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2013-07-13 18:04 120 查看
// crt_fprintf.c

/* This program uses fprintf to format various

 * data and print it to the file named FPRINTF.OUT. It

 * then displays FPRINTF.OUT on the screen using the system

 * function to invoke the operating-system TYPE command.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <process.h>

FILE *stream;

int main( void )


   int    i = 10;

   double fp = 1.5;

   char   s[] = "this is a string";

   char   c = '\n';

   fopen_s( &stream, "fprintf.out", "w" );

   fprintf( stream, "%s%c", s, c );//第一个表示输出流,stderr是一个标准错误输出流,第二个参数表示输出格式,第三个参数s,c等表示要输出的变量。

   fprintf( stream, "%d\n", i );

   fprintf( stream, "%f\n", fp );

   fclose( stream );

   system( "type fprintf.out" );

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标签:  C++ fprintf 输出输入