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ASP.NET Web API Authorization using Tokens

2013-07-24 09:24 405 查看

Planning real world REST API


When you try to plan how to build real world REST API like other major players like Facebook or Foursquare have you will soon realize that all major players use OAuth 2.0 .

ASP.NET Web API comes with support for authorize attribute and that’s nice, but for real world API I want to support token based approach.

OAuth 2.0 Server

For supporting token based approach you must have some kind of server that will issue tokens. Building token server can be complex and most major players have implemented OAuth 2.0 server based on draft 10 OAuth documentation.

We hope that Microsoft will provide us with their own OAuth 2.0 server for free in final version of ASP.NET MVC 4.

Meanwhile I will just assume that you already have your own OAuth 2.0 server.

Building ActionFilterAttribute

I have solved my problem with authorization by implementing RequireAuthorize ActionFilterAttribute. This attribute also have scope property. Scope property is used for limiting access to your REST API.

You just need to decorate controllers or actions in controllers with this attribute and optionally set required scope for accessing these actions.

Here is RequireAuthorizeAtribute:

And here is AccessTokenValidator class:

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息