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2013-07-10 18:39 525 查看

What is ASIHTTPRequest?


ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.

ASIHTTPRequest封装了CFNetwork API,让与服务器通讯方面的工作更容易。

It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using multipart/form-data.

它适合执行基本的HTTP请求以及与基于REST(GET / POST / PUT / DELETE)的服务互动。包含的 ASIFormDataRequest 子类可以用multipart/form-data更方便地提交POST数据和文件.


A straightforward interface for submitting data to and fetching data from webservers

Download data to memory or directly to a file on disk

The ability to submit files on local drives as part of POST data, compatible with the HTML file input mechanism

Easy access to request and response HTTP headers

Progress delegates (NSProgressIndicators and UIProgressViews) to show information about download AND upload progress

Auto-magic management of upload and download progress indicators for operation queues

BasicDigest and NTLM authentication
support, credentials are automatically for the duration of a session, and can be stored for later in the Keychain.

Cookie support

NEW! Requests can continue to run when your app moves to the background (iOS 4+)

GZIP support for response data AND request

The included ASIDownloadCache class lets requests transparently cache responses, and allow requests for
cached data to succeed even when there is no network available!

NEW! ASIWebPageRequest -
download complete webpages, including external resources like images and stylesheets. Pages of any size can be indefinitely cached, and displayed in a UIWebview / WebView even when you have no network connection.

Easy to use support for Amazon S3 - no need to fiddle around signing requests yourself!

Full support for Rackspace Cloud Files, contributed by Mike Mayo of Rackspace.

NEW! Client
certificates support

Supports manual and auto-detected proxies, authenticating proxies, and PAC file auto-configuration. The built-in login
dialog lets your iPhone application work transparently with authenticating proxies without any additional effort.

Bandwidth throttling support

Support for persistent connections

Supports synchronous & asynchronous requests

Get notifications about changes in your request state via delegation or NEW! blocks (Mac OS X 10.6, iOS
4 and above)

Comes with a broad range of unit tests


可以作为POST data的一部分通过本地驱动提交数据,与Html 文件输入系统兼容。
更方便地访问HTTP header 的request
and response。
BasicDigest and NTLM认证支持,证书自动持续到整个会话,并且可以之后存储到KeyChain中。


/ WebView中展示。
Easy to use support for Amazon S3 -
no need to fiddle around signing requests yourself!
Full support for Rackspace Cloud Files,
contributed by Mike Mayo of Rackspace.

ASIHTTPRequest comes with a example applications for Mac and iPhone that demonstrate some of the features.

ASIHTTPRequest is partly based on code from Apple’s ImageClient code samples, so if it doesn’t meet your needs, take
a look at their CFNetwork examples for more.

ASIHTTPRequest is compatible with Mac OS 10.5 or later, and iOS 3.0 or later.
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