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Topcoder SRM Div2 Level2

2013-06-24 21:04 561 查看
题目: http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=12399&rd=15489
题目大意:运算O是三种位运算&,||和^之一; 求需要至少多少种输入才能判定O是哪种运算?



A non-simulation approach that is faster and needs less code simply requires to analyze the binary operations. Let us make
truth tables for the possible operations.


This is interesting, if for example, both x and y were 0, they would not be useful at differentiating between the operations, because they all return 0 in that case.

If we had x=1, y=0 or vice versa, then we can differentiate between x&y and the others. We would not be able to distinguish between XOR and OR though.

If we had both x=1 and y=1, then we would be able to identify the XOR operation, but not the others.

We need both cases, a case in which x and y are different and a case in which they are both 1 to be able to completely distinguish between the three operations. Note that we cannot use a single plate for both inputs, this
means that we need two plates that have a 1 bit in the current bit position and we also need another plate that has a 0 in this position. As long as the condition is true, we can differentiate between the circuits. The approach is then to just count the number
of plates with 1 and 0 in that bit position, if there are at least two 1s and one 0, then it is possible.

从真值表中可以看到, 1和0 可以判定与运算和或运算, 1和1可以判定异或运算。那么判断三种运算必须需要输入1,1,0. 即1的个数大于2, 0 的个数大于1.


class TheDeviceDiv2
public string identify(string[] plates)
return CanIdentify(plates) ? "YES" : "NO";

private static bool CanIdentify(string[] plates)
if (plates.Length <= 1)
return false;

int m = plates[0].Length;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
int one = 0;
int zero = 0;
foreach (string plate in plates)
if (plate[i] == '1')

if (one < 2 || zero < 1)
return false;

return true;



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标签:  TopCoder 位运算