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Xcode 5 developer preview 2 发布说明

2013-06-25 14:46 232 查看
苹果今天还发布了Xcode 5第二个预览版,该版本添加了一些新功能,同时解决了此前版本中存在的问题。

Xcode 5 developer preview 2要求OS X 10.8及以上版本,Instruments要求OS X 10.8.4支持。

关于描述中的全部新功能,可以到“What’s New in Xcode”中详细查看。

Xcode 5 developer preview 2更新主要包括以下内容:

User Experience Improvements
-Cleaner UI with more working space for your content
-Faster and more compact interface for Open Quickly
-A refined search navigator that is easier to use

Automatic Configuration
-New Accounts preferences pane for managing Apple IDs, repositories, and continuous
integration servers
-New Capabilities settings in the project editor for configuring platform features
-Ability to choose the signing identity using target editor
-Automatic creation of provisioning profiles

-New test navigator for ease of adding, editing and running individually selected tests
-New test categories in the assistant editor, for editing code and tests side-by-side
-New XCTest testing framework with support for iOS and OS X projects
-Support for command-line testing using xcodebuild

Continuous Integration
-Ability to create bots to build, analyze, test, and archive projects on OS X Server, shared by the development team
-Use bots to launch integrations on every commit to your source repository or at defined intervals
-Ability to immediately see when anyone on the team breaks a build or starts failing tests
-Viewing of bot integration results in Xcode, drilling into build and test failures to find and fix the problem

-Debug gauges showing real-time memory, CPU, energy use, iCloud and OpenGL data
-Refined UI for the variables view and data tips
-In Quick Look, ability to see a graphical display of variable values
-XPC Debugging on OS X

Interface Builder
-Support for iOS 7 user experience
-Flexible Auto Layout editor when designing interfaces
-With the assistant editor, previewing of alternate views of the interface as you edit
-Asset catalog, for managing images and icons in multiple resolutions

Source Control and Version Editor
-Project-centric workflow design
-Branch management improvements
-SVN upgraded to version 1.7.9, with Xcode migration workflow 

-New Auto Vectorizer for automatic optimization of computational loops
-Modules for system frameworks to speed up build time
-Auto Link frameworks imported by code modules

-Support for Zombies instrument on devices running iOS 7
-Allocations instrument now includes virtual memory mappings
-Retain-release pairing for tracking down imbalanced retain counts

-New separate documentation window with support for tabs
-Table of contents presentation integrated with document window contents
-Support for storing bookmarks and sharing via Mail, Messages, and others
-Documentation snippets presented in code completion and quick help
-The code completion window and Quick Help now display documentation from Doxygen- or HeaderDoc-formatted comments from your own headers. (4756139)

Sprite Kit Support
-Build system support for Sprite Kit texture maps
-Editor for particle effects

Xcode 5 developer preview 2 解决的问题
There is now iPad simulator support.
Social services apps now work in the Simulator. (13522135, 13920050)
iCloud key-value store syncing is now supported. (14041993)

In the Memory Gauge, 'Profile In Instruments' now works with the simulator. (14026563)
System Trace will now reports Virtual Memory events for devices running iOS 7. (13961898)
Time Profiler and System Trace now work with iOS 4.3. (13992617)

Map Kit for OS X is an Apple Service available to apps in the Mac App Store. Full support for Map Kit entitlements for the App Store is now supported. (14013904)

Xcode Server
iOS bots that perform unit tests that use the new XCTest framework can now target iOS 7 and iOS 6 devices. (14052902)
Names of users added to the Repository Access list are now visible. (13807687)

Command Line Developer Tools
The Command Line Tools for 10.9 now deliver the mach_debug headers. (14094986)

附件:Xcode 5 developer preview 2 发布说明(PDF)

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