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Processes and Threads

2013-06-25 14:40 615 查看

Process and thread fundamentals
The kernel's role
Threads and processes
More on synchronization
Scheduling and the real world

Process and thread fundamentals

Before we start talking about threads, processes, time slices, and all the other wonderful
“scheduling concepts,”let's establish an analogy.

What I want to do first is illustrate how threads and processes work. The best way I can think of (short of digging into the design of a realtime system) is to imagine our threads and processes in some kind of situation.

A process as a house

Let's base our analogy for processes and threads using a regular, everyday object — a house.

A house is really a container, with certain attributes (such as the amount of floor space, the number of bedrooms, and so on).

If you look at it that way, the house really doesn't actively doanything on its own — it's a passive object. This is effectively what a process is. We'll explore this shortly.

The occupants as threads

The people living in the house are the active objects —they're the ones using the various rooms, watching TV, cooking, taking showers, and so on. We'll soon see that's how threads behave.

Single threaded

If you've ever lived on your own, then you know what this is like —you know that you can do
anything you want in the house at any time, because there's nobody else in the house. If you want to turn on the stereo, use the washroom, have dinner —whatever — you just go ahead and do it.

Multi threaded

Things change dramatically when you add another person into the house. Let's say you get married, so now you have a spouse living there too. You can't just march into the washroom at any given point; you need to check first to make sure your spouse isn't
in there!

If you have two responsible adults living in a house, generally you can be reasonably lax about
“security” — you know that the other adult will respect your space, won't try to set the kitchen on fire (deliberately!), and so on.

Now, throw a few kids into the mix and suddenly things get a lot more interesting.

Back to processes and threads

Just as a house occupies an area of real estate, a process occupies memory. And just as a house's occupants are free to go into any room they want, a processes' threads all have common access to that memory. If a thread allocates something (mom goes out
and buys a game), all the other threads immediately have access to it (because it's present in the common address space — it's in the house). Likewise, if the process allocates memory, this new memory is available to all the threads as well. The trick here
is to recognize whether the memory should be available to all the threads in the process. If it is, then you'll need to have all the threads synchronize their access to it. If it isn't, then we'll assume that it's specific to a particular thread.
In that case, since only that thread has access to it, we can assume that no synchronization is required — the thread isn't going to trip itself up!

As we know from everyday life, things aren't quite that simple. Now that we've seen the basic characteristics (summary: everything is shared), let's take a look at where things get a little more interesting, and why.

The diagram below shows the way that we'll be representing threads and processes. The process is the circle, representing the
“container” concept (the address space), and the three squigley lines are the threads. You'll see diagrams like this throughout the book.

A process as a container of threads.

Mutual exclusion

If you want to take a shower, and there's someone already using the bathroom, you'll have to wait. How does a thread handle this?

It's done with something called mutual exclusion. It means pretty much what you think — a number of threads are mutually exclusive when it comes to a particular resource.

If you're taking a shower, you want to have exclusive accessto the bathroom. To do this, you would typically go into the bathroom and lock the door from the inside. Anyone else trying to use the bathroom would get stopped by the lock.
When you're done, you'd unlock the door, allowing someone else access.

This is just what a thread does. A thread uses an object called a
mutex (an acronym for MUTualEXclusion). This object is like the lock on a door — once a thread has the mutex locked, no other thread can get the mutex, until the owning thread releases (unlocks) it. Just like the door lock, threads waiting
to obtain the mutex will be barred.

Another interesting parallel that occurs with mutexes and door locks is that the mutex is really an
“advisory” lock. If a thread doesn't obey the convention of using the mutex, then the protection is useless. In our house analogy, this would be like someone breaking into the washroom through one of the walls ignoring the
convention of the door and lock.


What if the bathroom is currently locked and a number of people are waiting to use it? Obviously, all the people are sitting around outside, waiting for whoever is in the bathroom to get out. The real question is,
“What happens when the door unlocks? Who gets to go next?”

You'd figure that it would be “fair” to allow whoever is waiting the longest to go next. Or it might be
“fair” to let whoever is the oldest go next. Or tallest. Or most important. There are any number of ways to determine what's

We solve this with threads via two factors: priority and length of wait.

Suppose two people show up at the (locked) bathroom door at the same time. One of them has a pressing deadline (they're already late for a meeting) whereas the other doesn't. Wouldn't it make sense to allow the person with the pressing deadline to go next?
Well, of course it would. The only question is how you decide who's more
“important.”This can be done by assigning a priority (let's just use a number like Neutrino does — one is the lowest usable priority, and 255 is the highest as of this version). The people in the house that have pressing deadlines
would be given a higher priority, and those that don't would be given a
lower priority.

Same thing with threads. A thread inherits its scheduling algorithm from its parent thread, but can callpthread_setschedparam()to
change its scheduling policy and priority (if it has the authority to do so).

If a number of threads are waiting, and the mutex becomes unlocked, we would give the mutex to the waiting thread with the highest priority. Suppose, however, that both people have the
same priority. Now what do you do? Well, in that case, it would be
“fair” to allow the person who's been waiting the longest to go next. This is not only
“fair,” but it's also what the Neutrino kernel does. In the case of a bunch of threads waiting, we go
primarily by priority, and secondarilyby length of wait.

The mutex is certainly not the only synchronization object that we'll encounter. Let's look at some others.


Let's move from the bathroom into the kitchen, since that's a socially acceptable location to have more than one person at the same time. In the kitchen, you may not want to have
everyone in there at once. In fact, you probably want to limit the number of people you can have in the kitchen (too many cooks, and all that).

Let's say you don't ever want to have more than two people in there simultaneously. Could you do it with a mutex? Not as we've defined it. Why not? This is actually a very interesting problem for our analogy. Let's break it down into a few steps.

A semaphore with a count of 1

The bathroom can have one of two situations, with two states that go hand-in-hand with each other:

the door is unlocked and nobody is in the room
the door is locked and one person is in the room

No other combination is possible — the door can't be locked with nobody in the room (how would we unlock it?), and the door can't be unlocked with someone in the room (how would they ensure their privacy?). This is an example of a semaphore with a count
of one — there can be at most only one person in that room, or one thread using the semaphore.

The key here (pardon the pun) is the way we characterize the lock. In your typical bathroom lock, you can lock and unlock it only from the inside —there's no outside-accessible key. Effectively, this means that ownership of the mutex is an
atomic operation —there's no chance that while you're in the process of getting the mutex some other thread will get it, with the result that you
bothown the mutex. In our house analogy this is less apparent, because humans are just so much smarter than ones and zeros.

What we need for the kitchen is a different type of lock.

A semaphore with a count greater than 1

Suppose we installed the traditional key-based lock in the kitchen. The way this lock works is that if you have a key, you can unlock the door and go in. Anyone who uses this lock agrees that when they get inside, they will immediately lock the door from
the inside so that anyone on the outside will always require a key.

Well, now it becomes a simple matter to control how many people we want in the kitchen — hang two keys outside the door! The kitchen is always locked. When someone wants to go into the kitchen, they see if there's a key hanging outside the door. If so, they
take it with them, unlock the kitchen door, go inside, and use the key to lock the door.

Since the person going into the kitchen must have the key with them when they're in the kitchen, we're directly controlling the number of people allowed into the kitchen at any given point by limiting the number of keys available on the hook outside the

With threads, this is accomplished via a semaphore. A
“plain” semaphore works just like a mutex — you either own the mutex, in which case you have access to the resource, or you don't, in which case you don't have access. The semaphore we just described with the kitchen is a
counting semaphore —it keeps track of the count (by the number of keys available to the threads).

A semaphore as a mutex

We just asked the question “Could you do it with a mutex?”in relation to implementing a lock with a count, and the answer was no. How about the other way around? Could we use a semaphore as a mutex?

Yes. In fact, in some operating systems, that's exactly what they do — they don't have mutexes, only semaphores! So why bother with mutexes at all?

To answer that question, look at your washroom. How did the builder of your house implement the
“mutex”?I suspect you don't have a key hanging on the wall!

Mutexes are a “special purpose” semaphore. If you want one thread running in a particular section of code, a mutex is by far the most efficient implementation.

Later on, we'll look at other synchronization schemes — things called condvars, barriers, and sleepons.

Just so there's no confusion, realize that a mutex has other properties, such as priority inheritance, that differentiate it from a semaphore.

The kernel's role

The house analogy is excellent for getting across the concept of synchronization, but it falls down in one major area. In our house, we had many threads running
simultaneously. However, in a real live system, there's typically only one CPU, so only one
“thing” can run at once.

Single CPU

Let's look at what happens in the real world, and specifically, the“economy” case where we have one CPU in the system. In this case, since there's only one CPU present, only one thread can run at any given point in time. The kernel
decides (using a number of rules, which we'll see shortly) which thread to run, and runs it.

Multiple CPU (SMP)

If you buy a system that has multiple, identical CPUs all sharing memory and devices, you have an
SMP box (SMP stands for SymmetricalMulti
Processor, with the “symmetrical” part indicating that all the CPUs in the system are identical). In this case, the number of threads that can run concurrently (simultaneously) is limited by the number of CPUs. (In reality, this
was the case with the single-processor box too!) Since each processor can execute only one thread at a time, with multiple processors, multiple threads can execute simultaneously.

Let's ignore the number of CPUs present for now — a useful abstraction is to design the system as if multiple threads really were running simultaneously, even if that's not the case. A little later on, in the
Things to watch out for when using SMP”section, we'll see some of the non-intuitive impacts of SMP.

The kernel as arbiter

So who decides which thread is going to run at any given instant in time? That's the kernel's job.

The kernel determines which thread should be using the CPU at a particular moment, and
switches context to that thread. Let's examine what the kernel does with the CPU.

The CPU has a number of registers (the exact number depends on the processor family, e.g., x86 versus MIPS, and the specific family member, e.g., 80486 versus Pentium). When the thread is running, information is stored in those registers (e.g., the current
program location).

When the kernel decides that another thread should run, it needs to:

save the currently running thread's registers and other context information

load the new thread's registers and context into the CPU

But how does the kernel decide that another thread should run? It looks at whether or not a particular thread is capable of using the CPU at this point. When we talked about mutexes, for example, we introduced a blocking state (this occurred when one thread
owned the mutex, and another thread wanted to acquire it as well; the second thread would be blocked).

From the kernel's perspective, therefore, we have one thread that can consume CPU, and one that
can't, because it's blocked, waiting for a mutex. In this case, the kernel lets the thread that can run consume CPU, and puts the other thread into an internal list (so that the kernel can track its request for the mutex).

Obviously, that's not a very interesting situation. Suppose that a number of threads
can use the CPU. Remember that we delegated access to the mutex based on priority and length of wait? The kernel uses a similar scheme to determine which thread is going to run next. There are two factors: priority and scheduling algorithm, evaluated
in that order.


Consider two threads capable of using the CPU. If these threads have different priorities, then the answer is really quite simple —the kernel gives the CPU to the highest priority thread. Neutrino's priorities go from one (the lowest usable) and up, as we
mentioned when we talked about obtaining mutexes. Note that priority zero is reserved for the idle thread — you can't use it. (If you want to know the minimum and maximum values for your system, use the functionssched_get_priority_min()andsched_get_priority_max()
they're prototyped in <sched.h>. In this book, we'll assume one as the lowest usable, and 255 as the highest.)

If another thread with a higher priority suddenly becomes able to use the CPU, the kernel will immediately context-switch to the higher priority thread. We call this
preemption — the higher-priority thread preempted the lower-priority thread. When the higher-priority thread is done, and the kernel context-switches back to the lower-priority thread that was running before, we call thisresumption
— the kernel resumes running the previous thread.

Now, suppose that two threads are capable of using the CPU and have the exact same priority.

Scheduling algorithms

Let's assume that one of the threads is currently using the CPU. We'll examine the rules that the kernel uses to decide when to context-switch in this case. (Of course, this entire discussion really applies only to threads at the same priority — the
instant that a higher-priority thread is ready to use the CPU it gets it; that's the whole point of having priorities in a realtime operating system.)

The two main scheduling algorithms (policies) that the Neutrino kernel understands are Round Robin (or just
“RR”) and FIFO (First-In, First-Out). (There's also sporadic scheduling, but it's beyond the scope of this book; see“Sporadic
scheduling”in the QNX Neutrino Microkernel chapter of theSystem Architecture guide.)


In the FIFO scheduling algorithm, a thread is allowed to consume CPU for as long as it wants. This means that if that thread is doing a very long mathematical calculation, and no other thread of a higher priority is ready, that thread could potentially run
forever. What about threads of the same priority? They're locked out as well. (It should be obvious at this point that threads of a lower priority are locked out too.)

If the running thread quits or voluntarily gives up the CPU, thenthe kernel looks for other threads at the same priority that are capable of using the CPU. If there are no such threads,
then the kernel looks for lower-priority threads capable of using the CPU. Note that the term
“voluntarily gives up the CPU” can mean one of two things. If the thread goes to sleep, or blocks on a semaphore, etc., then yes, a lower-priority thread could run (as described above). But there's also a
“special” call,sched_yield()(based on the kernel callSchedYield()),
which gives up CPU only to another thread of the same priority —a lower-priority thread would never be given a chance to run if a higher-priority was ready to run. If a thread does in fact call
sched_yield(), and no other thread at the same priority is ready to run, the original thread continues running. Effectively,
sched_yield() is used to give another thread of the same priority a crack at the CPU.

In the diagram below, we see three threads operating in two different processes:

Three threads in two different processes.
If we assume that threads “A” and
“B” are READY, and that thread “C” is blocked (perhaps waiting for a mutex), and that thread“D” (not shown) is currently executing, then this is what a portion of the READY queue that the Neutrino
kernel maintains will look like:

Two threads on the READY queue, one blocked, one running.
This shows the kernel's internal READY queue, which the kernel uses to decide who to schedule next. Note that thread
“C” is not on the READY queue, because it's blocked, and thread
“D” isn't on the READY queue either because it's running.

Round Robin

The RR scheduling algorithm is identical to FIFO, except that the thread will not run forever
if there's another thread at the same priority. It runs only for a system-defined
timeslice whose value you can determine by using the functionsched_rr_get_interval(). The timeslice
is usually 4 ms, but it's actually 4 times theticksize, which you can query or set withClockPeriod().

What happens is that the kernel starts an RR thread, and notes the time. If the RR thread is running for a while, the time allotted to it will be up (the timeslice will have expired). The kernel looks to see if there is another thread at the same priority
that's ready. If there is, the kernel runs it. If not, then the kernel will continue running the RR thread (i.e., the kernel grants the thread another timeslice).

The rules

Let's summarize the scheduling rules (for a single CPU), in order of importance:

Only one thread can run at a time.
The highest-priority ready thread will run.
A thread will run until it blocks or exits.
An RR thread will run for its timeslice, and then the kernel will reschedule it (if required).

The following flowchart shows the decisions that the kernel makes:

Scheduling roadmap.
For a multiple-CPU system, the rules are the same, except that multiple CPUs can run multiple threads concurrently. The order that the threads run (i.e., which threads get to run on the multiple CPUs) is determined in the exact same way as with a single
CPU — the highest-priority READY thread will run on a CPU. For lower-priority or longer-waiting threads, the kernel has some flexibility as to when to schedule them to avoid inefficiency in the use of the cache. For more information about SMP, see theMulticore
Processing User's Guide.

Kernel states

We've been talking about “running,”
“ready,” and“blocked” loosely — let's now formalize these thread states.


Neutrino's RUNNING state simply means that the thread is now actively consuming the CPU. On an SMP system, there will be multiple threads running; on a single-processor system, there will be one thread running.


The READY state means that this thread could run right now —except that it's not, because another thread, (at the same or higher priority), is running. If two threads were capable of using the CPU, one thread at priority
10 and one thread at priority 7, the priority 10 thread would be
RUNNINGand the priority 7 thread would be READY.

The blocked states

What do we call the blocked state? The problem is, there's not just one blocked state. Under Neutrino, there are in fact over a dozen blocking states.

Why so many? Because the kernel keeps track of why a thread is blocked.

We saw two blocking states already — when a thread is blocked waiting for a mutex, the thread is in the
MUTEX state. When a thread is blocked waiting for a semaphore, it's in the
SEM state. These states simply indicate which queue (and which resource) the thread is blocked on.

If a number of threads are blocked on a mutex (in the MUTEXblocked state), they get no attention from the kernel
until the thread that owns the mutex releases it. At that point one of the blocked threads is made
READY, and the kernel makes a rescheduling decision (if required).

Why “if required?”The thread that just released the mutex could very well still have other things to do
and have a higher priority than that of the waiting threads. In this case, we go to the second rule, which states,
“The highest-priority ready thread will run,” meaning that the scheduling order has not changed — the higher-priority thread continues to run.

Kernel states, the complete list

Here's the complete list of kernel blocking states, with brief explanations of each state. By the way, this list is available in
<sys/neutrino.h> —you'll notice that the states are all prefixed with
STATE_(for example, “READY” in this table is listed in the header file as

If the state is: The thread is:
CONDVARWaiting for a condition variable to be signaled.
DEADDead. Kernel is waiting to release the thread's resources.
INTRWaiting for an interrupt.
JOINWaiting for the completion of another thread.
MUTEXWaiting to acquire a mutex.
NANOSLEEPSleeping for a period of time.
NET_REPLYWaiting for a reply to be delivered across the network.
NET_SENDWaiting for a pulse or message to be delivered across the network.
READYNot running on a CPU, but is ready to run (one or more higher or equal priority threads are running).
RECEIVEWaiting for a client to send a message.
REPLYWaiting for a server to reply to a message.
RUNNINGActively running on a CPU.
SEMWaiting to acquire a semaphore.
SENDWaiting for a server to receive a message.
SIGSUSPENDWaiting for a signal.
SIGWAITINFOWaiting for a signal.
STACKWaiting for more stack to be allocated.
STOPPEDSuspended (SIGSTOP signal).
WAITCTXWaiting for a register context (usually floating point) to become available (only on SMP systems).
WAITPAGEWaiting for process manager to resolve a fault on a page.
WAITTHREADWaiting for a thread to be created.
The important thing to keep in mind is that when a thread is blocked, regardless of
which state it's blocked in, it consumes noCPU. Conversely, the only state in which a thread consumes CPU is in the RUNNING state.

We'll see the SEND, RECEIVE, and
REPLYblocked states in the
Message Passing chapter. The NANOSLEEP state is used with functions likesleep(), which we'll look at in the
chapter on
Clocks, Timers, and Getting a Kick Every So Often. The INTR state is used withInterruptWait(), which
we'll take a look at in the
Interrupts chapter. Most of the other states are discussed in this chapter.

Threads and processes

Let's return to our discussion of threads and processes, this time from the perspective of a real live system. Then, we'll take a look at the function calls used to deal with threads and processes.

We know that a process can have one or more threads. (A process that had zero threads wouldn't be able to
do anything —there'd be nobody home, so to speak, to actually perform any useful work.) A Neutrino system can have one or more processes. (The same discussion applies — a Neutrino system with zero processes wouldn't do anything.)

So what do these processes and threads do? Ultimately, they form a
system — a collection of threads and processes that performs some goal.

At the highest level, the system consists of a number of processes. Each process is responsible for providing a service of some nature —whether it's a filesystem, a display driver, data acquisition module, control module, or whatever.

Within each process, there may be a number of threads. The number of threads varies. One designer using only one thread may accomplish the same functionality as another designer using five threads. Some problems lend themselves to being multi-threaded, and
are in fact relatively simple to solve, while other processes lend themselves to being single-threaded, and are difficult to make multi-threaded.

The topic of designing with threads could easily occupy another book —we'll just stick with the basics here.

Why processes?

So why not just have one process with a zillion threads? While some OSes force you to code that way, the advantages of breaking things up into multiple processes are many:

decoupling and modularity

The ability to “break the problem apart” into several independent problems is a powerful concept. It's also at the heart of Neutrino. A Neutrino system consists of many independent modules, each with a certain responsibility. These
independent modules are distinct processes. The people at QSS used this trick to develop the modules in isolation, without the modules relying on each other. The only
“reliance” the modules would have on each other is through a small number of well-defined interfaces.

This naturally leads to enhanced maintainability, thanks to the lack of interdependencies. Since each module has its own particular definition, it's reasonably easy to fix one module — especially since it's not tied to any other module.

Reliability, though, is perhaps the most important point. A process, just like a house, has some well-defined
“borders.”A person in a house has a pretty good idea when they're in the house, and when they're not. A thread has a
very good idea — if it's accessing memory within the process, it can live. If it steps out of the bounds of the process's address space, it gets killed. This means that two threads, running in different processes, are effectively isolated from each

Memory protection.
The process address space is maintained and enforced by Neutrino's process manager module. When a process is started, the process manager allocates some memory to it and starts a thread running. The memory is marked as being owned by
that process.

This means that if there are multiple threads in that process, and the kernel needs to context-switch between them, it's a very efficient operation —we don't have to change the address space, just which thread is running. If, however, we have to change to
another thread in another process, then the process manager gets involved and causes an address space switch as well. Don't worry — while there's a bit more overhead in this additional step, under Neutrino this is still very fast.

Starting a process

Let's now turn our attention to the function calls available to deal with threads and processes. Any thread can start a process; the only restrictions imposed are those that stem from basic security (file access, privilege restrictions, etc.). In all probability,
you've already started other processes; either from the system startup script, the shell, or by having a program start another program on your behalf.

Starting a process from the command line

For example, from the shell you can type:

$ program1

This instructs the shell to start a program called program1and to wait for it to finish. Or, you could type:

$ program2 &

This instructs the shell to start program2without waiting for it to finish. We say that
program2 is running “in the background.”

If you want to adjust the priority of a program before you start it, you could use thenicecommand, just like in UNIX:

$ nice program3

This instructs the shell to start program3at a reduced priority.

Or does it?

If you look at what really happens, we told the shell to run a program called
nice at the regular priority. The nice command adjusted its
own priority to be lower (this is where the name “nice” comes from), and then
it ran program3 at that lower priority.

Starting a process from within a program

You don't usually care about the fact that the shell creates processes — this is a basic assumption about the shell. In some application designs, you'll certainly be relying onshell scripts (batches of commands in a file) to do the work
for you, but in other cases you'll want to create the processes yourself.

For example, in a large multi-process system, you may want to have one master program start all the other processes for your application based on some kind of configuration file. Another example would include starting up processes when certain operating
conditions (events) have been detected.

Let's take a look at the functions that Neutrino provides for starting up other processes (or transforming into a different program):

exec() family of functions

spawn() family of functions


Which function you use depends on two requirements: portability and functionality. As usual, there's a trade-off between the two.

The common thing that happens in all the calls that create a new process is the following. A thread in the original process calls one of the above functions. Eventually, the function gets the process manager to create an address space for a new process.
Then, the kernel starts a thread in the new process. This thread executes a few instructions, and calls
main(). (In the case of fork() and
vfork(), of course, the new thread begins execution in the new process by returning from the
fork() or vfork(); we'll see how to deal with this shortly.)

Starting a process with the
system() call

Thesystem()function is the simplest; it takes a command line, the same as you'd type it at a shell prompt, and executes it.

In fact, system() actually starts up a shell to handle the command that you want to perform.

The editor that I'm using to write this book makes use of the
system()call. When I'm editing, I may need to “shell out,”check out some samples, and then come back into the editor, all without losing my place. In this editor, I may issue the command
:!pwd for example, to display the current working directory. The editor runs this code for the
:!pwd command:

system ("pwd");

Is system() suited for everything under the sun? Of course not, but it's useful for a lot of your process-creation requirements.

Starting a process with the
exec() and spawn() calls

Let's look at some of the other process-creation functions.

The next process-creation functions we should look at are theexec()andspawn()families.
Before we go into the details, let's see what the differences are between these two groups of functions.

The exec() family transforms the current process into another one. What I mean by that is that when a process issues an
exec()function call, that process ceases to run the current program and begins to run another program. The process ID doesn't change — that process
changed into another program. What happened to all the threads in the process? We'll come back to that when we look at

The spawn() family, on the other hand, doesn't do that. Calling a member of the
spawn() family creates anotherprocess (with a new process ID) that corresponds to the program specified in the function's arguments.

Let's look at the different variants of the spawn() andexec() functions. In the table that follows, you'll see which ones are POSIX and which aren't. Of course, for maximum portability, you'll want to use only
the POSIX functions.

Spawn POSIX? Exec POSIX?
spawnl()No execl()Yes
spawnle()No execle()Yes
spawnlp()No execlp()Yes
spawnlpe()No execlpe()No
spawnv()No execv()Yes
spawnve()No execve()Yes
spawnvp()No execvp()Yes
spawnvpe()No execvpe()No
While these variants might appear to be overwhelming, thereis a pattern to their suffixes:

A suffix of: Means:
l (lowercase “L”) The argument list is specified via a list of parameters given in the call itself, terminated by a
NULL argument.
eAn environment is specified.
pThe PATH environment variable is used in case the full pathname to the program isn't specified.
vThe argument list is specified via a pointer to an argument vector.
The argument list is a list of command-line arguments passed to the program.

Also, note that in the C library,spawnlp(),
spawnvp(), and spawnlpe()all call spawnvpe(), which in turn callsspawnp(). The functions
spawnle(), spawnv(), and
spawnl()all eventually call spawnve(), which then callsspawn(). Finally,
spawnp() callsspawn(). So, the root of all spawning functionality is the

Let's now take a look at the various spawn()and
exec() variants in detail so that you can get a feel for the various suffixes used. Then, we'll see the
spawn() call itself.

“l” suffix
For example, if I want to invoke thelscommand with the arguments
-t, -r, and
-l (meaning“sort the output by time, in reverse order, and show me the long version of the output”), I could specify it as either:

/* To run ls and keep going: */
spawnl (P_WAIT, "/bin/ls", "/bin/ls", "-t", "-r", "-l", NULL);

/* To transform into ls: */
execl ("/bin/ls", "/bin/ls", "-t", "-r", "-l", NULL);

or, using the v suffix variant:

char *argv [] =

/* To run ls and keep going: */
spawnv (P_WAIT, "/bin/ls", argv);

/* To transform into ls: */
execv ("/bin/ls", argv);

Why the choice? It's provided as a convenience. You may have a parser already built into your program, and it would be convenient to pass around arrays of strings. In that case, I'd recommend using the
“v” suffix variants. Or, you may be coding up a call to a program where you know what the parameters are. In that case, why bother setting up an array of strings when you
knowexactly what the arguments are? Just pass them to the
“l” suffix variant.

Note that we passed the actual pathname of the program (/bin/ls)
and the name of the program again as the first argument. We passed the name again to support programs that behave differently based on how they're invoked.

For example, the GNU compression and decompression utilities (gzipandgunzip)
are actually links to the same executable. When the executable starts, it looks at
argv [0] (passed tomain()) and decides whether it should compress or decompress.

“e” suffix
The “e” suffix versions pass anenvironment to the program. An environment is just that — a kind of
“context”for the program to operate in. For example, you may have a spelling checker that has a dictionary of words. Instead of specifying the dictionary's location every time on the command line, you could provide it in the environment:

$ export DICTIONARY=/home/rk/.dict

$ spellcheck document.1

The export command tells the shell to create a new environment variable (in this case,
DICTIONARY), and assign it a value (/home/rk/.dict).

If you ever wanted to use a different dictionary, you'd have to alter the environment before running the program. This is easy from the shell:

$ export DICTIONARY=/home/rk/.altdict

$ spellcheck document.1

But how can you do this from your own programs? To use the
“e” versions of spawn() andexec(), you specify an array of strings representing the environment:

char *env [] =

// To start the spell-checker:
spawnle (P_WAIT, "/usr/bin/spellcheck", "/usr/bin/spellcheck",
"document.1", NULL, env);

// To transform into the spell-checker:
execle ("/usr/bin/spellcheck", "/usr/bin/spellcheck",
"document.1", NULL, env);

“p” suffix
The “p” suffix versions will search the directories in yourPATH environment variable to find the executable. You've probably noticed that all the examples have a hard-coded location for the
executable —/bin/ls and /usr/bin/spellcheck. What about other executables? Unless you want to first find out the
exact path for that particular program, it would be best to have the user tell your program all the places to search for executables. The standard
PATH environment variable does just that. Here's the one from a minimal system:


This tells the shell that when I type a command, it should first look in the directory
/proc/boot, and if it can't find the command there, it should look in the binaries directory
/bin part.PATH is a colon-separated list of places to look for commands. You can add as many elements to the
PATH as you want, but keep in mind that all pathname components will be searched (in order) for the executable.

If you don't know the path to the executable, then you can use the“p” variants. For example:

// Using an explicit path:
execl ("/bin/ls", "/bin/ls", "-l", "-t", "-r", NULL);

// Search your PATH for the executable:
execlp ("ls", "ls", "-l", "-t", "-r", NULL);

Ifexecl()can't find
ls in /bin, it returns an error. Theexeclp()function will search all the directories specified
in the PATH for ls, and will return an error only if it can't find
lsin any of those directories. This is also great for multiplatform support — your program doesn't have to be coded to know about the different CPU names, it just finds the executable.

What if you do something like this?

execlp ("/bin/ls", "ls", "-l", "-t", "-r", NULL);

Does it search the environment? No. You told execlp() to use an
explicit pathname, which overrides the normal PATH searching rule. If it doesn't find
ls in /bin that's it, no other attempts are made (this is identical to the way
execl() works in this case).

Is it dangerous to mix an explicit path with a plain command name (e.g., the path argument
/bin/ls, and the command name argument ls, instead of
/bin/ls)? This is usually pretty safe, because:

a large number of programs ignore argv [0] anyway
those that do care usually call
basename(), which strips off the directory portion of
argv [0] and returns just the name.

The only compelling reason for specifying the full pathname for the first argument is that the program can print out diagnostics including this first argument, which can instantly tell you where the program was invoked from. This may be important when the
program can be found in multiple locations along the PATH.

The spawn() functions all have an extra parameter; in all the above examples, I've always specified
P_WAIT. There are four flags you can pass to
spawn() to change its behavior:

P_WAITThe calling process (your program) is blocked until the newly created program has run to completion and exited.
P_NOWAITThe calling program doesn't block while the newly created program runs. This allows you to start a program in the background, and continue running while the other program does its thing.
P_NOWAITOIdentical to P_NOWAIT, except that the
SPAWN_NOZOMBIE flag is set, meaning that you don't have to worry about doing a

waitpid() to clear the process's exit code.
P_OVERLAYThis flag turns the spawn() call into the corresponding
exec() call! Your program transforms into the specified program, with no change in process ID.
It's generally clearer to use the exec() call if that's what you meant — it saves the maintainer of the software from having to look up
P_OVERLAY in the C Library Reference!

“plain” spawn()
As we mentioned above, all spawn() functions eventually call the plainspawn()function. Here's the prototype for the
spawn() function:

#include <spawn.h>

spawn (const char *path,
int fd_count,
const int fd_map [],
const struct inheritance *inherit,
char * const argv [],
char * const envp []);

We can immediately dispense with the path,
argv, andenvp parameters — we've already seen those above as representing the location of the executable (the
path member), the argument vector (argv), and the environment (envp).

The fd_count and fd_map parameters go together. If you specify zero for
fd_count, then fd_map is ignored, and it means that all file descriptors (except those modified byfcntl()'sFD_CLOEXEC
flag) will be inherited in the newly created process. If the fd_count is non-zero, then it indicates the number of file descriptors contained in
fd_map; only the specified ones will be inherited.

The inherit parameter is a pointer to a structure that contains a set of flags, signal masks, and so on. For more details, you should consult the NeutrinoLibrary

Starting a process with the
fork() call

Suppose you want to create a new process that's identical to the currently running process and have it run concurrently. You could approach this with a
spawn() (and the P_NOWAITparameter), giving the newly created process enough information about the exact state of your process so it could set itself up. However, this can be extremely complicated; describing
the “current state” of the process can involve lots of data.

There is an easier way — thefork()function, which duplicates the current process. All the code is the same, and the data is the same as
the creating (or parent) process's data.

Of course, it's impossible to create a process that'sidentical in every way to the parent process. Why? The most obvious difference between these two processes is going to be the process ID — we can't create two processes with the same process ID.
If you look at fork()'s documentation in the Neutrino
Library Reference, you'll see that there is a list of differences between the two processes. You should read this list to be sure that you know these differences if you plan to use

If both sides of a fork() look alike, how do you tell them apart? When you call
fork(), you create another process executing the same code at the same location (i.e., both are about to return from the
fork() call) as the parent process. Let's look at some sample code:

int main (int argc, char **argv)
int retval;

printf ("This is most definitely the parent process\n");
fflush (stdout);
retval = fork ();
printf ("Which process printed this?\n");

return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

After the fork() call, bothprocesses are going to execute the second
printf() call! If you run this program, it prints something like this:

This is most definitely the parent process
Which process printed this?
Which process printed this?

Both processes print the second line.

The only way to tell the two processes apart is the fork()return value in
retval. In the newly created child process,
retval is zero; in the parent process, retval is the child's process ID.

Clear as mud? Here's another code snippet to clarify:

printf ("The parent is pid %d\n", getpid ());
fflush (stdout);

if (child_pid = fork ()) {
printf ("This is the parent, child pid is %d\n",
} else {
printf ("This is the child, pid is %d\n",
getpid ());

This program will print something like:

The parent is pid 4496
This is the parent, child pid is 8197
This is the child, pid is 8197

You can tell which process you are (the parent or the child) after thefork() by looking at
fork()'s return value.

Starting a process with the
vfork() call

Thevfork()function can be a lot less resource intensive than the plain
fork(), because it shares the parent's address space.

The vfork() function creates a child, but then suspends the parent thread until the child calls
exec() or exits (via exit() and friends). Additionally,
vfork() will work on physical memory model systems, whereas
fork() can't — fork() needs to create the same address space, which just isn't possible in a physical memory model.

Process creation and threads

Suppose you have a process and you haven't created any threads yet (i.e., you're running with one thread, the one that called
main()). When you call fork(), another process is created, also with one thread. This is the simple case.

Now suppose that in your process, you've calledpthread_create()to create another thread. When you call
fork(), it will now return ENOSYS(meaning that the function is not supported)! Why?

Well, believe it or not, this is POSIX compatible — POSIX says that
fork() can return ENOSYS. What actually happens is this: the Neutrino C library isn't built to handle the forking of a process with threads. When you call
pthread_create(), the pthread_create() function sets a flag, effectively saying,
“Don't let this process fork(), because I'm not prepared to handle it.”Then, in the library
fork() function, this flag is checked, and, if set, causes
fork() to return ENOSYS.

The reason this is intentionally done has to do with threads and mutexes. If this restriction weren't in place (and it may be lifted in a future release) the newly created process would have the same number of threads as the original process. This is what
you'd expect. However, the complication occurs because some of the original threads may own mutexes. Since the newly created process has the identical contents of the data space of the original process, the library would have to keep track of which mutexes
were owned by which threads in the original process, and then duplicate that ownership in the new process. This isn't impossible — there's a function calledpthread_atfork()that
allows a process to deal with this; however, the functionality of calling
pthread_atfork()isn't being used by all the mutexes in the Neutrino C library as of this writing.

So what should you use?

Obviously, if you're porting existing code, you'll want to use whatever the existing code uses. For new code, you should avoid
fork() if at all possible. Here's why:

fork() doesn't work with multiple threads, as discussed above.

When fork() does work with multiple threads, you'll need to register a
pthread_atfork() handler and lock every single mutex
before you fork, complicating the design.
The child of fork() duplicates all open file descriptors. As we'll see in the

Resource Manager chapter later, this causes a lot of work — most of which will be unnecessary if the child then immediately does an
exec() and closes all the file descriptors anyway.

The choice between vfork() and the spawn() family boils down to portability, and what you want the child and parent to be doing. The
vfork() function will pause until the child calls
exec() or exits, whereas the spawn() family of functions can allow both to run concurrently. The
vfork() function, however, is subtly different between operating systems.

Starting a thread

Now that we've seen how to start another process, let's see how to start another thread.

Any thread can create another thread in the same process; there are no restrictions (short of memory space, of course!). The most common way of doing this is via the POSIXpthread_create()call:

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_create (pthread_t *thread,
const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine) (void *),
void *arg);

The pthread_create() function takes four arguments:

threada pointer to a pthread_t where the thread ID is stored
attran attributes structurestart_routinethe routine where the thread begins argan argument passed to the thread's start_routine
Note that the thread pointer and the attributes structure (attr) are optional — you can pass them as

The thread parameter can be used to store the thread ID of the newly created thread. You'll notice that in the examples below, we'll pass a
NULL, meaning that we don't care what the ID is of the newly created thread. If we did care, we could do something like this:

pthread_t tid;

pthread_create (&tid, …
printf ("Newly created thread id is %d\n", tid);

This use is actually quite typical, because you'll often want to know which thread ID is running which piece of code.

A small subtle point. It's possible that the newly created thread may be running
before the thread ID (the tid parameter) is filled. This means that you should be careful about using the
tid as a global variable. The usage shown above is okay, because the
pthread_create() call has returned, which means that the
tid value is stuffed correctly.
The new thread begins executing at start_routine(), with the argument

The thread attributes structure

When you start a new thread, it can assume some well-defined defaults, or you can explicitly specify its characteristics.

Before we jump into a discussion of the thread attribute functions, let's look at thepthread_attr_t data type:

typedef struct {
int                 __flags;
size_t              __stacksize;
void                *__stackaddr;
void                (*__exitfunc)(void *status);
int                 __policy;
struct sched_param  __param;
unsigned            __guardsize;
} pthread_attr_t;

Basically, the fields are used as follows:

__flagsNon-numerical (Boolean) characteristics (e.g., whether the thread should run
“detached” or “joinable”).__stacksize, __stackaddr, and
__guardsizeStack specifications.__exitfuncFunction to execute at thread exit.__policy and __paramScheduling parameters.
The following functions are available:

Attribute administration pthread_attr_destroy()

pthread_attr_init()Flags (Boolean characteristics) pthread_attr_getdetachstate()





pthread_attr_setscope()Stack related pthread_attr_getguardsize()







pthread_attr_setstacklazy()Scheduling related pthread_attr_getschedparam()



This looks like a pretty big list (20 functions), but in reality we have to worry about only half of them, because they're paired:
“get” and “set” (with the exception of
pthread_attr_init() and pthread_attr_destroy()).

Before we examine the attribute functions, there's one thing to note. You must call
pthread_attr_init() to initialize the attribute structure before using it, set it with the appropriate
pthread_attr_set*() function(s), andthen call
pthread_create() to create the thread. Changing the attribute structure
after the thread's been created has no effect.

Thread attribute administration

The functionpthread_attr_init()must be called to initialize the attribute structure before using it:


pthread_attr_t  attr;
pthread_attr_init (&attr);

You could callpthread_attr_destroy()to
“uninitialize”the thread attribute structure, but almost no one ever does (unless you have POSIX-compliant code).

In the descriptions that follow, I've marked the default values with

The “flags” thread attribute

The three functions,pthread_attr_setdetachstate(),pthread_attr_setinheritsched(),
andpthread_attr_setscope()determine whether the thread is created
“joinable” or “detached,”whether the thread inherits the scheduling attributes of the creating thread or uses the scheduling attributes specified bypthread_attr_setschedparam()andpthread_attr_setschedpolicy(),
and finally whether the thread has a scope of “system” or

To create a “joinable” thread (meaning that another thread can synchronize to its termination viapthread_join()),
you'd use:

pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);

To create one that can't be joined (called a “detached” thread), you'd use:

pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

If you want the thread to inherit the scheduling attributes of the creating thread (that is, to have the same scheduling algorithm and the same priority), you'd use:

pthread_attr_setinheritsched (&attr, PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED);

To create one that uses the scheduling attributes specified in the attribute structure itself (which you'd set usingpthread_attr_setschedparam()andpthread_attr_setschedpolicy()),
you'd use:

pthread_attr_setinheritsched (&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);

Finally, you'd never callpthread_attr_setscope(). Why? Because Neutrino supports only
“system” scope, and it's the default when you initialize the attribute. (“System” scope means that all threads in the system compete against each other for CPU; the other value,
“process,” means that threads compete against each other for CPU within the process, and the kernel schedules the processes.)

If you do insist on calling it, you can call it only as follows:

pthread_attr_setscope (&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);

The “stack” thread attributes

The thread attribute stack parameters are prototyped as follows:

pthread_attr_setguardsize (pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t gsize);

pthread_attr_setstackaddr (pthread_attr_t *attr, void *addr);

pthread_attr_setstacksize (pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t ssize);

pthread_attr_setstacklazy (pthread_attr_t *attr, int lazystack);

These functions all take the attribute structure as their first parameter; their second parameters are selected from the following:

gsizeThe size of the “guard” area. addrThe address of the stack, if you're providing one. ssizeThe size of the stack. lazystackIndicates if the stack should be allocated on demand or up front from physical memory.
The guard area is a memory area immediately after the stack that the thread can't write to. If it does (meaning that the stack was about to overflow), the thread will get hit with a
SIGSEGV. If the guardsize is 0, it means that there's no guard area. This also implies that there's no stack overflow checking. If the guardsize is nonzero, then it's set to at least the system-wide default
guardsize (which you can obtain with a call tosysconf()with the constant
_SC_PAGESIZE). Note that the guardsize will be at least as big as a
“page” (for example, 4 KB on an x86 processor). Also, note that the guard page doesn't take up any
physical memory — it's done as a virtual address (MMU)

The addr is the address of the stack, in case you're providing it. You can set it to
NULL meaning that the system will allocate (and will free!) the stack for the thread. The advantage of specifying a stack is that you can do postmortem stack depth analysis. This is accomplished by allocating a stack area, filling
it with a “signature”(for example, the string
“STACK” repeated over and over), and letting the thread run. When the thread has completed, you'd look at the stack area and see how far the thread had scribbled over your signature, giving you the maximum depth of the stack used during this particular

The ssize parameter specifies how big the stack is. If you provide the stack in
addr, then ssize should be the size of that data area. If you don't provide the stack in
addr (meaning you passed a NULL), then the
ssize parameter tells the system how big a stack it should allocate for you. If you specify a
0 for ssize, the system will select the default stack size for you. Obviously, it's bad practice to specify a
0 for ssize andspecify a stack using
addr — effectively you're saying “Here's a pointer to an object, and the object is some default size.”The problem is that there's no binding between the object size and the passed value.

If a stack is being provided via addr, no automatic stack overflow protection exists for that thread (i.e., there's no guard area). However, you can certainly set this up yourself usingmmap()andmprotect().
Finally, the lazystack parameter indicates if the physical memory should be allocated as required (use the value
PTHREAD_STACK_LAZY) or all up front (use the valuePTHREAD_STACK_NOTLAZY). The advantage of allocating the stack
“on demand” (as required) is that the thread won't use up more physical memory than it absolutely has to. The disadvantage (and hence the advantage of the
“all up front” method) is that in a low-memory environment the thread won't mysteriously die some time during operating when it needs that extra bit of stack, and there isn't any memory left. If you are using
PTHREAD_STACK_NOTLAZY, you'll most likely want to set the actual size of the stack instead of accepting the default, because the default is quite large.

The “scheduling” thread attributes

Finally, if you do specify PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED forpthread_attr_setinheritsched(),
then you'll need a way to specify both the scheduling algorithm and the priority of the thread you're about to create.

This is done with the two functions:

pthread_attr_setschedparam (pthread_attr_t *attr,
const struct sched_param *param);

pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (pthread_attr_t *attr,
int policy);

The policy is simple — it's one of SCHED_FIFO,

SCHED_OTHER is currently mapped to
The param is a structure that contains one member of relevance here:
sched_priority. Set this value via direct assignment to the desired priority.

A common bug to watch out for is specifying PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED and then setting only the scheduling policy. The problem is that in an initialized attribute structure, the value of
param.sched_priorityis 0. This is the same priority as the IDLE process, meaning that your newly created thread will be competing for CPU with the IDLE process.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. :-)

Enough people have been bitten by this that QSS has made priority zero reserved for only the idle thread. You simply cannot run a thread at priority zero.

A few examples

Let's take a look at some examples. We'll assume that the proper include files (<pthread.h> and
<sched.h>) have been included, and that the thread to be created is called
new_thread() and is correctly prototyped and defined.

The most common way of creating a thread is to simply let the values default:

pthread_create (NULL, NULL, new_thread, NULL);

In the above example, we've created our new thread with the defaults, and passed it aNULL as its one and only parameter (that's the third
NULLin thepthread_create()call above).

Generally, you can pass anything you want (via the arg field) to your new thread. Here we're passing the number

pthread_create (NULL, NULL, new_thread, (void *) 123);

A more complicated example is to create a non-joinable thread with round-robin scheduling at priority 15:

pthread_attr_t attr;

// initialize the attribute structure
pthread_attr_init (&attr);

// set the detach state to "detached"
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

// override the default of INHERIT_SCHED
pthread_attr_setinheritsched (&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (&attr, SCHED_RR);
attr.param.sched_priority = 15;

// finally, create the thread
pthread_create (NULL, &attr, new_thread, NULL);

To see what a multithreaded program “looks like,” you could run thepidincommand from the shell. Say our program
was called spud. If we run pidinonce before
spud created a thread and once after spudcreated two more threads (for three total), here's what the output would look like (I've shortened the
pidinoutput to show only spud):

# pidin
pid    tid name               prio STATE       Blocked
12301   1 spud                10r READY

# pidin
pid    tid name               prio STATE       Blocked
12301   1 spud                10r READY
12301   2 spud                10r READY
12301   3 spud                10r READY

As you can see, the process spud (process ID
12301) has three threads (under the “tid” column). The three threads are running at priority
10 with a scheduling algorithm of round robin (indicated by the
“r” after the 10). All three threads are READY, meaning that they're able to use CPU but aren't currently running on the CPU (another, higher-priority thread, is currently running).

Now that we know all about creating threads, let's take a look at how and where we'd use them.

Where a thread is a good idea

There are two classes of problems where the application of threads is a good idea.

Threads are like overloading operators in C++ — it may seem like a good idea (at the time) to overload every single operator with some interesting use, but it makes the code hard to understand. Similarly with threads, you could create piles of threads,
but the additional complexity will make your code hard to understand, and therefore hard to maintain. Judicious use of threads, on the other hand, will result in code that is functionally very clean.
Threads are great where you can
parallelize operations— a number of mathematical problems spring to mind (graphics, digital signal processing, etc.). Threads are also great where you want a program to perform several

independent functions while sharing data, such as a web-server that's serving multiple clients simultaneously. We'll examine these two classes.

Threads in mathematical operations

Suppose that we have a graphics program that performs ray tracing. Each raster line on the screen is dependent on the main database (which describes the actual picture being generated). The key here is this:
each raster line is independent of the others. This immediately causes the problem to stand out as a threadable program.

Here's the single-threaded version:

main (int argc, char **argv)
int x1;

…    // perform initializations

for (x1 = 0; x1 < num_x_lines; x1++) {
do_one_line (x1);

…    // display results

Here we see that the program will iterate x1 over all the raster lines that are to be calculated.

On an SMP system, this program will use only one of the CPUs. Why? Because we haven't told the operating system to do anything in parallel. The operating system isn't smart enough to look at the program and say,“Hey, hold on a second!
We have 4 CPUs, and it looks like there are independent execution flows here. I'll run it on all 4 CPUs!”

So, it's up to the system designer (you) to tell Neutrino which parts can be run in parallel. The easiest way to do that would be:

main (int argc, char **argv)
int x1;

…    // perform initializations

for (x1 = 0; x1 < num_x_lines; x1++) {
pthread_create (NULL, NULL, do_one_line, (void *) x1);

…    // display results

There are a number of problems with this simplistic approach. First of all (and this is most minor), the
do_one_line()function would have to be modified to take a
void *instead of an int as its argument. This is easily remedied with a typecast.

The second problem is a little bit trickier. Let's say that the screen resolution that you were computing the picture for was 1280 by 1024. We'd be creating 1280 threads! This is not a problem for Neutrino — Neutrino
“limits”you to 32767 threads per process! However, each thread
must have a unique stack. If your stack is a reasonable size (say 8 KB), you'll have used 1280 × 8 KB (10 megabytes!) of stack. And for what? There are only 4 processors in your SMP system. This means that only 4 of the 1280 threads will run at a time
— the other 1276 threads are waiting for a CPU. (In reality, the stack will
“fault in,” meaning that the space for it will be allocated only as required. Nonetheless, it's a waste — there are still other overheads.)

A much better solution to this would be to break the problem up into 4 pieces (one for each CPU), and start a thread for each piece:

int num_lines_per_cpu;
int num_cpus;

main (int argc, char **argv)
int cpu;

…    // perform initializations

// get the number of CPUs
num_cpus = _syspage_ptr -> num_cpu;
num_lines_per_cpu = num_x_lines / num_cpus;
for (cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; cpu++) {
pthread_create (NULL, NULL,
do_one_batch, (void *) cpu);

…    // display results

void *
do_one_batch (void *c)
int cpu = (int) c;
int x1;

for (x1 = 0; x1 < num_lines_per_cpu; x1++) {
do_line_line (x1 + cpu * num_lines_per_cpu);

Here we're starting only num_cpus threads. Each thread will run on one CPU. And since we have only a small number of threads, we're not wasting memory with unnecessary stacks. Notice how we got the number of CPUs by dereferencing the
“System Page”global variable _syspage_ptr. (For more information about what's in the system page, please consult QSS'sBuilding Embedded Systems book or the
<sys/syspage.h>include file).

Coding for SMP or single processor

The best part about this code is that it will function just fine on a single-processor system — you'll create only one thread, and have it do all the work. The additional overhead (one stack) is well worth the flexibility of having the software
“just work faster” on an SMP box.

Synchronizing to the termination of a thread

I mentioned that there were a number of problems with the simplistic code sample initially shown. Another problem with it is that
main() starts up a bunch of threads and then displays the results. How does the function
know when it's safe to display the results?

To have the main() function poll for completion would defeat the purpose of a realtime operating system:

main (int argc, char **argv)

// start threads as before

while (num_lines_completed < num_x_lines) {
sleep (1);

Don't even consider writing code like this!

There are two elegant solutions to this problem:pthread_join()andpthread_barrier_wait().


The simplest method of synchronization is to join the threads as they terminate. Joining really means waiting for termination.

Joining is accomplished by one thread waiting for the termination of another thread. The waiting thread callspthread_join():

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_join (pthread_t thread, void **value_ptr);

To use pthread_join(), you pass it the thread ID of the thread that you wish to join, and an optional
value_ptr, which can be used to store the termination return value from the joined thread. (You can pass in a
NULL if you aren't interested in this value — we're not, in this case.)

Where did the thread ID came from? We ignored it in the pthread_create() — we passed in a
NULLfor the first parameter. Let's now correct our code:

int num_lines_per_cpu, num_cpus;

int main (int argc, char **argv)
int cpu;
pthread_t *thread_ids;

…    // perform initializations
thread_ids = malloc (sizeof (pthread_t) * num_cpus);

num_lines_per_cpu = num_x_lines / num_cpus;
for (cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; cpu++) {
pthread_create (&thread_ids [cpu], NULL,
do_one_batch, (void *) cpu);

// synchronize to termination of all threads
for (cpu = 0; cpu < num_cpus; cpu++) {
pthread_join (thread_ids [cpu], NULL);

…    // display results

You'll notice that this time we passed the first argument to
pthread_create()as a pointer to a pthread_t. This is where the thread ID of the newly created thread gets stored. After the first
for loop finishes, we have num_cpusthreads running, plus the thread that's running
main(). We're not too concerned about the
main() thread consuming all our CPU; it's going to spend its time waiting.

The waiting is accomplished by doing a pthread_join() to each of our threads in turn. First, we wait for
thread_ids [0] to finish. When it completes, the
pthread_join() will unblock. The next iteration of the for loop will cause us to wait forthread_ids [1] to finish, and so on, for all

A common question that arises at this point is, “What if the threads finish in the reverse order?”In other words, what if there are 4 CPUs, and, for whatever reason, the thread running on the last CPU (CPU 3) finishes first, and
then the thread running on CPU 2 finishes next, and so on? Well, the beauty of this scheme is that nothing bad happens.

The first thing that's going to happen is that the pthread_join()will block on
thread_ids [0]. Meanwhile, thread_ids [3] finishes. This has absolutely no impact on the
main() thread, which is still waiting for the first thread to finish. Then
thread_ids [2] finishes. Still no impact. And so on, until
finally thread_ids [0] finishes, at which point, the pthread_join() unblocks, and we immediately proceed to the next iteration of the
for loop. The second iteration of the for loop executes a
pthread_join()on thread_ids [1], which will not block — it returns immediately. Why? Because the thread identified by
thread_ids [1] is already finished. Therefore, our
for loop will “whip” through the other threads, and then exit. At that point, we know that we've synched up with all the computational threads, so we can now display the results.

Using a barrier

When we talked about the synchronization of the main() function to the completion of the worker threads (in

“Synchronizing to the termination of a thread,” above), we mentioned two methods:
pthread_join(), which we've looked at, and a barrier.

Returning to our house analogy, suppose that the family wanted to take a trip somewhere. The driver gets in the minivan and starts the engine. And waits. The driver waits until
all the family members have boarded, and only then does the van leave to go on the trip — we can't leave anyone behind!

This is exactly what happened with the graphics example. The main thread needs to wait until all the worker threads have completed, and only then can the next part of the program begin.

Note an important distinction, however. With pthread_join(), we're waiting for the
termination of the threads. This means that the threads are no longer with us; they've exited.

With the barrier, we're waiting for a certain number of threads to rendezvous at the barrier. Then, when the requisite number are present, we unblock
all of them. (Note that the threads continue to run.)

You first create a barrier withpthread_barrier_init():

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_barrier_init (pthread_barrier_t *barrier,
const pthread_barrierattr_t *attr,
unsigned int count);

This creates a barrier object at the passed address (pointer to the barrier object is in
barrier), with the attributes as specified by
attr (we'll just use NULL to get the defaults). The number of threads that must callpthread_barrier_wait()is
passed in count.

Once the barrier is created, we then want each of the threads to call
pthread_barrier_wait()to indicate that it has completed:

#include <pthread.h>

pthread_barrier_wait (pthread_barrier_t *barrier);

When a thread calls pthread_barrier_wait(), it will block until the number of threads specified initially in the
pthread_barrier_init() have called pthread_barrier_wait() (and blocked too). When the correct number of threads have called
pthread_barrier_wait(), all those threads will“simultaneously” unblock.

Here's an example:

*  barrier1.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/neutrino.h>

pthread_barrier_t   barrier; // the barrier synchronization object

void *
thread1 (void *not_used)
time_t  now;
char    buf [27];

time (&now);
printf ("thread1 starting at %s", ctime_r (&now, buf));

// do the computation
// let's just do a sleep here...
sleep (20);
pthread_barrier_wait (&barrier);
// after this point, all three threads have completed.
time (&now);
printf ("barrier in thread1() done at %s", ctime_r (&now, buf));

void *
thread2 (void *not_used)
time_t  now;
char    buf [27];

time (&now);
printf ("thread2 starting at %s", ctime_r (&now, buf));

// do the computation
// let's just do a sleep here...
sleep (40);
pthread_barrier_wait (&barrier);
// after this point, all three threads have completed.
time (&now);
printf ("barrier in thread2() done at %s", ctime_r (&now, buf));

main () // ignore arguments
time_t  now;
char    buf [27];

// create a barrier object with a count of 3
pthread_barrier_init (&barrier, NULL, 3);

// start up two threads, thread1 and thread2
pthread_create (NULL, NULL, thread1, NULL);
pthread_create (NULL, NULL, thread2, NULL);

// at this point, thread1 and thread2 are running

// now wait for completion
time (&now);
printf ("main () waiting for barrier at %s", ctime_r (&now, buf));
pthread_barrier_wait (&barrier);

// after this point, all three threads have completed.
time (&now);
printf ("barrier in main () done at %s", ctime_r (&now, buf));

The main thread created the barrier object and initialized it with a count of how many threads (including itself!) should be synchronized to the barrier before it
“breaks through.”In our sample, this was a count of 3 — one for the
main() thread, one for thread1(), and one for
thread2(). Then the graphics computational threads (thread1() and
thread2()in our case here) are started, as before. For illustration, instead of showing source for graphics computations, we just stuck in a
sleep (20); and sleep (40); to cause a delay, as if computations were occurring. To synchronize, the main thread simply blocks itself on the barrier, knowing that the barrier will unblock only after the worker threads
have joined it as well.

As mentioned earlier, with thepthread_join(), the worker threads are done and dead in order for the main thread to synchronize
with them. But with the barrier, the threads are alive and well. In fact, they've just unblocked from the
pthread_barrier_wait() when all have completed. The wrinkle introduced here is that you should be prepared to do something with these threads! In our graphics example, there's nothing for them to do (as we've written it). In real life,
you may wish to start the next frame calculations.

Multiple threads on a single CPU

Suppose that we modify our example slightly so that we can illustrate why it's also sometimes a good idea to have multiple threads even on a single-CPU system.

In this modified example, one node on a network is responsible for calculating the raster lines (same as the graphics example, above). However, when a line is computed, its data should be sent over the network to another node, which will perform the display
functions. Here's our modified main() (from the original example, without threads):

main (int argc, char **argv)
int x1;

…    // perform initializations

for (x1 = 0; x1 < num_x_lines; x1++) {
do_one_line (x1);           // "C" in our diagram, below
tx_one_line_wait_ack (x1);  // "X" and "W" in diagram below

You'll notice that we've eliminated the display portion and instead added a
tx_one_line_wait_ack() function. Let's further suppose that we're dealing with a reasonably slow network, but that the CPU doesn't really get involved in the transmission aspects —it fires the data off to some hardware that then worries about transmitting
it. The tx_one_line_wait_ack() uses a bit of CPU to get the data to the hardware, but then uses
no CPU while it's waiting for the acknowledgment from the far end.

Here's a diagram showing the CPU usage (we've used “C” for the graphics compute part,
“X”for the transmit part, and “W” for waiting for the acknowledgment from the far end):

Serialized, single CPU.
Wait a minute! We're wasting precious seconds waiting for the hardware to do its thing!

If we made this multithreaded, we should be able to get much better use of our CPU, right?

Multithreaded, single CPU.
This is much better, because now, even though the second thread spends a bit of its time waiting, we've reduced the total overall time required to compute.

If our times were Tcompute to compute,Ttxto transmit, and
Twait to let the hardware do its thing, in the first case our total running time would be:

(Tcompute + Ttx + Twait) ×
whereas with the two threads it would be

(Tcompute + Ttx) ×
num_x_lines + Twait
which is shorter by

Twait × (num_x_lines - 1)
assuming of course that Twait ≤Tcompute.

Note that we will ultimately be constrained by:
Tcompute + Ttx ×
because we'll have to incur at least one full computation, and we'll have to transmit the data out the hardware — while we can use multithreading to overlay the computation cycles, we have only one hardware resource for the transmit.

Now, if we created a four-thread version and ran it on an SMP system with 4 CPUs, we'd end up with something that looked like this:

Four threads, four CPUs.
Notice how each of the four CPUs is underutilized (as indicated by the empty rectangles in the
“utilization”graph). There are two interesting areas in the figure above. When the four threads start, they each compute. Unfortunately, when the threads are finished each computation, they're contending for the transmit hardware
(the “X” parts in the figure are offset — only one transmission may be in progress at a time). This gives us a small anomaly in the startup part. Once the threads are past this stage, they're naturally synchronized to the transmit
hardware, since the time to transmit is much smaller than ¼ of a compute cycle. Ignoring the small anomaly at the beginning, this system is characterized by the formula:

(Tcompute + Ttx + Twait) ×
num_x_lines / num_cpus
This formula states that using four threads on four CPUs will be approximately 4 times faster than the single-threaded model we started out with.

By combining what we learned from simply having a multithreaded single-processor version, we would ideally like to have more threads than CPUs, so that the extra threads can
“soak up”the idle CPU time from the transmit acknowledge waits (and the transmit slot contention waits) that naturally occur. In that case, we'd have something like this:

Eight threads, four CPUs.
This figure assumes a few things:

threads 5, 6, 7, and 8 are bound to processors 1, 2, 3, and 4 (for simplification)

once a transmit begins it does so at a higher priority than a computation
a transmit is a non-interruptible operation

Notice from the diagram that even though we now have twice as many threads as CPUs, we still run into places where the CPUs are under-utilized. In the diagram, there are three such places where the CPU is
“stalled”; these are indicated by numbers in the individual CPU utilization bar graphs:

Thread 1 was waiting for the acknowledgment (the “W” state), while thread 5 had completed a calculation and was waiting for the transmitter.

Both thread 2 and thread 6 were waiting for an acknowledgment.
Thread 3 was waiting for the acknowledgment while thread 7 had completed a calculation and was waiting for the transmitter.

This example also serves as an important lesson — you can't just keep adding CPUs in the hopes that things will keep getting faster. There are limiting factors. In some cases, these limiting factors are simply governed by the design of the multi-CPU motherboard
—how much memory and device contention occurs when many CPUs try to access the same area of memory. In our case, notice that the
“TX Slot Utilization” bar graph was starting to become full. If we added enough CPUs, they would eventually run into problems because their threads would be stalled, waiting to transmit.

In any event, by using “soaker” threads to
“soak up” spare CPU, we now have much better CPU utilization. This utilization approaches:

(Tcompute + Ttx) ×
num_x_lines / num_cpus
In the computation per se, we're limited only by the amount of CPU we have; we're not idling any processor waiting for acknowledgment. (Obviously, that's the ideal case. As you saw in the diagram there are a few times when we're idling one CPU periodically.
Also, as noted above,

Tcompute + Ttx ×
is our limit on how fast we can go.)

Things to watch out for when using SMP

While in general you can simply “ignore” whether or not you're running on an SMP architecture or a single processor, there are certain things that
willbite you. Unfortunately, they may be such low-probability events that they won't show up during development but rather during testing, demos, or the worst: out in the field. Taking a few moments now to program defensively will save problems down
the road.

Here are the kinds of things that you're going to run up against on an SMP system:

Threads really can and do run concurrently — relying on things like FIFO scheduling or prioritization for synchronization is a no-no.

Threads and Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) also do run concurrently — this means that not only will you have to protect the thread from the ISR, but you'll also have to protect the ISR from the thread. See the

Interrupts chapter for more details.
Some operations that you'd expect to be atomic aren't, depending on the operation and processor. Notable operations in this list are things that do a read-modify-write cycle (e.g.,
++, --, |=,
&= etc.). See the include file <atomic.h> for replacements. (Note that this isn't purely an SMP issue; most RISC processors don't necessarily perform the above code in an atomic manner.)

Threads in independent situations

As discussed above in the
“Where a thread is a good idea”section, threads also find use where a number of independent processing algorithms are occurring with shared data structures. While strictly speaking you
could have a number of processes(each with one thread) explicitly sharing data, in some cases it's far more convenient to have a number of threads in one process instead. Let's see why and where you'd use threads in this case.

For our examples, we'll evolve a standard input/process/output model. In the most generic sense, one part of the model is responsible for getting input from somewhere, another part is responsible for processing the input to produce some form of output (or
control), and the third part is responsible for feeding the output somewhere.

Multiple processes

Let's first understand the situation from a multiple process, one-thread-per-process outlook. In this case, we'd have three processes, literally an input process, a
“processing”process, and an output process:

System 1: Multiple operations, multiple processes.
This is the most highly abstracted form, and also the most
“loosely coupled.”The “input” process has no real
“binding” with either of the “processing” or
“output” processes — it's simply responsible for gathering input and somehow giving it to the next stage (the
“processing” stage). We could say the same thing of the
“processing” and “output”processes — they too have no real binding with each other. We are also assuming in this example that the communication path (i.e., the input-to-processing and the processing-to-output
data flow) is accomplished over some connectioned protocol (e.g., pipes, POSIX message queues, native Neutrino message passing —whatever).

Multiple processes with shared memory

Depending on the volume of data flow, we may want to optimize the communication path. The easiest way of doing this is to make the coupling between the three processes tighter. Instead of using a general-purpose connectioned protocol, we now choose a shared
memory scheme (in the diagram, the thick lines indicate data flow; the thin lines, control flow):

System 2: Multiple operations, shared memory between processes.
In this scheme, we've tightened up the coupling, resulting in faster and more efficient data flow. We may still use a
“general-purpose” connectioned protocol to transfer“control” information around — we're not expecting the control information to consume a lot of bandwidth.

Multiple threads

The most tightly-coupled system is represented by the following scheme:

System 3: Multiple operations, multiple threads.
Here we see one process with three threads. The three threads share the data areas implicitly. Also, the control information may be implemented as it was in the previous examples, or it may also be implemented via some of the thread synchronization primitives
(we've seen mutexes, barriers, and semaphores; we'll see others in a short while).


Now, let's compare the three methods using various categories, and we'll also describe some of the trade-offs.

With system 1, we see the loosest coupling. This has the advantage that each of the three processes can be easily (i.e., via the command line, as opposed to recompile/redesign) replaced with a different module. This follows naturally, because the
“unit of modularity” is the entire module itself. System 1 is also the only one that can be distributed among multiple nodes in a Neutrino network. Since the communications pathway is abstracted over some connectioned protocol, it's
easy to see that the three processes can be executing on any machine in the network. This may be a very powerful
scalability factor for your design —you may need your system to scale up to having hundreds of machines distributed geographically (or in other ways, e.g., for peripheral hardware capability) and communicating with each other.

Once we commit to a shared memory region, however, we lose the ability to distribute over a network. Neutrino doesn't support network-distributed shared memory objects. So in system 2, we've effectively limited ourselves to running all three processes on
the same box. We haven't lost the ability to easily remove or change a component, because we still have separate processes that can be controlled from the command line. But we have added the constraint that all the removable components need to conform to the
shared-memory model.

In system 3, we've lost all the above abilities. We definitely can't run different threads from one process on multiple nodes (we
can run them on different processors in an SMP system, though). And we've lost our configurability aspects — now we need to have an explicit mechanism to define which
“input,” “processing,”or
“output” algorithm we want to use (which we can solve with shared objects, also known as DLLs.)

So why would I design my system to have multiple threads like system 3? Why not go for the maximally flexible system 1?

Well, even though system 3 is the most inflexible, it is most likely going to be the fastest. There are no thread-to-thread context switches for threads in different processes, I don't have to set up memory sharing explicitly, and I don't
have to use abstractedsynchronization methods like pipes, POSIX message queues, or message passing to deliver the data or control information — I can use basic kernel-level thread-synchronization primitives. Another advantage is that when the system
described by the one process (with the three threads) starts, I know that everything I need has been loaded off the storage medium (i.e., I'm not going to find out later that
“Oops, the processing driver is missing from the disk!”).Finally, system 3 is also most likely going to be the smallest, because we won't have three individual copies of
“process” information (e.g., file descriptors).

To sum up: know what the trade-offs are, and use what works for your design.

More on synchronization

We've already seen:


Let's now finish up our discussion of synchronization by talking about:

readers/writer locks
sleepon locks
condition variables
additional Neutrino services

Readers/writer locks

Readers and writer locks are used for exactly what their name implies: multiple readers can be using a resource, with no writers, or one writer can be using a resource with no other writers or readers.

This situation occurs often enough to warrant a special kind of synchronization primitive devoted exclusively to that purpose.

Often you'll have a data structure that's shared by a bunch of threads. Obviously, only one thread can be writing to the data structure at a time. If more than one thread was writing, then the threads could potentially overwrite each other's data. To prevent
this from happening, the writing thread would obtain the “rwlock”(the readers/writer lock) in an exclusive manner, meaning that it and only it has access to the data structure. Note that the exclusivity of the access is controlled
strictly by voluntary means. It's up to you, the system designer, to ensure that
all threads that touch the data area synchronize by using the rwlocks.

The opposite occurs with readers. Since reading a data area is a non-destructive operation, any number of threads can be reading the data (even if it's the same piece of data that another thread is reading). An implicit point here is that
no threads can be writing to the data area while any thread or threads are reading from it. Otherwise, the reading threads may be confused by reading a part of the data, getting preempted by a writing thread, and then, when the reading thread
resumes, continue reading data, but from a newer “update” of the data. A data inconsistency would then result.

Let's look at the calls that you'd use with rwlocks.

The first two calls are used to initialize the library's internal storage areas for the rwlocks:

pthread_rwlock_init (pthread_rwlock_t *lock,
const pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr);

pthread_rwlock_destroy (pthread_rwlock_t *lock);

Thepthread_rwlock_init()function takes the
lockargument (of type pthread_rwlock_t) and initializes it based on the attributes specified by
attr. We're just going to use an attribute of
NULL in our examples, which means, “Use the defaults.”For detailed information about the attributes, see the library reference pages forpthread_rwlockattr_init(),pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(),pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(),

When done with the rwlock, you'd typically callpthread_rwlock_destroy()to destroy the lock, which invalidates it. You
should never use a lock that is either destroyed or hasn't been initialized yet.

Next we need to fetch a lock of the appropriate type. As mentioned above, there are basically two modes of locks: a reader will want
“non-exclusive” access, and a writer will want
“exclusive” access. To keep the names simple, the functions are named after the user of the locks:

pthread_rwlock_rdlock (pthread_rwlock_t *lock);

pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (pthread_rwlock_t *lock);

pthread_rwlock_wrlock (pthread_rwlock_t *lock);

pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (pthread_rwlock_t *lock);

There are four functions instead of the two that you may have expected. The
“expected” functions arepthread_rwlock_rdlock()andpthread_rwlock_wrlock(),
which are used by readers and writers, respectively. These are blocking calls — if the lock isn't available for the selected operation, the thread will block. When the lock becomes available in the appropriate mode, the thread will unblock. Because the thread
unblocked from the call, it can now assume that it's safe to access the resource protected by the lock.

Sometimes, though, a thread won't want to block, but instead will want to see if it
could get the lock. That's what the “try” versions are for. It's important to note that the
“try” versions will obtain the lock if they can, but if they can't, then they won't block, but instead will just return an error indication. The reason they have to obtain the lock if they can is simple. Suppose that a thread
wanted to obtain the lock for reading, but didn't want to wait in case it wasn't available. The thread callspthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(),
and is told that it could have the lock. If the pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() didn't allocate the lock, then bad things could happen — another thread could preempt the one that was told to go ahead, and the second thread could lock the resource
in an incompatible manner. Since the first thread wasn't actually given the lock, when the first thread goes to actually acquire the lock (because it was told it could), it would use
pthread_rwlock_rdlock(), and now it would block, because the resource was no longer available in that mode. So, if we didn't lock it if we could, the thread that called the
“try”version could still potentially block anyway!

Finally, regardless of the way that the lock was used, we need some way of releasing the lock:

pthread_rwlock_unlock (pthread_rwlock_t *lock);

Once a thread has done whatever operation it wanted to do on the resource, it would release the lock by callingpthread_rwlock_unlock().
If the lock is now available in a mode that corresponds to the mode requested by another waiting thread, then that thread would be made READY.

Note that we can't implement this form of synchronization with just a mutex. The mutex acts as a single-threading agent, which would be okay for the writing case (where you want only one thread to be using the resource at a time) but would fall flat in the
reading case, because only one reader would be allowed. A semaphore couldn't be used either, because there's no way to distinguish the two modes of access — a semaphore would allow multiple readers, but if a writer were to acquire the semaphore, as far as
the semaphore is concerned this would be no different from a reader acquiring it, and now you'd have the ugly situation of multiple readers and one
or morewriters!

Sleepon locks

Another common situation that occurs in multithreaded programs is the need for a thread to wait until
“something happens.”This “something” could be anything! It could be the fact that data is now available from a device, or that a conveyor belt has now moved to the proper position, or that data has been
committed to disk, or whatever. Another twist to throw in here is that several threads may need to wait for the given event.

To accomplish this, we'd use either a condition variable (which we'll see next) or the much simpler
“sleepon” lock.

To use sleepon locks, you actually need to perform several operations. Let's look at the calls first, and then look at how you'd use the locks.

pthread_sleepon_lock (void);

pthread_sleepon_unlock (void);

pthread_sleepon_broadcast (void *addr);

pthread_sleepon_signal (void *addr);

pthread_sleepon_wait (void *addr);

Don't be tricked by the prefix pthread_ into thinking that these are POSIX functions — they're not.
As described above, a thread needs to wait for something to happen. The most obvious choice in the list of functions above is thepthread_sleepon_wait().
But first, the thread needs to check if it really does have to wait. Let's set up an example. One thread is a producer thread that's getting data from some piece of hardware. The other thread is a consumer thread that's doing some form of processing
on the data that just arrived. Let's look at the consumer first:

volatile int data_ready = 0;

consumer ()
while (1) {
while (!data_ready) {
// process data

The consumer is sitting in its main processing loop (the while (1)); it's going to do its job forever. The first thing it does is look at the
data_ready flag. If this flag is a 0, it means there's no data ready. Therefore, the consumer should wait. Somehow, the producer will wake it up, at which point the consumer should reexamine its
data_ready flag. Let's say that's exactly what happens, and the consumer looks at the flag and decides that it's a
1, meaning data is now available. The consumer goes off and processes the data, and then goes to see if there's more work to do, and so on.

We're going to run into a problem here. How does the consumer reset the
data_ready flag in a synchronized manner with the producer? Obviously, we're going to need some form of exclusive access to the flag so that only one of those threads is modifying it at a given time. The method that's used in this case is built with a
mutex, but it's a mutex that's buried in the implementation of the sleepon library, so we can access it only via two functions:pthread_sleepon_lock()andpthread_sleepon_unlock().
Let's modify our consumer:

consumer ()
while (1) {
pthread_sleepon_lock ();
while (!data_ready) {
// process data
data_ready = 0;
pthread_sleepon_unlock ();

Now we've added the lock and unlock around the operation of the consumer. This means that the consumer can now
reliably test the data_readyflag, with no race conditions, and also reliably set the flag.

Okay, great. Now what about the “WAIT” call? As we suggested earlier, it's effectively the
pthread_sleepon_wait() call. Here's the second
while loop:

while (!data_ready) {
pthread_sleepon_wait (&data_ready);

The pthread_sleepon_wait() actually does three distinct steps!

Unlock the sleepon library mutex.
Perform the waiting operation.
Re-lock the sleepon library mutex.

The reason it has to unlock and lock the sleepon library's mutex is simple —since the whole idea of the mutex is to ensure mutual exclusion to the
data_readyvariable, this means that we want to lock out the producer from touching thedata_ready variable while we're testing it. But, if we don't do the unlock part of the operation, the producer would never be able
to set it to tell us that data is indeed available! The re-lock operation is done purely as a convenience; this way the user of thepthread_sleepon_wait() doesn't have to worry about the state of the lock when it wakes up.

Let's switch over to the producer side and see how it uses the sleepon library. Here's the full implementation:

producer ()
while (1) {
// wait for interrupt from hardware here...
pthread_sleepon_lock ();
data_ready = 1;
pthread_sleepon_signal (&data_ready);
pthread_sleepon_unlock ();

As you can see, the producer locks the mutex as well so that it can have exclusive access to the
data_ready variable in order to set it.

It's not the act of writing a 1 to
data_readythat awakens the client! It's the call topthread_sleepon_signal()that does it.
Let's examine in detail what happens. We've identified the consumer and producer states as:

State Meaning
CONDVAR Waiting for the underlying condition variable associated with the sleepon
MUTEX Waiting for a mutex
READY Capable of using, or already using, the CPU
INTERRUPT Waiting for an interrupt from the hardware
Action Mutex ownerConsumer state Producer state
Consumer locks mutex Consumer READYINTERRUPT
Consumer examines data_readyConsumer READYINTERRUPT
Consumer calls pthread_sleepon_wait()Consumer READYINTERRUPT
pthread_sleepon_wait() unlocks mutex Free READYINTERRUPT
pthread_sleepon_wait() blocks Free CONDVARINTERRUPT
Hardware generates data Free CONDVARREADY
Producer locks mutex Producer CONDVARREADY
Producer sets data_readyProducer CONDVARREADY
Producer calls pthread_sleepon_signal()Producer CONDVARREADY
Consumer wakes up, pthread_sleepon_wait() tries to lock mutex Producer MUTEXREADY
Producer releases mutex Free MUTEXREADY
Consumer gets mutex Consumer READYREADY
Consumer processes data Consumer READYREADY
Producer waits for more data Consumer READYINTERRUPT
Time passes (consumer processing) Consumer READYINTERRUPT
Consumer finishes processing, unlocks mutex Free READYINTERRUPT
Consumer loops back to top, locks mutex Consumer READYINTERRUPT
The last entry in the table is a repeat of the first entry — we've gone around one complete cycle.

What's the purpose of the data_ready variable? It actually serves two purposes:

It's the status flag between the consumer and the producer that indicates the state of the system. If it's set to a
1, it means that data is available for processing; if it's set to a
0, it means that no data is available, and the consumer should block.

It serves as “the place where sleepon synchronization occurs.”More formally, the
address of data_ready is used as a unique identifier, that serves as the rendezvous object for sleepon locks. We just as easily could have used
“(void *) 12345” instead of
“&data_ready” — so long as the identifier is unique and used consistently, the sleepon library really doesn't care. Actually, using the address of a variable in a process is a guaranteed way
to generate a process-unique number — after all, no two variables in a process will have the same address!

We'll defer the discussion of “What's the difference between
pthread_sleepon_signal()and pthread_sleepon_broadcast() ” to the discussion of condition variables next.

Condition variables

Condition variables (or “condvars”) are remarkably similar to the sleepon locks we just saw above. In fact, sleepon locks are built on top of condvars, which is why we had a state of
CONDVAR in the explanation table for the sleepon example. It bears repeating that thepthread_cond_wait()function
releases the mutex, waits, and then reacquires the mutex, just like thepthread_sleepon_wait()function did.

Let's skip the preliminaries and redo the example of the producer and consumer from the sleepon section, using condvars instead. Then we'll discuss the calls.

* cp1.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

int data_ready = 0;
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t  condvar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

void *
consumer (void *notused)
printf ("In consumer thread...\n");
while (1) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);
while (!data_ready) {
pthread_cond_wait (&condvar, &mutex);
// process data
printf ("consumer:  got data from producer\n");
data_ready = 0;
pthread_cond_signal (&condvar);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

void *
producer (void *notused)
printf ("In producer thread...\n");
while (1) {
// get data from hardware
// we'll simulate this with a sleep (1)
sleep (1);
printf ("producer:  got data from h/w\n");
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);
while (data_ready) {
pthread_cond_wait (&condvar, &mutex);
data_ready = 1;
pthread_cond_signal (&condvar);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

main ()
printf ("Starting consumer/producer example...\n");

// create the producer and consumer threads
pthread_create (NULL, NULL, producer, NULL);
pthread_create (NULL, NULL, consumer, NULL);

// let the threads run for a bit
sleep (20);

Pretty much identical to the sleepon example we just saw, with a few variations (we also added some
printf() functions and a main() so that the program would run!). Right away, the first thing that we see is a new data type:
pthread_cond_t. This is simply the declaration of the condition variable; we've called ourscondvar.

Next thing we notice is that the structure of the consumer is identical to that of the consumer in the previous sleepon example. We've replaced the
pthread_sleepon_lock() and pthread_sleepon_unlock()with the standard mutex versions (pthread_mutex_lock()andpthread_mutex_unlock()).
The pthread_sleepon_wait() was replaced with
pthread_cond_wait(). The main difference is that the sleepon library has a mutex buried deep within it, whereas when we use condvars, we explicitly pass the mutex. We get a lot more flexibility this way.

Finally, we notice that we've gotpthread_cond_signal()instead of
pthread_sleepon_signal()(again with the mutex passed explicitly).

Signal versus broadcast

In the sleepon section, we promised to talk about the difference between thepthread_sleepon_signal()andpthread_sleepon_broadcast()functions.
In the same breath, we'll talk about the difference between the two condvar functions
pthread_cond_signal() and pthread_cond_broadcast().

The short story is this: the “signal” version will wake up only one thread. So, if there were multiple threads blocked in the
“wait” function, and a thread did the
“signal,” then only one of the threads would wake up. Which one? The highest priority one. If there are two or more at the same priority, the ordering of wakeup is indeterminate. With the
“broadcast” version, all blocked threads will wake up.

It may seem wasteful to wake up all threads. On the other hand, it may seem sloppy to wake up only one (effectively random) thread.

Therefore, we should look at where it makes sense to use one over the other. Obviously, if you have only one thread waiting, as we did in either version of the consumer program, a
“signal” will do just fine —one thread will wake up and, guess what, it'll be the only thread that's currently waiting.

In a multithreaded situation, we've got to ask: “Why are these threads waiting?”There are usually two possible answers:

All the threads are considered equivalent and are effectively forming a
“pool” of available threads that are ready to handle some form of request.


The threads are all unique and are each waiting for a very specific condition to occur.

In the first case, we can imagine that all the threads have code that might look like the following:

* cv1.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t mutex_data = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cv_data = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int data;

thread1 ()
for (;;) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_data);
while (data == 0) {
pthread_cond_wait (&cv_data, &mutex_data);
// do something
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_data);

// thread2, thread3, etc have the identical code.

In this case, it really doesn't matter which thread gets the data, provided that one of them gets it and does something with it.

However, if you have something like this, things are a little different:

* cv2.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

pthread_mutex_t mutex_xy = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cv_xy = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int x, y;

int isprime (int);

thread1 ()
for (;;) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_xy);
while ((x > 7) && (y != 15)) {
pthread_cond_wait (&cv_xy, &mutex_xy);
// do something
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_xy);

thread2 ()
for (;;) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_xy);
while (!isprime (x)) {
pthread_cond_wait (&cv_xy, &mutex_xy);
// do something
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_xy);

thread3 ()
for (;;) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex_xy);
while (x != y) {
pthread_cond_wait (&cv_xy, &mutex_xy);
// do something
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex_xy);

In these cases, waking up one thread isn't going to cut it! We must wake up all three threads and have each of them check to see if its predicate has been satisfied or not.

This nicely reflects the second case in our question above (“Why are these threads waiting?”).Since the threads are all waiting on different conditions (thread1()is waiting for
x to be less than or equal to 7 or
yto be 15, thread2() is waiting for
xto be a prime number, and thread3() is waiting for
x to be equal to y), we have no choice but to wake them all.

Sleepons versus condvars

Sleepons have one principal advantage over condvars. Suppose that you want to synchronize many objects. With condvars, you'd typically associate one condvar per object. Therefore, if you had
M objects, you'd most likely have M condvars. With sleepons, the underlying condvars (on top of which sleepons are implemented) are allocated dynamically as threads wait for a particular object. Therefore, using sleepons
with M objects and Nthreads blocked, you'd have (at most)
N condvars (instead of M).

However, condvars are more flexible than sleepons, because:

Sleepons are built on top of condvars anyway.
Sleepons have the mutex buried in the library; condvars allow you to specify it explicitly.

The first point might just be viewed as being argumentative. :-)The second point, however, is significant. When the mutex is buried in the library, this means that there can be onlyone per process — regardless of the number of threads in
that process, or the number of different “sets” of data variables. This can be a very limiting factor, especially when you consider that you must use the
one and only mutex to access any and all data variables that
any thread in the process needs to touch!

A much better design is to use multiple mutexes, one for each data set, and explicitly combine them with condition variables as required. The true power and danger of this approach is that there is absolutely
nocompile time or run time checking to make sure that you:

have locked the mutex before manipulating a variable
are using the correct mutex for the particular variable
are using the correct condvar with the appropriate mutex and variable

The easiest way around these problems is to have a good design and design review, and also to borrow techniques from object-oriented programming (like having the mutex contained in a data structure, having routines to access the data structure, etc.). Of
course, how much of one or both you apply depends not only on your personal style, but also on performance requirements.

The key points to remember when using condvars are:

The mutex is to be used for testing and accessing the variables.
The condvar is to be used as a rendezvous point.

Here's a picture:

One-to-one mutex and condvar associations.
One interesting note. Since there is no checking, you can do things like associate one set of variables with mutex
“ABC,” and another set of variables with mutex
“DEF,” while associating bothsets of variables with condvar

Many-to-one mutex and condvar associations.
This is actually quite useful. Since the mutex is always to be used for
“access and testing,” this implies that I have to choose the correct mutex whenever I want to look at a particular variable. Fair enough — if I'm examining variable
“C,” I obviously need to lock mutex
“MutexABC.”What if I changed variable “E”?Well, before I change it, I had to acquire the mutex
“MutexDEF.”Then I changed it, and hit condvar
“CondvarABCDEF” to tell others about the change. Shortly thereafter, I would release the mutex.

Now, consider what happens. Suddenly, I have a bunch of threads that had been waiting on
“CondvarABCDEF”that now wake up (from their
pthread_cond_wait()). The waiting function immediately attempts to reacquire the mutex. The critical point here is that there are two mutexes to acquire. This means that on an SMP system,
two concurrent streams of threads can run, each examining what it considers to be independent variables, using independent mutexes. Cool, eh?

Additional Neutrino services

Neutrino lets you do something else that's elegant. POSIX says that a mutex must operate between threads in the same process, and lets a conforming implementation extend that. Neutrino extends this by allowing a mutex to operate between threads in
different processes. To understand why this works, recall that there really are two parts to what's viewed as the
“operating system” — the kernel, which deals with scheduling, and the process manager, which worries about memory protection and“processes” (among other things). A mutex is really just a synchronization
object used between threads. Since the kernel worries only about threads, it really doesn't care that the threads are operating in different processes — this is an issue for the process manager.

So, if you've set up a shared memory area between two processes, and you've initialized a mutex in that shared memory, there's nothing stopping you from synchronizing multiple threads in those two (or more!) processes via the mutex. The same
pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock()functions will still work.

Pools of threads

Another thing that Neutrino has added is the concept of thread pools. You'll often notice in your programs that you want to be able to run a certain number of threads, but you also want to be able to control the behavior of those threads within certain limits.
For example, in a server you may decide that initially just one thread should be blocked, waiting for a message from a client. When that thread gets a message and is off servicing a request, you may decide that it would be a good idea to create another thread,
so that it could be blocked waiting in case another request arrived. This second thread would then be available to handle that request. And so on. After a while, when the requests had been serviced, you would now have a large number of threads sitting around,
waiting for further requests. In order to conserve resources, you may decide to kill off some of those“extra” threads.

This is in fact a common operation, and Neutrino provides a library to help with this. We'll see the thread pool functions again in theResource Managerschapter.

It's important for the discussions that follow to realize there are really two distinct operations that threads (that are used in thread pools) perform:

a blocking (waiting operation)
a processing operation

The blocking operation doesn't generally consume CPU. In a typical server, this is where the thread is waiting for a message to arrive. Contrast that with the processing operation, where the thread may or may not be consuming CPU (depending on how the process
is structured). In the thread pool functions that we'll look at later, you'll see that we have the ability to control the number of threads in the blocking operation as well as the number of threads that are in the processing operations.

Neutrino provides the following functions to deal with thread pools:

#include <sys/dispatch.h>

thread_pool_t *
thread_pool_create (thread_pool_attr_t *attr,
unsigned flags);

thread_pool_destroy (thread_pool_t *pool);

thread_pool_start (void *pool);

thread_pool_limits (thread_pool_t *pool,
int lowater,
int hiwater,
int maximum,
int increment,
unsigned flags);

thread_pool_control (thread_pool_t *pool,
thread_pool_attr_t *attr,
uint16_t lower,
uint16_t upper,
unsigned flags);

As you can see from the functions provided, you first create a thread pool definition usingthread_pool_create(), and then
start the thread pool viathread_pool_start(). When you're done with the thread pool, you can usethread_pool_destroy()to
clean up after yourself. Note that you might never call thread_pool_destroy(), as in the case where the program is a server that runs
“forever.”Thethread_pool_limits()function is used to specify thread pool behavior and adjust attributes
of the thread pool, and thethread_pool_control()function is a convenience wrapper for thethread_pool_limits()function.

So, the first function to look at is thread_pool_create(). It takes two parameters,
attr and flags. The attr is an attributes structure that defines the operating characteristics of the thread pool (from

typedef struct _thread_pool_attr {
// thread pool functions and handle

*(*block_func)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

(*unblock_func)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

(*handler_func)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

*(*context_alloc)(THREAD_POOL_HANDLE_T *handle);

(*context_free)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

// thread pool parameters
pthread_attr_t          *attr;
unsigned short          lo_water;
unsigned short          increment;
unsigned short          hi_water;
unsigned short          maximum;
} thread_pool_attr_t;

I've broken the thread_pool_attr_t type into two sections, one that contains the functions and handle for the threads in the thread pool, and another that contains the operating parameters for the thread pool.

Controlling the number of threads

Let's first look at the “thread pool parameters” to see how you control the number and attributes of threads that will be operating in this thread pool. Keep in mind that we'll be talking about the
“blocking operation”and the “processing operation” (when we look at the callout functions, we'll see how these relate to each other).

The following diagram illustrates the relationship of the lo_water,
hi_water, and maximum parameters:

Thread flow when using thread pools.
(Note that “CA” is the context_alloc() function,
“CF”is the context_free() function,
“blocking operation” is theblock_func() function, and
“processing operation” is thehandler_func().)

attrThis is the attributes structure that's used during thread creation. We've already discussed this structure above (in

“The thread attributes structure”). You'll recall that this is the structure that controls things about the newly created thread like priority, stack size, and so on.
lo_waterThere should always be at least lo_water threads sitting in the blocking operation. In a typical server, this would be the number of threads waiting to receive a message, for example. If there are less than
lo_water threads sitting in the blocking operation (because, for example, we just received a message and have started the processing operation on that message), then more threads are created, according to the
increment parameter. This is represented in the diagram by the first step labeled
“create thread.”incrementIndicates how many threads should be created at once if the count of blocking operation threads ever drops under
lo_water. In deciding how to choose a value for this, you'd most likely start with
1. This means that if the number of threads in the blocking operation drops under
lo_water, exactly one more thread would be created by the thread pool. To fine-tune the number that you've selected for
increment, you could observe the behavior of the process and determine whether this number needs to be anything other than one. If, for example, you notice that your process gets
“bursts”of requests, then you might decide that once you've dropped below
lo_water blocking operation threads, you're probably going to encounter this
“burst” of requests, so you might decide to request the creation of more than one thread at a time.
hi_waterIndicates the upper limit on the number of threads that should be in the blocking operation. As threads complete their processing operations, they will normally return to the blocking operation. However, the thread pool library
keeps count of how many threads are currently in the blocking operation, and if that number ever exceeds
hi_water, the thread pool library will kill the thread that caused the overflow (i.e., the thread that had just finished and was about to go back to the blocking operation). This is shown in the diagram as the
“split” out of the “processing operation” block, with one path going to the
“blocking operation”and the other path going to
“CF” to destroy the thread. The combination of lo_water and
hi_water, therefore, allows you to specify a range indicating how many threads should be in the blocking operation.
maximumIndicates the absolute maximum number of threads that will ever run concurrently as a result of the thread pool library. For example, if threads were being created as a result of an underflow of the
lo_water mark, the maximum parameter would limit the total number of threads.
One other key parameter to controlling the threads is the flags parameter passed to the
thread_pool_create() function. It can have one of the following values:

POOL_FLAG_EXIT_SELFThe thread_pool_start() function will not return, nor will the calling thread be incorporated into the pool of threads.
POOL_FLAG_USE_SELFThe thread_pool_start() function will not return, but the calling thread will be incorporated into the pool of threads.
0The thread_pool_start() function will return, with new threads being created as required.

The above descriptions may seem a little dry. Let's look at an example.

You can find the complete version oftp1.cin the Sample Programs appendix. Here, we'll just focus on the
lo_water, hi_water,increment, and the
maximum members of the thread pool control structure:

* part of 	tp1.c

#include <sys/dispatch.h>

main ()
thread_pool_attr_t  tp_attr;
void                *tpp;

tp_attr.lo_water  = 3;
tp_attr.increment = 2;
tp_attr.hi_water  = 7;
tp_attr.maximum   = 10;

tpp = thread_pool_create (&tp_attr, POOL_FLAG_USE_SELF);
if (tpp == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr,
"%s:  can't thread_pool_create, errno %s\n",
progname, strerror (errno));

thread_pool_start (tpp);

After setting the members, we call thread_pool_create() to create a thread pool. This returns a pointer to a thread pool control structure (tpp), which we check against
NULL (which would indicate an error). Finally we call
thread_pool_start() with the tppthread pool control structure.

I've specified POOL_FLAG_USE_SELF which means that the thread that called
thread_pool_start() will be considered an available thread for the thread pool. So, at this point, there is only that one thread in the thread pool library. Since we have a
lo_water value of 3, the library immediately creates
increment number of threads (2 in this case). At this point, 3 threads are in the library, and all 3 of them are in the blocking operation. The
lo_water condition is satisfied, because there are at least that number of threads in the blocking operation; the
hi_water condition is satisfied, because there are less than that number of threads in the blocking operation; and finally, themaximum condition is satisfied as well, because we don't have more than that number of threads
in the thread pool library.

Now, one of the threads in the blocking operation unblocks (e.g., in a server application, a message was received). This means that now one of the three threads is no longer in the blocking operation (instead, that thread is now in the processing operation).
Since the count of blocking threads is less than the lo_water, it trips thelo_water trigger and causes the library to create
increment(2) threads. So now there are 5 threads total (4 in the blocking operation, and 1 in the processing operation).

More threads unblock. Let's assume that none of the threads in the processing operation none completes any of their requests yet. Here's a table illustrating this, starting at the initial state (we've used
“Proc Op”for the processing operation, and
“Blk Op” for the blocking operation, as we did in the previous diagram,
“Thread flow when using thread pools.”):

Event Proc Op Blk Op Total
Initial 0 1 1
lo_water trip 0 3 3
Unblock 1 2 3
lo_water trip 1 4 5
Unblock 2 3 5
Unblock 3 2 5
lo_water trip 3 4 7
Unblock 4 3 7
Unblock 5 2 7
lo_water trip 5 4 9
Unblock 6 3 9
Unblock 7 2 9
lo_water trip 7 3 10
Unblock 8 2 10
Unblock 9 1 10
Unblock 10 0 10
As you can see, the library always checks the lo_water variable and createsincrement threads at a time
until it hits the limit of the maximum variable (as it did when the
“Total”column reached 10 — no more threads were being created, even though the count had underflowed the

This means that at this point, there are no more threads waiting in the blocking operation. Let's assume that the threads are now finishing their requests (from the processing operation); watch what happens with the
hi_water trigger:

Event Proc Op Blk Op Total
Completion 9 1 10
Completion 8 2 10
Completion 7 3 10
Completion 6 4 10
Completion 5 5 10
Completion 4 6 10
Completion 3 7 10
Completion 2 8 10
hi_water trip2 7 9
Completion 1 8 9
hi_water trip1 7 8
Completion 0 8 8
hi_water trip0 7 7
Notice how nothing really happened during the completion of processing for the threads
until we tripped over the hi_watertrigger. The implementation is that as soon as the thread finishes, it looks at the number of receive blocked threads and decides to kill itself if there are too many (i.e., more than
hi_water) waiting at that point. The nice thing about the
lo_water and hi_water limits in the structures is that you can effectively have an
“operating range”where a sufficient number of threads are available, and you're not unnecessarily creating and destroying threads. In our case, after the operations performed by the above tables, we now have a system that can handle
up to 4 requests simultaneously without creating more threads (7 - 4 = 3, which is the
lo_water trip).

The thread pool functions

Now that we have a good feel for how the number of threads is controlled, let's turn our attention to the other members of the thread pool attribute structure (from above):

// thread pool functions and handle

*(*block_func)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

(*unblock_func)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

(*handler_func)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

*(*context_alloc)(THREAD_POOL_HANDLE_T *handle);

(*context_free)(THREAD_POOL_PARAM_T *ctp);

Recall from the diagram “Thread flow when using thread pools,” that thecontext_alloc() function gets called for every new thread being created. (Similarly, the
context_free() function gets called for every thread being destroyed.)

The handle member of the structure (above) is passed to the
context_alloc()function as its sole parameter. The
context_alloc() function is responsible for performing any per-threadsetup required and for returning a context pointer (called
ctp in the parameter lists). Note that the contents of the context pointer are entirely up to you — the library doesn't care what you put into the context pointer.

Now that the context has been created by context_alloc(), the
block_func()function is called to perform the blocking operation. Note that the
block_func() function gets passed the results of the
context_alloc()function. Once the block_func() function unblocks, it returns a context pointer, which gets passed by the library to the
handler_func(). The handler_func() is responsible for performing the
“work” — for example, in a typical server, this is where the message from the client is processed. The
handler_func() must return a zero for now — non-zero values are reserved for future expansion by QSS. The
unblock_func() is also reserved at this time; just leave it as
NULL. Perhaps this pseudo code sample will clear things up (it's based on the same flow as shown in
“Thread flow when using thread pools,” above):

IF (#threads < lo_water) THEN
IF (#threads_total < maximum) THEN
create new thread
context = (*context_alloc) (handle);
retval = (*block_func) (context);
(*handler_func) (retval);
IF (#threads > hi_water) THEN
(*context_free) (context)
kill thread

Note that the above is greatly simplified; its only purpose is to show you the data flow of the
ctp and handle parameters and to give some sense of the algorithms used to control the number of threads.

Scheduling and the real world

So far we've talked about scheduling algorithms and thread states, but we haven't said much yet about
why and when things are rescheduled. There's a common misconception that rescheduling just
“occurs,”without any real causes. Actually, this is a useful abstraction during design! But it's important to understand the conditions that cause rescheduling. Recall the diagram
“Scheduling roadmap” (in the “The kernel's role” section).

Rescheduling occurs only because of:

a hardware interrupt
a kernel call
a fault

Rescheduling — hardware interrupts

Rescheduling due to a hardware interrupt occurs in two cases:

other hardware

The realtime clock generates periodic interrupts for the kernel, causing time-based rescheduling.

For example, if you issue a sleep (10); call, a number of realtime clock interrupts will occur; the kernel increments the time-of-day clock at each interrupt. When the time-of-day clock indicates that 10 seconds have elapsed, the kernel
reschedules your thread as READY. (This is discussed in more detail in the Clocks, Timers, and Getting a Kick Every So Often chapter.)

Other threads might wait for hardware interrupts from peripherals, such as the serial port, a hard disk, or an audio card. In this case, they are blocked in the kernel waiting for a hardware interrupt; the thread will be rescheduled by the kernel only after
that “event” is generated.

Rescheduling — kernel calls

If the rescheduling is caused by a thread issuing a kernel call, the rescheduling is done immediately and can be considered asynchronous to the timer and other interrupts.

For example, above we called sleep(10);. This C library function is eventually translated into a kernel call. At that point, the kernel made a rescheduling decision to take your thread off of the
READY queue for that priority, and then schedule another thread that was

There are many kernel calls that cause a process to be rescheduled. Most of them are fairly obvious. Here are a few:

timer functions (e.g.,
messaging functions (e.g.,
thread primitives, (e.g.,

Rescheduling — exceptions

The final cause of rescheduling, a CPU fault, is an exception, somewhere between a hardware interrupt and a kernel call. It operates asynchronously to the kernel (like an interrupt) but operates synchronously with the user code that
caused it (like a kernel call — for example, a divide-by-zero exception). The same discussion as above (for hardware interrupts and kernel calls) applies to faults.


Neutrino offers a rich set of scheduling options with threads, the primary scheduling elements. Processes are defined as a unit of resource ownership (e.g., a memory area) and contain one or more threads.

Threads can use any of the following synchronization methods:

mutexes — allow only one thread to own the mutex at a given point in time.

semaphores — allow a fixed number of threads to “own” the semaphore.

sleepons — allow a number of threads to block on a number of objects, while allocating the underlying condvars dynamically to the blocked threads.

condvars — similar to sleepons except that the allocation of the condvars is controlled by the programmer.

joining — allows a thread to synchronize to the termination of another thread.

barriers — allows threads to wait until a number of threads have reached the synchronization point.

Note that mutexes, semaphores, and condition variables can be used between threads in the same or different processes, but that sleepons can be used only between threads in the same process (because the library has a mutex“hidden”
in the process's address space).

As well as synchronization, threads can be scheduled (using a priority and a scheduling algorithm), and they'll automatically run on a single-processor box or an SMP box.

Whenever we talk about creating a “process” (mainly as a means of porting code from single-threaded implementations), we're really creating an address space with one thread running in it — that thread starts at
main() or at fork()or
vfork() depending on the function called.
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