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Source Code Collection for Reproducible Research

2013-06-06 09:21 447 查看

“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong” - Richard Feynman


"As a method for finding things out, science lives by its disdain for authority and its reliance on experimentation." - Chris Quigg


Welcome on this site about reproducible research in computational science (including signal processing, computer vision, machine learning and neural computation). This site is intended to share the source codes of the latest advances in various technical fields
to the best of my knowledge. Only through Reproducible Research (RR), can we live up to the standard that hard-core science has established
since Bacon and Newton. If you know of any release of the source codes that is missing from the list or any broken link, please kindly let me know.

Image denoising

Wavelet-based soft/hard thresholding and TI denoising Wavelab
Spatially adaptive image denoising under overcomplete expansion SA-OE
Low-complexity image denoising based on statistical modeling of wavelet coefficientscode
Bayesian Least-Square Gaussian Scalar Mixture BLS-GSM
Wavelet-domain HMM for image denoising WHMT
Fields of experts model for image denoisingFoE
Learning sparse representation
for image denoising K-SVD
Shape adaptive DCT based image denoising SA-DCT
Nonlocal mean based image denoising codecode2
Block matching 3D (BM3D) image denoisingBM3D
Product of Edgeperts denoising PoEdges
Total Least-Square (TLS) image denoising TLS
AVMF color image denoising AVMF
Multiscle LMMSE-based image denoising code
Kernel regression based image denoising code
Belief propagation for image restorationcode
Gaussian Field-of-Expert (GFoE) denoisingcode
Image denoising via dictionary learning and structural clustering code

Image coding

JPEG-LS standardLOCO-I
Context-Based, Adaptive, Lossless Image
Coding CALIC
Edge directed prediction for lossless image compression EDP
TMW lossless image compression Download
Code(lost in cyberspace)
Minimum rate prediction with DP-based optimization Code
Predictive Wavelet Image Coder Code
codes (third-party implementation)
Estimation Quantization lossy image codec EQ
Least-Square Estionation Quantization CodecLS-EQ
EBCOT codec for JPEG2000 EBCOT

Image demosaicing

Primary-consistent soft-decision (PCSD)-based scheme executable
Alternate projection (AP)-based scheme AP
Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed (AHD) demosaicing AHD
DLMMSE demosaicing DLMMSE
Demosaicing by successive approximation SA
Demosaicing by directional filtering and a posteriori decision dfapd
LPA-ICI demosaicing LPA-ICI
Lukac's demosaicing toolbox Download

Image interpolation and Superresolution

New edge directed interpolation (NEDI) NEDI
Directional filtering and data fusion DFDF
Wavelet-based texture image interpolationwt_interp
Fast and robust superresolution (SR) toolboxUCSC-SR
Superresolution for synthetic zoomingsyn_zoom
EPFL's frequency-domain approach EPFL
Support vector machine based image superresolution result
Image interpolation using multiscale geometric representations Code
Kriging-based Best Linear Unbiased EstimatorCode
Image interpolation by adaptive 2D autoregressive modeling
and soft-decision estimation Executable
Super-resolution GUI developed by Bahadir at LSU
Super-resolution via sparse coding code
Super-resolution with sparse mixing estimators
Machine learning in multi-frame SR
learning for super-resolution

Image segmentation/parsing and matting

Image segmentation by normalized cut Ncut
Epitome-based image segmentation epitome
Bayesian multiscale image segmentation SMAP
Graph-cut Based Image Segmentation segment
Pfinder system Pfinder
A closed form solution to image mattingmatting
Spectral matting code
Level set evolution without reinitializationCode
Implicit active contour driven by local binary fitting energy Code
Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector FlowCode
Unsupervised learning of finite mixture model Code
DDMCMC Image Segmentation
Image Segmentation by Generalized SW-cuts

Stereo matching

A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence
Graph cut based stereo matching code
Belief propagation based stereo matchingcode
A roadmap to the integration of early visual modules Code
Adaptive support-weight approach Code
Energy minization based stereo matching

Image deblurring

Fourier-Wavelet Regularized DeconvolutionForWard
Pointwise SA-DCT regularized deconvolutionSA-DCT
Removing Camera Shake from a Single Imagecode_request_form
Image deconvolution using a natural image
prior Code
Total-Variation (TV) based image deblurringCode
Two-step iterative shrinkage/thresholding
algorithms for image restoration Code
Iterative methods for image restoration Code
ICA Toolbox for blind image separation
High-quality blind motion deblurring (executables
L0-AbS Deblur 1.0
Projection-based deblurring with fine-granularity and spatially adaptive
Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image
Image deblurring by adaptive sparse domain selection and
adaptive regularization code

Image inpainting/Texture synthesis

Exemplar-based image inpainting code
Fields of experts model for image inpaintingFoE
Image recovery via adaptive sparse representation code
Least-Square based sequential error concealment nsec
Patch-based nonlocal error concealment
Wavelet-domain parametric model code

PDE-based image processing

Perona-Malik nonlinear diffusion code code2
Total variation based image denoising codecode2
Shock filter for image enhancement code
Weickert's anisotropic diffusion code
Mean curvature diffusion (MCD) code
A variational method for image recovery code

Image quality assessment

Universal image quality index code
SIMilarity (SSIM) index code
Degradation model code
FSIM: A Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment code


Fingerprint enhancement and matching
Daugman's iris recognition algorithm implementation
recognition software at face-rec.org


Texture classification

wavelet-based GDD and KL-distance code
Local binary pattern (LBP) based
Filter bank based at Visual Geometry Group

Image registration

Lukas-Kanade algorithm codecode2 SIFT
feature correspondence code code2 code3
Local binary pattern (LBP) code
Maximally stable extremal regions (MSER)code
Graph-cut based optical flow estimation code
Pyramid-based hierarchical motion estimationCode
Affine Motion Estimation for Medical Image Registration Code
A frequency-domain approach toward image registration Code

Manifold learning and embedding

A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality
Reduction code
Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding code
Laplacian Eigenmaps code
Diffusion maps code
Manifold learning toolbox&demo

Wavelets and frames

A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing Wavelab
Steerable PyramidmatlabPyrtools.tar.gz
Rice Wavelet Toolbox rwt.zip
Contourlet and Ridgelet Toolbox download
Beamlet and Curvelet Toolbox Beamlab
Complex wavelet Toolbox download
Wavelet/bandelet Toolbox
at Matlab Central

Compressed Sensing

Robust uncertainty principle code
Bayesian compressed sensing code
Sparse Recovery Using Sparse Random Matricescode
SPARCO toolbox code
Fixed-Point Continuation Method for l1-Regularized Minimization code
Matching Pursuit Toolkit code
Gradient pursuit code
l1-regularized LS code
Gradient projection code
Sparselab Toolbox
Peformance benchmark of l1-optimization algorithms

Object recognition

Adaboost method code
Biologically inspired object recognitioncode
Hierarchical Models of Object Recognition in Cortex code
Scalable recognition with
a vocabulary treeCode
Shock graphscode
Shape contexts code
Robust nonrigid point matching Code
Recognizing and learning object categories(short course at ICCV2005)
Beyond Bag of features Code
SuperParsing Code

Evolutionary computing

Ant colony optimization
Genetic algorithm toolbox
Particle Swarm Optimization Toolbox

Visual tracking

Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking code
Online Visual Tracking with Histograms and Articulating Blocks code

Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker

SIFT keypoint detector code2 code3
Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)
Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) based human detection

Video coding

MPEG-1/2 reference software
H.263/H.263+ reference software
MPEG4 reference software (MoMuSys version)
H.264/AVC reference software
3D SPIHT video coding code
DISCOVER video codec for DVC

Data Clustering

Unsupervised learning of finite mixture
models code
Affinity propagation
On Spectral Clustering:
Analysis and an algorithm code code2 code3
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) code2code3
Fast kmeans via triangle inequality
kdtree-based NN/kNN
search fast kNN searchcode2

Machine learning

Deep Boltzmann Machines
Support vector machine
Object detection with Boosting
Convolutional/Deconvolutional networks
Hopfield networks code
Self-organizing map (SOM) Toolbox

Blind source separation

Ikeda's page of Blind Source Separation
Independent Component Analysis by JV Stone
Blind source separation via Independent component analysis


Direct LS-based ellipsis fitting code
Graph cut based 2D Phase unwrapping code
Inference package for undirected graphical models
Kernel smoothing toolbox
CMU statistics library collections
Complex network toolbox
DistLearnKit: a MATLAB Toolkit for distance metric learning
Subspace segmentation source code distribution
Multiview geometry and 3D reconstruction
A probabilistic image jigsaw puzzle solver

Links to other communities' reproducible research effort

Error Correcting Codes (ECC) in Digital Communication
Computer graphics graphics
papers on the web
Computer vision CV
papers on the web
Machine learning
Neurophysiological data analysis

Links to other individual's reproducible research

Al Hero's Lab and his reproducible research
Amir Beck's work on optimization theory and applications
Amit Agrawal's Matlab and C codes
Anand Rangarajan 's matlab codes on his research
Andrew Davison's work on Computational neuroscience
Ann Lee's Diffusion maps and treelet
Andrew Zisserman's visual geometry group source codes
Bill Freeman's software release on his group's research
Ce Liu's software release on his research
David Heeger's toolboxes
Deva Ramanan's work on object recognition
Guy Gilboa's matlab codes on PDE-based image processing
Leo Grady's Graph Analysis Toolbox for Image Processing
Jalal Fadili's source codes on sparse representation
Jelena Kovacevic: bimagicLab: Software
JianChao Yang's source codes on image classification and super-resolution
Jiaya Jia's programs and executables
Jon Wellner's work on statistics
Kevin Murphy's Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab
Laurent Perrinet's SparseHebbianlearning
source codes
LCAV's reproducible research at EPFL
LEAR's learning and recognition in vision
Lei Zhang's MATLAB codes releases
Leo Grady's matlab codes on his research
Malcolm A. MacIver's AnimalLab
Mark Schmidt's reseach on learning on probabilistic graphical models
MD Anderson Cancer Center: Bioinformatics
Michael Elad's source code collection on his research
Ming-Hsuan Yang's research works
Neil Lawrence's reproducible research in machine learning
Patrik O Hoyer's source code collection on his research
Peyman Milanfar's source code collection on his research
Simoncelli's LCV research codes release
Song-chun Zhu's source codes on image segmentation and active basis
UCF vision lab source code collection
Vanderbilt's StatReport
Xavier Bresson's source codes accompanying his papers on image processing
Xiaofei He's dimensionality reduction source code collection
Xubo Song's matlab codes on her research
Yi Ma's source code collection on his research
Yue M Lu's source codes on his research
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