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nasm x86 assembly quick reference

2013-07-02 11:50 381 查看

nasm x86 Assembly Quick Reference ("Cheat Sheet")


movdest,srcMove data between registers, load immediate data into registers, move data between registers and memory.mov eax,4 ; Load constant into eax

mov ebx,eax ; Copy eax into ebx

mov [123],ebx ; Copy ebx to memory address 123
callfuncPush the address of the next instruction and start executing func. For local functions, you don't have to say anything special. For functions defined in C/C++, say "extern func" first.call print_int
retPop the return program counter, and jump there. Ends a subroutine.ret
adddest,srcdest=dest+srcadd eax,ebx ; Add ebx to eax
mul srcMultiply eax and src as unsigned integers, and put the result in eax. High 32 bits of product go into edx.mul ebx ; Multiply eax by ebx
imuldest,srcdest=dest*srcimul ecx,3
idiv botDivide eax by bot. Treats edx as high bits above eax, so set them to zero first!

top = eax+(edx<<32)

eax = top/bot

edx = top%bot
mov eax,73; top

mov ecx,10; bot

mov edx,0

idiv ecx
jmplabelGoto the instruction label:. Skips anything else in the way.jmp post_mem


cmp a,b

Compare two values. Sets flags that are used by the conditional jumps (below). cmp eax,10
jl labelGoto label if previous comparison came out as less-than. Other conditionals available are: jle (<=), je (==), jge (>=), jg (>), jne (!=), and many others. Declare your label with a semicolon
beforehand, just like in C/C++: "label:".
jl loop_start ; Jump if eax<10
push srcInsert a value onto the stack. Useful for passing arguments, saving registers, etc.push ebp
pop destRemove topmost value from the stack. Equivalent to "movdest,[esp] add esp,4"pop ebp

Stack Frame

(example without ebp or local variables)

Contentsoff esp
caller's variables[esp+12]
Argument 2[esp+8]
Argument 1[esp+4]
Caller Return Address[esp]
my_sub: # Returns first argument

mov eax,[esp+4]


(example when using ebp and two local variables)
Contentsoff ebpoff esp
caller's variables[ebp+16][esp+24]
Argument 2[ebp+12][esp+20]
Argument 1[ebp+8][esp+16]
Caller Return Address[ebp+4][esp+12]
Saved ebp[ebp][esp+8]
Local variable 1[ebp-4][esp+4]
Local variable 2[ebp-8][esp]
my_sub2: # Returns first argument

push ebp # Prologue

mov ebp, esp

mov eax, [ebp+8]

mov esp, ebp # Epilogue

pop ebp


Constants, Registers, Memory

"12" means decimal 12; "0xF0" is hex. "some_function" is the address of the first instruction of a label.

Memory access (use register as pointer): "[esp]". Same as C "*esp".

Memory access with offset (use register + offset as pointer): "[esp+4]". Same as C "*(esp+4)".

Memory access with scaled index (register + another register * scale): "[eax + 4*ebx]". Same as C "*(eax+ebx*4)".

Subroutines are basically just labels. Here's how you declare labels for the linker:

"extern some_function;" declares some_function as being outside the current file. You'll get a "symbol undefined" compile error if you call or jump to a label you never declare. In C++, be sure to declare the corresponding function as being 'extern "C"'!
"global my_function;" exposes the label my_function so it can be called from outside. (In MASM, it's "PUBLIC my_function"). Again, your C++ prototype better be 'extern "C"'!

Differences with C:

"010" means decimal ten in NASM, but *octal* eight in C/C++! Write octal by ending with letter 'o', like "10o".

In NASM, you can write binary constants by ending with the letter 'b', like "mov eax,00101111b;".
"1+(7<<13)/15" is evaluated at compile time, and it's a constant. "3+eax" can't be evaluated in NASM--it's not a constant.


esp is the stack pointer

ebp is the stack frame pointer

Return value in eax

Arguments are on the stack

Free for use (no save needed):

eax, ecx, edx

Must be saved:

ebp, esp, esi, edi

ebx must be saved in a shared library, but is otherwise free for use.

8 bit: ah (high 8 bits) and al (low 8 bits)

16 bit: ax

32 bit: eax

64 bit: rax
Pretty much this same syntax is used by NASM (portable x86 assembler
for Windows/Linux/whatever), YASM (adds 64-bit support to NASM), MASM(the
Microsoft/Macro Assembler), and the official Intel documentation below. See the NASM documentation or MASM
documentation for details on constants, labels and macros. Paul Carter has a good x86 assembly tutorial using
the Intel syntax. The other, nastier syntax out there is the AT&T/GNU syntax, which
I can't recommend. The machine code in all cases is identical.

The Intel Software Developer's Manuals are
incredibly long, boring, and complete--they give all the nitty-gritty details. Volume 1 lists
the processor registers in Section 3.4.1. Volume 2 lists all the x86 instructions
in Section 3.2. Volume 3 gives the performance monitoring registers in Section. For Linux,
the System V ABI gives the calling convention on page 39. Also see the Intel hall
of fame for historical info. Sandpile.org has a good
opcode table.

Ralph Brown's Interrupt List is the aging but definitive reference
for all PC software interrupt functions. See just the BIOS interruptsfor interrupt-time code.
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