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2013-07-12 19:05 776 查看
1、The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychain

A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier could not be found


解决:导入可用provisioning profiles,并且在build settings->Code signing->Code Signing Identity选择导入的用于Debug和release的provisioning profiles,如果提示工程与profiles的app的Identity不匹配,修改project的bundle Identity和profiles的一致:如profiles的是jixjg.com.myapp则改project的为:com.myapp
2、 运行出现“Could not luanch,timed out for waiting app”或者“Server 。。another instance running”问题,重启设备
3、 类库路径设置:build settings 搜索Library Search Paths
Could not change executable permissions on the applicationhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/12547706/could-not-change-executable-permissions-on-the-applicationI could solve it erasing an application that I had previously uploaded using the same Bundle Identifier (xcode get's confused doing the chmod). Try checking the log from xCode Organizer (Your device's Name -> Console)
you should get information from that log.
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