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Media Management Library--关于介质管理库

2013-07-08 22:57 211 查看

Locating the Media Management Library: The SBT_LIBRARYParameter

When allocating or configuring channels for RMAN to useto communicate with a media manager, specify the
parameter to provide the path to the mediamanagement software library. When RMAN actually allocates channelsto communicatewith a media manager, it attempts to load thelibrary indicated by the
--设置参量SBT_LIBRARY,此参数是为了加载介质管理库。这个参数指明了介质管理软件库的地址。当RMAN实际分配通道和一个介质管理器进行通讯的时候,RMAN会尝试利用指定的参量SBT_LIBRARY的值来加载MML(介质管理库)。当然如果加载失败的话,会给出错误ORA-27211。(下有同样的错误)If you do not provide a value for this parameter, RMANlooks in a platform-specific default location.--如果没有提供这个参量的值的话,那么系统会视平台给出默认值。On UNIX, the default library filename is
, with the extension namevarying according to platform:
, and so forth. On Windows the default librarylocation is
.Note:The default media management library file is notpart of the standard database installation. It is only present ifyou install third-party media management software.If the database is unable to locate a media managementlibrary in the location specified by the
parameter or the default location, then RMAN issues an
error and exits.
--如果数据库不能够定位介质管理库通过指定参量SBT_LIBRARY的值或者默认路劲,那么RMAN则发布错误ORA-27211。(下有同样的错误。)Whenever channel allocation fails, the database writes atrace file to the
directory. Thefollowing shows sample output:
SKGFQ OSD: Error in function sbtinit on line 2278
SKGFQ OSD: Look for SBT Trace messages in file /oracle/rdbms/log/sbtio.log
SBT Initialize failed for /oracle/lib/libobk.so

Testing ALLOCATE CHANNEL on the Media Manager

Use the following steps to confirm that RMAN is able to load the media management library when allocating a channel for your media manager.
Start RMAN and connect to the target database. For example,enter:
% rman TARGET /
Run the
command withthe
required by your media management software.For example, run this command:
PARMS='SBT_LIBRARY=/mediavendor/lib/libobk.so ENV=(NSR_SERVER=tape_srv,NSR_GROUP=oracle_tapes)';
If you do not receive an error message, then the database successfully loaded the media management library. If you receive the [code]ORA-27211
error, the media management library could not be loaded:[/code]
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============RMAN-00571: ===========================================================RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on c1 channel at 11/30/2001 13:57:18ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: SBT_TAPE, device name:ORA-27211: Failed to load Media Management Library
Additional information: 25
In this case, you must check your media management installation to make sure that the library is correctly installed, and re-check the value for the SBT_LIBRARY parameter as described in "Locating the Media Management Library: The SBT_LIBRARY Parameter".For any other errors, check the trace file in [code]USER_DUMP_DEST
directory for more information.[/code]
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