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【Movie】The Chef ,The Actor,The Scoundrel ---- greeting to all the people who fight for the our nation

2013-06-25 23:03 495 查看
    i hardly watch movies recently, i'd like to ,but have no time.Cause since the failure of TX interviwe, i put all my time coding and reading news about tech. Today i am ill, have no energe to work and study, i take a short off for better work.

    i want some comedy to make me relax and pick The Chef ,The Actor,The Scoundrel, a odd name.


    At first ,three funny guys -- a chef ,a actor and a scoundrel, make me not get the point. After a short interleave tells this is about a three man and a woman play a play to cheat the Japanese experts for the recipe of the poisonous germs.It is really funny almost except last 20 minutes. I splite my sides with laughter for lots of plot. Doesn't like other comedy, i cry at last. The four guys ,their original indities are impressd. A language expert, a mechanicla engineer , a biomedical engineer , and a communication expert, gruduates from Yanching Universty( now Peking University).

    When seeing these pictures, i cried. Thinking of those people who studed and worked hard for our nation in that hard time, thinking of what we have today, really touched.





    Though only the last one is the real photo of the prototype ,cause this is secret for the file so the director have to use the actors instead, they really touch a string.


    And what can i do? As a programmer, the best thing i can do is code better code.I love watch TED, and there are usually American speekers. Once a Chinese woman speeker who talked about Chinese worker made me excited. That speech impressed all the audiences and let the world know more about China. I always think about study abroad, especially US which has the best development of technology. But it has to cost lots of money which i can't afford. Though the situation is not pretty good now , i still have a dream --- use my code to make the world better, let the world know Chinese tech is awsome too through my products.Yeah, i know there is long road to go, i will try my best with you ,all the people who love your county and have lofty ambitions . Fight!

≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡★ From Laker's blog ★≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡

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