOn; }
bool hasMoved() { return m_bMoved; }
virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled);

CCPoint locationFromTouch(CCTouch* touch);
virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);

/** Sprite which represents the view. */
CCControlSwitchSprite* m_pSwitchSprite;
float m_fInitialTouchXPosition;

bool m_bMoved;
/** A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch. */
bool m_bOn;


CCControlSwitch *switchMenu = CCControlSwitch::create(CCSprite::create("ZF_Shoot_RankingList_money1.png"), CCSprite::create("ZF_Shoot_RankingList_money1.png"), CCSprite::create("ZF_Shoot_RankingList_shoot1.png"), temp);
switchMenu->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width/2, winSize.height*0.5));
switchMenu->addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, cccontrol_selector(RankScene::menuCall), CCControlEventValueChanged);
this->addChild(switchMenu, 0);


CCControlSwitch *Sender = (CCControlSwitch *)pSender;
if (Sender->isOn())
CCLOG("CCControlSwitch is on");
CCLOG("CCControlSwitch is off");
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