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Common Lisp 语言编写的Tic-Tac-Toe

2013-08-04 12:39 465 查看
;;;; A Tic-Tac-Toe Game written in Common Lisp

;;;; To launch the game, type in (play-one-game)

;; “It pays to take a few minutes at the outset to think about

;; the overall design, particularly the data structures used”

;; 数据结构非常重要——简洁,抓住要点的数据结构,能使之后的算法描述变得清晰有效,

;; 易于实现,否则,后续的开发会举步为艰,且有推倒重来之危险,所以编程伊始一定要

;; 重视数据结构的定义,能用简单的方案就不要用复杂的方案

(defun make-board ()

; 列表前面加个board,这样剩下9个元素就能用1~9的下标来获取

(list 'board 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))

;; 用0,1和10分别表示“空白”,“O”和“X”,这样通过对三行,三列以及对角线

;; 求和就可以知道这一序列的情况,举例如下

;; 和为0:全是空白

;; 和为3:O | O | O

;; 和为21: X | X | O

(defun number->letter (val)

(cond ((equal val 1) "O")

((equal val 10) "X")

(t " ")))

(defun print-row (left middle right)

(format t " ~A | ~A | ~A~&"

(number->letter left)

(number->letter middle)

(number->letter right)))

(defun print-board (board)

(format t "~%")

(print-row (nth 1 board) (nth 2 board) (nth 3 board))

(format t "-----------~%")

(print-row (nth 4 board) (nth 5 board) (nth 6 board))

(format t "-----------~%")

(print-row (nth 7 board) (nth 8 board) (nth 9 board)))

(defun make-move (player pos board)

(setf (nth pos board) player)


;; global settings

(defparameter *board* (make-board))

(defparameter *computer* 10)

(defparameter *human* 1)

; corners表示棋盘四个角

(defparameter *corners* '(1 3 7 9))

; sides表示棋盘四个边

(defparameter *sides* '(2 4 6 8))

; 两条对角线

(defparameter *diagonals* '((1 5 9) (3 5 7)))

;; winning configurations

;; 最简单的情况下,将游戏胜利的情况全部枚举出来,作为一种“配置”,用于判断胜利条件

;; 更复杂一些的游戏则需要用到高级数据结构,比如博弈树(game tree)

(defparameter *triplets*

'((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) ;horizontal

(1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9) ;vertical

(1 5 9) (3 5 7))) ;diagonal

;; 求三行,三列或三对角线和

(defun sum-triplet (board triplet)

(+ (nth (first triplet) board)

(nth (second triplet) board)

(nth (third triplet) board)))

(defun compute-sums (board)

(mapcar #'(lambda (triplet)

(sum-triplet board triplet))


;; 判断当前棋盘布局是否出现赢家

(defun winner-p (board)

(let ((sums (compute-sums board)))

(or (member (* 3 *computer*) sums)

(member (* 3 *human*) sums))))

(defun full-board-p (board)

(not (member 0 board)))

;; 合法判定:用户输入必须在1到9之间,且棋盘上该位置为空白

(defun ask-legal-move (board)

(format t "~&Type a move [1-9]: ")

(let ((move (read)))

(cond ((not (and (integerp move) (<= 1 move 9)))

(format t "~&Invalid input, try again [1-9]: ")

(ask-legal-move board))

((not (zerop (nth move board)))

(format t "~&This place occupied, try again [1-9]: ")

(ask-legal-move board))

(t move))))

;; 人类玩家下棋,要判断走子之后是否游戏结束,即获胜或平局

(defun human-move (board)

(let* ((pos (ask-legal-move board))

; 函数式风格:绑定新变量,避免assignment,对FP而言,assignment

; 一般发生在全局变量上,尽量使用LET,applicative operator,

; 有效的尾递归调用来编写优雅的函数式风格程序

(new-board (make-move *human* pos board)))

(print-board new-board)

(cond ((winner-p new-board) (format t "~&Human wins"))

((full-board-p new-board) (format t "~&Game ties"))

(t (computer-move new-board)))))

;;; 计算机下棋,最朴素的一种策略——随机选择一个空白出走子

;; 分离职责:一个函数只做一件事,做好一件事,

;; 提高内聚性,函数之间只有调用关系,高度松耦合

(defun pick-random-position (board)

(let ((pos (1+ (random 9))))

(cond ((not (zerop (nth pos board))) (pick-random-position board))

(t pos))))

(defun random-move-strategy (board)

(list (pick-random-position board) "random move"))

;;; 更智能的策略,计算机试图将“X”连成一线,或者试图阻止玩家将“O”连成一线

(defun find-empty-place (trip board)

(find-if #'(lambda (n)

(zerop (nth n board)))


(defun win-or-block (board sum)

(let ((trip (find-if #'(lambda (triplet)

(= (sum-triplet board triplet) sum))


(and trip (find-empty-place trip board))))

;; 计算机策略1,将“X”连成一线

(defun three-in-a-row (board)

(let ((pos (win-or-block board (* 2 *computer*))))

(and pos (list pos "make three in a row"))))

;; 计算机策略2,试图阻止玩家获胜

(defun block-opponent (board)

(let ((pos (win-or-block board (* 2 *human*))))

(and pos (list pos "block opponent"))))

;; 计算机策略3,防止玩家通过对角线法则(squeeze play)获胜

(defun block-squeeze-play (board)

(let ((trip (find-if #'(lambda (diagonal)

(and (equal *computer*

(nth (second diagonal) board))

(equal (sum-triplet board diagonal)

(+ *computer* (* 2 *human*)))))


(pos (find-empty-place *sides* board)))

(and trip pos (list pos "block squeeze play"))))

;; 计算机策略4,防止玩家以“two on one”的方式获胜

(defun block-two-on-one (board)

(let ((trip (find-if #'(lambda (diagonal)

(and (equal *human*

(nth (second diagonal) board))

(equal (sum-triplet board diagonal)

(+ *computer* (* 2 *human*)))))


(pos (find-empty-place *corners* board)))

(and trip pos (list pos "block two on one"))))

;; 计算机综合采用多种策略来决策如何战胜玩家

(defun choose-best-move-1 (board)

(or (block-squeeze-play board)

(block-two-on-one board)

(three-in-a-row board)

(block-opponent board)

(random-move-strategy board)))

(defun choose-best-move (board)

(choose-best-move-1 board))

;; 计算机下棋,不光显示走子情况,还显示所用的具体策略

(defun computer-move (board)

(let* ((best-move (choose-best-move board))

(pos (first best-move))

(strategy (second best-move))

(new-board (make-move

*computer* pos board)))

(format t "~&Computer move: ~S" pos)

(format t "~&Strategy: ~S~%" strategy)

(print-board new-board)

(cond ((winner-p new-board)

(format t "~&Computer wins"))

((full-board-p new-board)

(format t "~&Game ties"))

(t (human-move new-board)))))

;; for start of game

(defun play-one-game ()

(if (y-or-n-p "Would you like to go first? ")

(human-move (make-board))

(computer-move (make-board))))
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