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VIM: C程序员插件C.vim

2013-06-16 17:39 281 查看

1. 给文件或者函数说明

2. 给函数添加注释,或者添加一个注释快

3. 添加一段已有代码 (:r !cat filename)

4. 检查代码语法

5. 读函数的帮助文档

6. 注释掉一块代码,将"//"转换为/* */

C.vim即C-Support vim,能够帮助C程序员[当然还有使用C++ 的家伙]很好的完成上述工作,为你节约时间,并保护你的键盘。插件作者Fritz Mehner,编写c.vim的宗旨是“Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments”.




下载插件vim.org [最好单击该链接下载,wget有可能不好使哦]

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$ cd /usr/src
$ wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=9679

$ cd /usr/src
$ wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=9679[/code]  第二步:


view plaincopyprint?

$ mkdir ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim
$ unzip /usr/src/cvim.zip

$ mkdir ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim
$ unzip /usr/src/cvim.zip



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$ vim ~/.vimrc
filetype plugin on

$ vim ~/.vimrc
filetype plugin on



当你打开一个扩展名为.c的文件,在文件开始处会自动加上如下的描述,并且将光标定位到description处,此时是insert mode可直接键入文件描述

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$ vim myprogram.c
* =================================================
* Filename: myprogram.c
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 01/19/09 20:23:25
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc

* Author: Dr. Fritz Mehner (mn), mehner@fh-swf.de
* Company: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
* =================================================

$ vim myprogram.c
* =================================================
*       Filename:  myprogram.c
*    Description:
*        Version:  1.0
*        Created:  01/19/09 20:23:25
*       Revision:  none
*       Compiler:  gcc
*         Author:  Dr. Fritz Mehner (mn), mehner@fh-swf.de
*        Company:  FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
* =================================================

当然你可以改变AUTHOR COMPANY等得默认值。

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$ vim ~/.vim/c-support/templates/Templates
|AUTHOR| = geekstuff
|EMAIL| = subscribe@geekstuff
|COMPANY| = thegeekstuff.com

$ vim ~/.vim/c-support/templates/Templates
|AUTHOR|    = geekstuff
|EMAIL|     = subscribe@geekstuff
|COMPANY|   = thegeekstuff.com

现在再创建一个.c 文件,你会看到如下的文件头。

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$ vim myprogram.c
* =================================================
* Filename: myprogram.c
* Description:
* Version: 1.0

* Created: 01/19/09 20:26:43

* Revision: none

* Compiler: gcc
* Author: geekstuff (gk), subscribe@geekstuff
* Company: thegeekstuff.com
* =================================================

$ vim myprogram.c
* =================================================
*       Filename:  myprogram.c
*    Description:
*        Version:  1.0
*        Created:  01/19/09 20:26:43
*       Revision:  none
*       Compiler:  gcc
*         Author:  geekstuff (gk), subscribe@geekstuff
*        Company:  thegeekstuff.com
* =================================================

功能二:插入一个函数 \if


图1 自动插入函数,键入函数名

图二 自动插入函数效果

功能三:插入main函数 \im

与功能二类似,在正常模式下键入\im, 得到图三的默认的main函数内容

图三 自动插入main函数效果

功能四: 插入函数头 \cfu


图四 插入函数头,键入函数名

图五 插入函数头效果

功能五: 添加一个注释块 \cfr

添加一个注释块, 在正常模式下键入\cfr, 会得到图6的注释块,并且光标被定位到注释块内,直接可键入注释。

图六 插入注释块效果

功能六:包含(include)一个头文件 \p<

在正常模式下键入\p<, 会得到“#include <>”,并且光标被定位到尖括号内,可以直接键入要包含的头文件名

功能七: 保存文件,编译后立即执行

保存后编译, \rc

运行 \\r

功能八: 插入预先编辑好的程序块 \nr


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$ ls ~/.vim/c-support/codesnippets
Makefile calloc_double_matrix.c main.c print_double_array.c.noindent
Makefile.multi-target.template calloc_int_matrix.c main.cc print_int_array.c.noindent

$ ls ~/.vim/c-support/codesnippets
Makefile                        calloc_double_matrix.c  main.c   print_double_array.c.noindent
Makefile.multi-target.template  calloc_int_matrix.c     main.cc  print_int_array.c.noindent

译者注: 这个功能与 :r !cat filename 完成的功能相似,这里只是有一个默认路径,还可以保存,下面这段很不错的

你也可以自己编写一些常用模板代码放在~/.vim/c-support/codesnippets/. 当然在你读代码的时候也可以保存某些代码片段, 方法: 选中想要保存的代码片段,键入\nw,给它取一个名字。下次你就可以用过\nr使用这段代码了

原文:Tutorial: Make Vim as Your C/C++ IDE Using c.vim Plugin


README : ~/.vim/README.csupport

PDF : ~/.vim/c-support/doc/c-hotkeys.pdf

Online c-support vim plugin documentation

Additional Screenshots of this plug-in.

VIM Plugins for C / C++ developers

Cvim HotKey:

-- Comments -----------------------------------------------------------

\cl end-of-line comment (n,v,i)

\cj adjust end-of-line comment(s) (n,v,i)

\cs set end-of-line comment column (n)

\c* code -> comment /* */ (n,v)

\cc code -> comment // (n,v)

\co comment -> code (n,v)

\cfr frame comment (n,i)

\cfu function comment (n,i)

\cme method description (n,i)

\ccl class description (n,i)

\cfdi file description (implementation) (n,i)

\cfdh file description (header) (n,i)

\ccs C/C++-file section (tab. compl.) (n,i)

\chs H-file section (tab. compl.) (n,i)

\ckc keyword comment (tab. compl.) (n,i)

\csc special comment (tab. compl.) (n,i)

\cd date (n,v,i)

\ct date \& time (n,v,i)

-- Statements ---------------------------------------------------------

\sd do { } while (n,v,i)

\sf for (n,i)

\sfo for { } (n,v,i)

\si if (n,i)

\sif if { } (n,v,i)

\sie if else (n,v,i)

\sife if { } else { } (n,v,i)

\se else { } (n,v,i)

\sw while (n,i)

\swh while { } (n,v,i)

\ss switch (n,v,i)

\sc case (n,i)

\s{ \sb { } (n,v,i)

-- Preprocessor -------------------------------------------------------

\ps choose a standard library include (n,i)

\pc choose a C99 include (n,i)

\p< #include <> (n,i)

\p" #include "" (n,i)

\pd #define (n,i)

\pu #undef (n,i)

\pie #if #else #endif (n,v,i)

\pid #ifdef #else #endif (n,v,i)

\pin #ifndef #else #endif (n,v,i)

\pind #ifndef #def #endif (n,v,i)

\pi0 #if 0 #endif (n,v,i)

\pr0 remove #if 0 #endif (n,i)

\pe #error (n,i)

\pl #line (n,i)

\pp #pragma (n,i)

-- Idioms -------------------------------------------------------------

\if function (n,v,i)

\isf static function (n,v,i)

\im main() (n,v,i)

\i0 for( x=0; x<n; x+=1 ) (n,v,i)

\in for( x=n-1; x>=0; x-=1 ) (n,v,i)

\ie enum + typedef (n,i)

\is struct + typedef (n,i)

\iu union + typedef (n,i)

\ip printf() (n,i)

\isc scanf() (n,i)

\ica p=calloc() (n,i)

\ima p=malloc() (n,i)

\isi sizeof() (n,v,i)

\ias assert() (n,v)

\ii open input file (n,i)

\io open output file (n,i)

-- Snippets -----------------------------------------------------------

\nr read code snippet (n,i)

\nw write code snippet (n,v,i)

\ne edit code snippet (n,i)

\np pick up prototype (n,v,i)

\ni insert prototype(s) (n,i)

\nc clear prototype(s) (n,i)

\ns show prototype(s) (n,i)

\ntl edit local templates (n,i)

\ntg edit global templates (n,i)

\ntr rebuild templates (n,i)

-- C++ ----------------------------------------------------------------

\+co cout << << endl; (n,i)

\+" << "" (n,i)

\+c class (n,i)

\+ps #include <...> STL (n,i)

\+pc #include <c..> C (n,i)

\+cn class (using new) (n,i)

\+ci class implementation (n,i)

\+cni class (using new) implementation (n,i)

\+mi method implementation (n,i)

\+ai accessor implementation (n,i)

\+tc template class (n,i)

\+tcn template class (using new) (n,i)

\+tci template class implementation (n,i)

\+tcni template class (using new) impl. (n,i)

\+tmi template method implementation (n,i)

\+tai template accessor implementation (n,i)

\+tf template function (n,i)

\+ec error class (n,i)

\+tr try ... catch (n,v,i)

\+ca catch (n,v,i)

\+c. catch(...) (n,v,i)

-- Run ----------------------------------------------------------------

\rc save and compile (n,i)

\rl link (n,i)

\rr run (n,i)

\ra set comand line arguments (n,i)

\rm run make (n,i)

\rmc run 'make clean' (n,i)

\rme executable to run (n,i)

\rma cmd. line arg. for make (n,i)

\rp run splint (n,i)

\rpa cmd. line arg. for splint (n,i)

\rk run CodeCheck (TM) (n,i)

\rka cmd. line arg. for CodeCheck (TM) (n,i)

\rd run indent (n,v,i)

\rh hardcopy buffer (n,v,i)

\rs show plugin settings (n,i)

\rx set xterm size (n, only Linux/UNIX & GUI)

\ro change output destination (n,i)
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