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2013-07-19 21:04 288 查看
对于职责链模式,一般是这么定义的:使多个对象都有机会处理请求,从而避免请求的发送者和接收者之间的耦合关系,即——将这些对象连成一条(处理)链,并沿着这条链传递该请求,直到这条链结束同时有一个对象处理它为止。最经典的职责链模式应用就是JavaEE规范中web.xml的filter了,filters按照配置的顺序,依次处理根据其mapping条件过滤得到的web请求(response)/应答(request),从而可以实现诸如编码转换、事务封装、页面缓存等众多“职责”。给出职责链模式的适用范围:1、有多个的对象可以处理一个请求,哪个对象处理该请求运行时刻自动确定。2、想在不明确指定接收者的情况下,向多个对象中的一个提交一个请求。3、可处理一个请求的对象集合需要被动态指定。 下面这个范例模拟了一个软件行业中常见的项目处理流程,为一个项目(Project对象)的职责人员构造了一条处理链,然后向这个项目发出处理指令——从而在这条链上引发相关职责人员的处理。 代码如下:职责的接口定义,所有的职责人员都要具有这些功能:加入下一职责对象、处理消息(即行使职责)、获得下一职责对象。
 * The interface of the chain You can use AddChain function to modify the chain
 * dynamically.
 * @author <a href="mailto:huqiyes@gmail.com">huqi</a>
 * @serialData 2007
public interface Chain {
    public void addChain(Chain c);

    public void sendToChain(String mesg);

    public Chain getChain();


package com.alex.designpattern.chainofresponsibility;

 * A beginner of the chain The resposibility of manager is to get a project
public class Manager implements Chain {
    private Chain nextChain = null;

    private static final String Responsibility = "Getting Project";

    public void addChain(Chain c) {
        nextChain = c;

    public Chain getChain() {
        return nextChain;

    public void sendToChain(String mesg) {
        if (mesg.equals(Responsibility)) {
            System.out.println("A Manager --> " + mesg);
        } else {
            if (nextChain != null) {


package com.alex.designpattern.chainofresponsibility;

 * A member of the chain The resposibility of PM is to design the project
public class ProjectManager implements Chain {
    private Chain nextChain = null;

    private static final String Responsibility = "Design";

    public void addChain(Chain c) {
        nextChain = c;

    public Chain getChain() {
        return nextChain;

    public void sendToChain(String mesg) {
        if (mesg.equals(Responsibility)) {
            System.out.println("A Project Manager --> " + mesg);
        } else {
            if (nextChain != null) {


package com.alex.designpattern.chainofresponsibility;

 * A member of the chain The resposibility of Programmer is coding
public class Programmer implements Chain {
    private Chain nextChain = null;

    private static final String Responsibility = "Coding";

    public void addChain(Chain c) {
        nextChain = c;

    public Chain getChain() {
        return nextChain;

    public void sendToChain(String mesg) {
        if (mesg.equals(Responsibility)) {
            System.out.println("A Programmer --> " + mesg);
        } else {
            if (nextChain != null) {


package com.alex.designpattern.chainofresponsibility;

 * A member of the chain<br>
 * The resposibility of QA is test
public class QA implements Chain {
    private Chain nextChain = null;

    private static final String Responsibility = "Testing";

    public void addChain(Chain c) {
        nextChain = c;

    public Chain getChain() {
        return nextChain;

    public void sendToChain(String mesg) {
        if (mesg.equals(Responsibility)) {
            System.out.println("A QA --> " + mesg);
        } else {
            if (nextChain != null) {

package com.alex.designpattern.chainofresponsibility;

 * The end of the chain<br>
 * The resposibility of Others is handle exeception
public class Others implements Chain {
    private Chain nextChain = null;

    public void addChain(Chain c) {
        nextChain = c;

    public Chain getChain() {
        return nextChain;

    public void sendToChain(String mesg) {
        System.out.println("None can handle --> " + mesg);


 * 职责链模式
 * <p>
 * 使多个对象都有机会处理请求,从而避免请求的发送者和接收者之间的耦合关系。<br>
 * 将这些对象连成一条链,并沿着这条链传递该请求,直到有一个对象处理它为止。
 * @author <a href="mailto:huqiyes@gmail.com">huqi</a>
 * @serialData 2007
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Project project = new Project();

        Manager aManager = new Manager();
        ProjectManager aPM = new ProjectManager();
        Programmer aProgrammer = new Programmer();
        QA aQA = new QA();
        Others others = new Others();
        // init chain


        project.getChain().sendToChain("Getting Project");

class Project {
    private Chain chain;

    public Chain getChain() {
        return chain;

    public void setChain(Chain chain) {
        this.chain = chain;

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